Anomaly Meterage for 8-29-18: Timeline Jumpage


Wow, a bunch of the meters from all over the planet are out from this last timeline jump… which one eagle-eyed commenters alerted us to, thankyouverymuch! Lookie:

Tomsk was toast.


Irkutsk around the same time.



And some magnetic telltale-age.


Timeline jumpage.


Similar outtage in Rome. Some meters are totally out.



Look at the timeline loopage going on. Fascinating.


More. See the pattern?


Then there are these low freq SR blobs. Low-vibe people/beings being removed. Looks like a purge.


Interesting times, indeed. Then again, it is…

CAT Taco Wednesday!



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.