7 thoughts on “A video find…..False Light Disabled”

  1. Looks like even the site “Brighteon” is catching on. Their headline read:

    “FDA gaslights the world with fake “approval” of Pfizer vaccine… shocking details”

    “We now know the FDA “approval” of the Pfizer covid vaccine is a bold, treacherous gaslighting campaign involving media lies, fake science and criminal conduct at the FDA itself. Issuing two letters on Monday, the FDA actually extended the EUA for the Pfizer vaccine while granting approval to a different vaccine called “Comirnaty” which does not exist in the marketplace and isn’t even in production.

    Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech are gaslighting America like never before, faking like the Pfizer mRNA vaccine has been “fully approved” by the FDA and using that as an excuse to demand full vaccine compliance.

    Meanwhile, Biden’s approval numbers have imploded, and regime change is now imminent in D.C. Get prepared for chaotic, disruptive events across the world.

    See full details in today’s feature podcast. “

    1. totally gaslighting into putting people in fear and/or giving ammo for the supporters (“normies”). i know this – once they push an agenda it crumbles in hours. that energy of Truth is now more present than the fear/lies/deception operating system. Truth is organic. thank you for passing this along!

  2. Yes, that was interesting. I had been wondering this past week if anyone has had any intense neck and shoulder pains. I have had them on and off for years whenever there is a big burst on the Shumann or solar flares but this one was in the muscle by the rotator cuff on the left shoulder and very painful. It would start to get better, then get worse, get better, then get worse until I finally went to the chiropractor. I had done nothing unusual to strain it and kept wondering if the energies were doing this and my high self said they were. Also had the extreme tiredness, a headache yesterday and some dizzy stuff on and off. I hope he’s right and things now start to get better after we get these blockages out of the way.

    1. thank you for sharing! yes me too. i noticed a couple of very subtle things that made me wonder “hmmm….what’s up w/that?” but i was distracted doing other things so i didn’t take the time to tune in – but these experiences stayed with me. and i have had a couple of dizzy/weird head experiences this past week that were new too. interesting about the left side too – that is where the bulk of my mate’s pain/issues are (although he hasn’t had any relief…yet).

  3. I forgot to add that there was an interplanetary shock wave on Tuesday when I was really out of it the most. My hubby has also had pains in the solar plex area the last few weeks that move around from the side to the front, go away then come back again and his anxiety has been out the roof. We use essential oils, eat a good diet, organic and grow a lot of our own food. Today I have been looking into oxygen supplements. https://oxygenamerica.com/shop/oxygenating-colon-cleanse4rs/superoxyflush-mag/
    This one has ozone in it and the man on the video I watched with Scott McKay last night was talking about it and natural therapies. After I watched that I put some food grade hydrogen peroxide on a cotton piece and rubbed in on the shoulder and arm. Did it again today and the arm is feeling somewhat better. We just keep on hanging in there the best we can!
    I was also going to write a comment a month ago. I set up at our local farmers market and last month a youngish grandmother and her granddaughter were going on a cross country trip and were buying a bracelet in each state they visitied. They bought one from me and I asked where they were from. The grandmother was from Portland and the granddaughter from Idaho. I made a comment that I read a blog from a woman in Portland and that there was a lot going on there. She agreed, made a face but didn’t say much more. She did have a patriotic shirt on but we just chatted about other things. Sometimes I try to read people to make sure a subject is safe to talk about. I already caused a bit of a disturbance early on there for refusing to wear a mask. We’re more conservative here but the fear is still there and the market is outdoors anyway. Such fun!

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