A Reflection on Our Differences


A neighborhood child was chatting with my girl outside today.  He asked me if there were girl bikes and boy bikes.  He insisted there were not whereas my girl insisted there was.

He looked surprised when I told him that yes, there were bikes for boys and bikes for girls.  He then wanted to know if there were things just for girls and things just for boys.

I said yes, in a way you can say that.  While people have the right to choose whatever “thing” they wish, there are differences overall between male and female.

I live in one of those inclusive (unless you can afford to live here and unless you support Hillary ~ then you’re not really all that welcome ~ although you will be treated with a polite smile and a very weak handshake), sanctuary city types.  We welcome all.  We don’t need to know a damn thing about you, where you came from, etc.  You get to come live here.

And we also support the right to be without a gender.  Because we are all the same.


These well meaning, good-hearted folks here have been fooled by the agenda of transhumanism.  Make us all sooooooooo similar, we become One.

One.  Gender.  One prototype.


I proudly claim that I love to cook.  And nurture.  And wear make-up.

I don’t much like sports unless it’s a playoff (except football – total disdain for that violence).

I also have a knack for fixing small appliances and for taking things apart (and putting them back together).

I WANT to be Unique.

I don’t want to be like everyone else.

I just want the FREEDOM to do so.

I don’t need anyone telling me I have to be someone I am not.

And I don’t need to hear anyone promoting an agenda that threatens to remove the concept of “differences” lest we offend the p.c. protocol.

I WANT a girl’s bike.  I don’t want a boys bike.

I want to LOOK female.  I don’t want to look male.  (i see that a lot here in this town ~ it’s kinda creepy)

And I don’t want people pushing to do away with things that females naturally gravitate towards….males as well.

When my girl was 2, we took her to Kmart ~ to the toy section.  At first I purposefully took her to the boy section.  Cars.  Trucks.  etc. etc.

She was totally uninterested in spite of our pointing out toys.

We come to the girl’s aisle – all pink.  Dolls.  Barbies.  Dress up kits.


Same thing for her clothes.  A variety of clothes offered since birth and by the age of 1.5, all she wanted was PINK (that went on until she was 3.5).

She loves dolls.  Barbies.  Drawing.  Dress up.  Dance.

She loves to ride her bike and roller skate.

She likes to bounce the basketball and play softball/baseball.

She is 100% FEMALE SPIRIT and we encourage her to honor that about herself.  We let her be herself.  Without pressure to be like others.

And without pressure to follow the agenda of “everything and everyone is the same” of transhumanism.



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.