A Visit from a Blue Bird


This morning at breakfast, we noticed a Blue Bird out front, collecting bugs. She was really going at it and it was amusing us all.  We watched it climb the tree as a last attempt at getting some food, much to the amazement of my girl.  It then hopped over to the window, looking up at us.

My girl looked at it, smiling, and spoke in a gentle voice “Hello bird.  How are you?  Please don’t fly away.  I want to be your friend.”  A few moments later the bird flew off, to which prompted my girl to ask me if we can hold the animals on New Earth.

Her innocence was so pure ~ it brought me to tears.  “I have a feeling, yes, that we will have a much closer connection with the animals,” I said.

That prompted me to reflect more on the animals.

Rightfully, they don’t trust us.  It is in their DNA at this point to fear us given how easily we have killed them.  I’m not judging ~ just making an observation.  Extending my awareness.  I eat them.  I’ve caught fish, ended their life and ate them.

Having these thoughts, I looked down at the bacon I absentmindedly picked up and threw it back down.  I scowled at my eggs.

Anger arose.  Anger at the bastards who altered our DNA, turning me into a meat-eating creature.

I have made a few attempts over the past 15 years or so to stop eating meat. My body suffers when I do that.  And yet I have this strong knowing that as we transition, as we get the return of our Original DNA, and as we have access to food replicator’s, we will not be eating meat any longer.  We will not be killing animals to sustain us.

As I pondered this, I felt the bigness of this fear of one another.  I cried as I felt the understandable fear the animals have of us.

And the tears also included feeling the bigness of the innocence of my girl, who reminds me to remember I still have it within.  It’s always been there.

After these experiences, I walked away from the table and sent out a strong “I am sorry” to the animals.  I deeply was seeking forgiveness from the animals.  Well….As I did that my mate says “The bird is back.”

I walk over to the same window it had just minutes before sat watching us through, and there she was ~ looking up at me.  I smiled.  A message was sent and received ~ telepathic ~ I felt it in my body.

The human in me said “ah, just a coincidence” but the innocence from the heart knew different.

A connection was made.

One of forgiveness and understanding.

Here’s to our new home.

Our new experiences.

Our return to Innocence.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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