A Reflection on Life after Life


driving home today, i was enjoying the solitude of my car.  i had dropped off our child at her activity.  the sun was shining in between rain showers – a song from my past playing on the radio.  the words spoke of enjoying watching the puddles gather rain (fans of 90’s music will probably know that one).  a favorite of mine.  smiling, i glanced over at a large sign advertising “ESTATE SALE”.  i saw it was a local organizing company putting it on – the same company who had recently cleaned out our adopted grandpa’s home in recent days.

i haven’t spoken of that yet.  what is there to say?  the house is empty – in every way imaginable now.

so seeing this sign removed the smile from my face as i reflected on the rather pathetic way in which our lives can be seen at times after we have left these bodies:  stuffed into boxes and at times, placed on display at Estate Sales.

it just felt wrong.  my mood grew somber.

and then something happened.

i thought of it a different way – much the way “the grinch” does in that holiday cartoon.

i could see the humor of all of our “stuff” we gather – being passed on to someone else.  i could hear our grandpa laugh.  his legacy – sitting at some damn estate sale.  he would definitely see the humor in that.

and i did too.

so i laughed – tears in my eyes.  kind of one of those most beautiful moments – the most powerful of emotional states.  missing him as i do, i could feel the laughter in the moment of reflection.  and i could feel how temporary this all is.  and how absolutely ridiculously silly it is as well in the end.

we come and go.  meet and greet – reconnect – only to move on to another experience.

only in this “now” moment – we do so FREELY.  forever more.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.