Amanda Lorence ~ Update for Wayshowers




As explained here before, on 01 Dec 2014, I was shown a visual of our SUN, with a massive energy ‘cloud like’ formation around it. The ‘cloud like energy’ appeared powerfully stormy, but NOT of rain clouds. Not sure what it was but it behaved as gaseous behaviour. I have not seen physical clouds likes this on Earth. The colours of these ‘gaseous’ like clouds were blue, pink, purple, yellow and Green. All of the colours, of the ‘cloud like’ formations coagulated, mixing, melding into each other…around the sun. I was given info, that when I saw the PALE GREEN (‘cloud like’ formation), I could take this as a sign, that it is ‘time’. In other words, the green will be seen last, before the anticipated high energy wave is released via our Sun towards Gaia.

At the time of this vision, it was hard for me to believe that those pastel colours and ‘cloud like’ formation could be possible as I had not seen anything in the physical, even vaguely similar.

This year, many images now depicting the specific hue of the colour GREEN in our skies are being seen by many and photographed, and have appeared on social media. I can now understand that what I was shown in 2014, was the same colour ‘green’ within a natural rainbow spectrum of light rays. Also evident in the last month, rainbow spectrum light formations seen around the world, around our sun, and away from the sun in natural water cloud formations (Pic below show the colour ONLY, of the HUE of pale green I speak of).

So I wish to write with CLARITY NOW:
IF (???) I see the green ‘cloud like’ gaseous looking formation I was shown in 2014 around our Sun, I will post a short post, that the “GREEN CLOUD HAS BEEN SEEN, EXPECT MAIN LIGHT WAVE”. I do not know how much linear time we will have between the green ‘cloud like’ formation appearing, and the huge LIGHT WAVE arriving for earth and her inhabitants. Knowing I may/may not have time to explain THEN, I’m explaining NOW, in advance. I can not anticipate explaining or answering questions at that point. So let’s get clued up NOW, in advance.

IF (???), I see the green formation, I will post that I have. So please share then, if you can, to advise others if you feel called. Then all we need to each do, is relax, allow, and absorb the long awaited GOLDEN RAY of light.

All my love
25 March 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.