An interesting find – and reflection on the Inner ROAR


Interesting…12 21…..My first thought was the E/O from December 21 (2017) on asset seizure for those engaged in Human Right’s abuses…..We all know the superbowl is one of the top events for trafficking.  (I am not watching – never have.)



I was reflecting on my inner teen-ager – inner rebellion.  That energy is something to embrace and use for good.  Remember being that age and questioning everything – challenging authority and all who tried to tell you how “life really was” while attempting to silence you when you challenged the status quo or held your own narrative/individual path for Truth?

Today we call them trolls.  I have no tolerance for trolls – those who find their way into your space and attempt to poke with insults while doing NOTHING to actually create positive change.  Why not use that energy and unite with others – power in numbers – to CREATE the change.  I am just one person doing this – and I continue to seek others like me who want to UNITE IN PERSON and BUILD and CREATE a new community.  The most important things are Truth and Freedom.  And that Truth thing is something we all continue to seek – and sometimes you have to really dig deep and reflect – in silence – in order to SEE truth behind something that may at first glance appear to be perplexing or bring up doubt.  Those who claim to know it all are arrogant narcissists – which is the real mind disease of this realm – something that was plugged in to all of us in varying strengths.  Unplug from it.  Find some inner humbleness.  Reach out a hand in kindness – for a hand reached out with wisdom only to pound you with an insult loses ALL of that wisdom it attempted to share.  



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “An interesting find – and reflection on the Inner ROAR”

  1. The paradox as I see it is that those who are most humble and who practice humility with conscious intention have no problem embracing ideals for unity–and yet, those who often pretend to be humble, and practice fake philanthropy as a mask for their diabolical agenda, will never know humility as Truth.
    So we tango with cognitive dissonance and go round and round in a repetitive loop expecting some miracle–as if those who are devoid of empathy will one day come around and join in with the rest of us in a unified expression of humanity. As of the last year or more I have come to the conclusion that many folks I used to characterize as narcissists are simply anti-Human. Are they even human beings?…perhaps we are now in the presence of droids. Loved your comments today. Thank you for your efforts!

    1. sometimes that is what gives me back some compassion – droids. we know they are a reality here – there is proof of that. and if this really is a simulation which is being disclosed now pretty clearly – when the controllers can insert any sort of “player”. i still return to the feeling and thought that ALL deserve to be free – for ALL have been used here.

  2. All perfectly said. And last November and December I really tried, I did, to attempt some sort of unconditional Oneness and understanding for ‘these people’, to see where they were coming from. That perhaps their behaviors and willful ignorance were all rooted in fear based thought. But alas, nah……I’m good. I pretty much have washed my hands of them and have stopped exhausting myself of energy and misplaced empathy and compassion. And honestly, I thought perhaps people WOULD have learned some valuable lessons from 2020, seeing beyond the whole plandemic and the sense that Earth was trying to shake into people – a much needed collective slap across the damn face. Granted there’s those who did awake, and of course those of us who have known and have been waiting for a long ass time for a shift amongst other things. But I just do not see a vast majority of people, after really trying to hold hope and the light, coming around at all, like there just isn’t even the capability. Like I’ve seen so many, many times over, even in a textbook form of an educated person, to have every reason in the world presented to them on why ‘water is wet’ or ‘fire is hot’…well metaphorically really obvious shit, even with all of the ‘common sense’ in the world, all I see is still a lifeless dead look in their eyes with the whole ‘I don’t get’ kind of mentality. So I throw my arms up in the air and focus on the ones worth it. Like you mentioned, so many cognitively making the choice to not only be no positive contribution to jack-shit, BUT to even add to the enabling of the entire f’in problem to begin with. The troll mentality that people have sunk into to me is one of the most despicable kind of human garbage that there is. I truly believe that sometime last year we were all visited in our sleep and those of us ready and willing were given a code or green light of some kind, and the rest had their brains removed, put through a food processer, and then put back in the skull, and now they’re left to deal with whatever existence they eventually create for themselves. Now, I know this all sounds negative as all get out, but it is currently where my lack of tolerance has brought me.

    1. i am not laughing at you – but at what you said about people’s brains being removed then reinserted. doesn’t it appear to be that way? i mean today at the store my mate as i said saw those two otherwise beautiful humans double masked – still in fear of him. and parents with little ones masked up running obviously struggling to breathe. WHAT KIND OF A PARENT MASKS THEIR CHILD – with intention – with APPROVAL – and sends them out to play or to school – for HOURS AT A TIME?? i try so hard not to judge but the truth is inside i still scream “what is wrong with you?? WAKE UP!” truth isn’t always pretty lovey light unicorns and rainbows. sometimes the best way to SEE is with blunt uncensored honesty. very little do i “get” these days…..hoping 17 is right when said sometimes you have to SHOW the people – that whatever is to be shown needs – NEEDS – to be B I G.

      1. Oh yeah, I had heard about double masking…..that’s like wearing two condoms, one SHOULD be enough, but leave it to user error to fuck shit up. And since day 1 around here it’s been children under 10 didn’t need a mask, which that’s a whole other conversation in common sense because if it WAS real, those with lesser immune systems a.k.m.f.a. children and elderly would need one before anyone else???????????????, not to mention that they’re still living organisms soooooooo how are they immune, again Dr. fellatio I mean Fauci, oops. Just imagine me saying everything I type in Lewis Black fashion, and looking like my brain is about to have a ‘Scanner’ moment. And like I said before, I honestly think that there a LOT of people who are literally programmed to not, or are incapable of waking up. Seriously, it’s time for the shift and even more to time thin the herd.

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