An observation on the “flag” and “no flag” at the CV press conference from yesterday (31st) and today (4/1)


If any of you watched yesterday’s CV task force press conference (3/31/2020) you would see at a certain point the Flag on the right (I was wrong – it’s the Presidential Flag – not the UN Flag -which had been absent but suddenly was back) slid down the pole.  Go to the 50:12 mark below:

Today?  It’s gone and so is the Presidential Seal on the Podium (which had been gone, then returned yesterday along w/the flag).

Symbols and comms everywhere for those who look.  And a shout-out to Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf for her work and creation in being a silent – largely unknown member of this Plan to Free Us All.

Press Conference from Today:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.