A written much needed release….


Just as I share this piece, this spot-on post shows up on my feed.  A FRIGGING MEN.  One who is educated (in which I am – I have one of those degrees) does not indicate one has the ability to engage in critical thought.  Often it (that fancy degree) is indicative of a lack thereof.  I am blessed.  I was always the curious type with the thirst for Truth, the gumption to question what I was being taught with just enough of a spark of rebellion to blaze my own trail…

If you cannot think for yourself, you are not intelligent, period. Not questioning information fed to you through schooling, the government or the media and simply recycling it as being true because you have blind faith in those entities is not intelligence, it’s obedience. Break the chains.



The energy is just horrid now.  I have already taken two naps so far today (it is late evening).  My eyes are heavy.  My jaw is tense.  Inside I am screaming GET  ME OUT OF HERE NOW GAWD DAYEMIT!

This is not helpful energy.  This is the energy of attack – their war on us.  Anyone have a bazooka they have no need for or some torpedo lasers?  lol

U G H.

I am absolutely completely fully done with the dolts who took this medical experiment and are now happily bragging and showing off what they did – impacting those of us with a critically thinking brain – their complicity and blind obedience to the states now paving the way for vax passports – which we now have here in my area.

Which way do you groan? Backward or Forward? | John Parker ...

I would like to laugh – if I could find something to laugh at or about.

So again ANYONE IN SOUTH DAKOTA able/willing to help me and my family get out of here??!!  Help us find a home to rent??

For now – my bed and blankies will have to suffice for this overwhelming need to escape.  Pure tv and movies (gotta rent and stream those as there is nothing pure that was released the last decade – even those outlets that show truth are so violent – not going there).  Crafts.  But still – now I have to deal with the real possibility of being asked for my status – which will receive a big loud F OFF and if I get kicked out, so be it.  If I have to order $1,000 in dried goods online to avoid feeding the agenda, so be it.

Dayem – those years ago where we were well stocked for months – year after year we did that – and then after 2018 or so we said “not doing this anymore”.  You know what angers me the most?  I NEVER SAW THIS COMING.

ALL of this b.s. we have listened to by those who claim to comm with the outside – they never shared how awful it would get – not until the last moment.  That is why I am absolutely done with these outlets and their fools who push it/share it WITHOUT QUESTION.  “oh that’s just how it is” is not a g.d. answer.  That is the response of someone who is letting themselves be controlled.

I am not saying there isn’t a plan – clearly there is – we are in war after all – good vs. evil.  I see that.  I feel that.  But it’s the “how LONG” will this go on that is nagging at me.  I am certainly not feeling the flow entering our space saying “move” or opening up that door – even though I am f’ing pounding on it now.

The past year just wore on me – my family.  From the start of this pandemic b.s. to the fires from last year to seeing yet another election stolen to continued restrictions – I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE.  Those of us awake are suffering the most – along with the children.  I see so many have reached their breaking point.  It is PALPABLE now.  But then we have the lemmings showing off their jab status.

Barf | Symbols & Emoticons

I recently saw one angered patriot/truther say if she had to wear the mask inside of a store as a symbol of being jab-free (i.e. smart and healthy) – “SO F’ING BE IT” she said boldly.  “I WILL WEAR IT LIKE A WARRIOR.”

My spiritual skills are in my f-it bag now – the skills of compassion and respect for all.  I’m now doling that out to those who deserve it and anyone consciously – willfully – supporting this agenda ain’t getting that love from me.  They will see at some point – but by that time we will all be celebrating together.  Let ’em experience the mental breakdown – on their own.  Honestly, at this point, they deserve it.

My love goes out to all of us who know the truth and seek comfort and freedom.  Let the truth be undeniably seen NOW.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “A written much needed release….”

  1. Once again, you share exactly where I, and I’m sure so many others, are at. We have all reached our breaking points. I have shared that sentiment on here in rants under another handle. This part “If you cannot think for yourself, you are not intelligent, period.” THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING, IN AN EFFORT TO BREAK IT ALL DOWN IN A NUTSHELL!!!! Especially when there is zero point in trying to have educated, valid debates with any of ‘those’ creatures (I can’t call them people anymore, they lost that right). There is no point in having an exhausting, circular, rhetorical conversation that leads to me basically only speaking to myself. Reasoning with these things is like being a Macarena instructor to a turnip. In response to the person saying if wearing a mask meant showing no jab….*deep breath* first off – HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME WEAR ANYTHING, LET ALONE GET A FUGGING JAB!!! THAT’S ASSUMING THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME, THAT IM INFECTED WITH SOMETHING. THAT’S GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT!!!! THATS JUDGING MY CHARACTER MAKING YOU THINK YOURE HOLIER THAN THOU!!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU FOR SUCH FOOLISH, EMPTY THINKING!!!! YOURE LACK OF GOD FEARING, FAITH, HEART/SOUL, AND BETRAYAL TO YOUR TRUE SELF, IS BEYOND SICKENING, INTOLERABLE AND JUST EVIL. Also in line with what she said, we were wanting to go see a band tonight in the neighboring city (keep in mind as I should know better, this college town is about as liberal and left as you get), and of course its outside because of you know what. They said, even though outside, you didnt have to wear a mask IF you had the vax, and that they were going on the honor system on this. OH WELL THANK YOU SO MUCH YOUR MAJESTY FOR BESTOWING SUCH KINDESS AND LEEWAY ON US!!!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE????!!! Yeah, needless to say now we aren’t going. What I should do is go anyway and wear my shirt. Yes, off of wearechange.org, I got a shirt that is black and in bold yellow print says ‘FUCK THE VAX’. HAHAHAHA, could you imagine the snowflakes if I walked in with that????!!! Anyway……I digress. Oh, check your donations.

  2. First, yes those that brag about getting the shot… that is absolutely just laughable. They’re so fucking stupid and embarrassing, and the sad part is they don’t even know!!!!!!(although no one really is that stupid, so no free passes here. They are cognitively choosing evil and sin and running to a false idol instead of having faith in God and using the heart and intuition that He gave them). And the last part that you said, HONESTLY for months at the end of last year, I tried tirelessly (exerting more energy and thought than any of these shameful idiots ever did thus proving we are better people than them, yes in this sense) to see their side, to have compassion and understanding. BUT, with that said, they could care less about your kindness, understanding, compassion etc. Either you see it their way or you’re out! So if they dont care, then I sure as fuck dont now either. Like you said, as everything breaks down and judgement comes for all of these creatures, let them writhe and thrash about trying to keep from drowning in their own sea of deceit. Because I can guarantee you, when everything goes back to the future our way, they aren’t going to want to change THEIR views and go along with us, ALTHOUGH THATS EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE WANTING US TO DO REGARDLESS OF OUR THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS!!! Although there will be those hypocrites that will say ‘ok we believe, let us in’ but ONLY to selfishly save themselves, but only it will be too late. They had their opportunities, they made their choices. All sounds pretty Biblical doesn’t it? I truly believe this a war of Good vs. evil. I say to all those creatures, be careful what you wish for. But, I digress.

  3. As more than a few awakened observers have said: it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Not very comforting to hear, I realize. However–there are still conspiracy deniers and treadmill walkers tethered to the Matrix narratives. Even at the most elemental daily level we who are attuned feel the vibe of division: the jabbed/the unjabbed, the l;eft/right/centrist–whatever any of this even means anymore.
    We are indeed under attack– and this is a cyber-info war at a global level. For anyone who has not been paying attention to the basic CB structure and Matrix HQ management practices over the last several hundred years–I might presume they think the world has gone mad. And yet–if we are calm and cool and go within we see that we the awakened ones didn’t create any of this mess. Just as the majority of folks don’t wish to wage wars on their fellow humans. Propaganda and crowd control and social engineering keep distracting and confusing all who have not questioned the Idiocracy and the psychopaths fake leaders who just happen to have unlimited funds. Time for the mantra…Om Namah Shivaya. That said–what actions might we engage today that will contribute to healing the after effects of the Scamdemic and maskerade?

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