Another day of asking WHY? WHEN?


I am seeing this ongoing trend on social media of certain people who claim to be so awake criticizing those who ask questions.  Trust the plan.  Trust this person.  Trust that person.  Not one says trust thyself.  Trusting thyself – you ask questions.  duh

I see some saying if you are calm and at peace you trust the plan.  If you don’t feel calm and centered, you don’t have that trust.  What a hurtful, dismissive thing to say to another in need of some reassurance and answers.

And then – I see these same people say Trump can’t do everything for us – we have to DO ourselves.  But of course –  nothing is offered as to what we are “supposed” to be doing.

Do what?  Physically get out there and remove the criminals ourselves?

Fight back?  Oh wait – we have been doing that all year – these two adults in this house.  AND WE ARE IN NEED OF BEING SPOON FED AND CARRIED at this point.

I’m just seeing some who either have more access than do normies like myself to the things playing out by their very association with those who are allegedly “in on things” and their arrogance is speaking loudly now.  And I also see some without children (who have suffered because of this past year) say “trust the plan”.  And I see some who live in a state without lockdowns and mask mandates saying the same.

They don’t have a f’ing CLUE what we are going through here.

So easy to trust the plan when you don’t have to deal with the stress we in this household are dealing with:  A burned out child who has been denied the right to play and engage in activities all damn year and not one member of our families giving a crap about her mental health because of it, much less anyone here we know in this area (with the exception of one family with kids who has been thoughtful).  Health issues that have worsened this past year due to the stress.  Physical exhaustion.  Social isolation.  And having to muster up the energy to go out to get supplies hoping some karen or karl doesn’t verbally accost you for either not wearing a mask or not wearing one properly.  (and not all stores offer pick up/delivery service and none of the delivery services accept our main payment source in which we pay for groceries)

IT ALL WEARS ON US.  All f’ing year.  We are two VERY TIRED emotionally and mentally drained parents in this house.  

Move, we have been told.  Move?  Ok – we would LOVE to move to one of those more “free” states.  We would need the money for a pod – money to hire people to move our stuff as we are older parents and no way my mate and I together could move all of our belongings ourselves and move out of state.

So – I have no answers.  Just as I had to tell my girl tonight I had no answers for her as to when things would open up.  When her activities would resume. When one of her alleged friends would reach out to her (poor kid has always done most of the reaching out).  Fake reality.  Fake families.  Fake friends. Fake people.


I am very thankful for the few who I have met through my work who do reach out and do show concern.  I just need this in my physical space and face now.  Long distance and/or virtual experiences aren’t enough.

Tonight, I went within and requested miracles.  I called out to Grandpa Don. To Home.  Heaven.  Each of us have our own unique needs.  In this “season of miracles”, it is g.d. time that some of those bubbles start beautifully bursting all over the place – for every one of us.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

8 thoughts on “Another day of asking WHY? WHEN?”

  1. I hear you…I can offer no answers, advice or words of wisdom. I, too, feel as is the rug has been pulled out from under me. All…no…most of what I’ve believed in the last 4 years is crumbling. I feel abandoned by those I’ve put my trust in—“plan”-wise. It looks to me as if the elites are winning. President Trump seems to have given up….there is no justice whether it be with the FBI,DOJ, Supreme Court, Congress…or even in humanity. I live in a state with very little lockdowns. Masks are required. I wear one to get into a store if I absolutely have to…otherwise, I do not. I will not take a vaccine that will re-program my DNA and offer a back door for future re-programming. So…can you tell me?????—how do I/we trust a plan that really was never laid out in clear terms? All from a source that offered only clues, riddles and vague innuendo? Truth be told, though, I still cling to a tiny hope that all is not as it seems. What fills the rest, other than that tiny hope, is that 2020 was a test, a dry run for what lies ahead in 2021 and beyond. And that scares the sh*t out of me.

    1. kathy ~ i still have that hope within that never fades. some days it is strong other days – like when i wrote last night – it is that proverbial mustard seed. but it is still there. i also remind myself how i felt the day after trump won in 2016. everything i know to be True about who i am knew – a new timeline was inserted. something old and dark was dead. they’ve been at it – but nothing is sticking well. all that said – i still am not doing anything blindly. thank you for sharing. love to you!

  2. I recall hearing a statement in a personal development intensive years ago: “Life is ‘problems’…”
    And the monkey brain is a ‘meaning-making machine.’ We may observe how we try to figure things out, and we can use our intuitive mind to ferret out the lies and deceits of our time. What I am witness to at present has to do with “manufactured consent”–and how the collective hivemind conjures up narratives in accord with what appears to be a mass-hypnosis experiment. In accord with David Wilcock’s prayer(I listened to mindfully the other day), we must ask for support from benevolent beings and deny access to the dark forces which have been here for eons. Another observer suggested that we are also dealing with “Rogue A I”–which resonated with me. The statement I heard coming from an Amish woman is the sort of simple wisdom our SmartypantsFones and Gates software have seemingly erased: “We don’t get covid because we don’t watch TV.” What has happened is that narratives are spun like adverts in support of a fake-reality as profit motives and mechanisms are adjusted in accord with some global plan, run by just a few of the elite puppeteers. As long as we(collectively) continue to deny the history of conspiracies(in plain sight), and as long as we doubt our own survival skills and critical thinking potential–we remain stuck in the mud, spinning our wheels. It is most instructive to consider that “Blame games” have become acceptable adult behavior, especially in the US–rather than accountably standing for an ethical intention and remaining loyal to our deeper truths as sovereign spiritual beings. Thanks for the post!

    1. i love that – thank you. i had the vision of standing in full power as a Free Being. i have to remind myself that does have power and does alter the matrix/virus/ai program. thank you for the reminder. 🙂

  3. Dear Vicky,
    I am so sorry to see you going tru all that crap but I don’t have any solution to it.
    I am fortunate to be able to keep that ugliness out of my reality to a certain point. I wear a mask when I am using my sanding machine and one time to enter the local bank. Not having a mask I flagged a young man friend of mine on a moto going by, he is delivering food for a restaurant, I pulled his mask from his face and put it on and walk back to the damn of the guard that was protesting. I made the sign that I was deft and told “nice hein? and went in-.
    We are in the red code and the authority is all hot on procedure. They even close the County for a while,dumping dirt and stone on the secondary roads. You could take a taxi the limit and hope a taxi from the other city will come by. No deliveries for fedex or others, even food trucks were staying at the limit of the County and stores owners had to go there to get their stock.
    Fortunately that idiocy came to an end after 15 days.
    In my barrio I can live an almost normal life. I maintain a stock of ballons, nets for vollyball,tools and air pump for the bicycles and the kids come and go in the afternoon and night by dozen.
    They love the cold water from the frigidaire and use the same glass…Lots of them give me a hug for thanks and they know if they have a mask to not addressing me because I can’t see their lips.
    I built a lot of pieces of furniture (100 ?) for those that need it like desks and stools for the kids to do their school work from internet,benches attached to the walls in front of the houses so peoples can gather at night and keep and eye on the kids playing and socialising in the street. It’s a warm and friendly community, helping each other and a lot of smiles.

    We had the masked nazi Goering brown shirts but they were blue going by asking peoples to walk out in the street to teach them how to keep the distance. They had sticks and were keeping them apart. I almost lost it when that poor little girl, Lupita, 2 years old was forced to keep 5 feet away from her mama. she was crying and a little bit more I would have turned rabid.
    I go everywhere without mask and never got a confrontation.
    Just so that you know I won’t be a bad neighbor and should fit with Papa Don were ever we will be one these day,…..
    So long and try to keep a little bit of sun in your heart and a smile on your face.
    With Love always

    1. Rene ~ I hope you read this. i took time tonight to read through your comment and was so touched. you are such a gentle, kind, beautiful Soul. those children are very lucky to have you there. how generous you are to provide furniture for the kids and the people to socialize. cold water for the little ones. you are the kind of neighbor i – we – would absolutely love to have. very much like papa don. 🙂 thank you for being in my life. you are a real gift. much love to you. V.

  4. You’re absolutely right to call out the people and the mindsets you have been. They are running toxic false-light/AI programs and if the Truth (Creator Love) in us is in integrity, we don’t run those programs because they can’t co-exist with REAL Love. (Not to be confused with “😇 24/7 Love’n’Light, Inc. #goodvibesonly” 😂 which is its own mess! Lol)

    Those who dangle carrots and shame those less “in the know” are on some level corrupted by the system. Sad but true. What they are doing is straight-up the mindset of the Occult and Hierarchy (hiding things to have power over, then laughing at/gloating over “those dumb kids” who don’t know the secret, etc.). It’s also straight out of the Narcissist and Sociopaths playbook. All a cruel game to make them feel superior. Anyone who tries to shut down legit questions or shame you for asking them because they defy a certain script, is also corrupted. Not saying they’re not on Team Good on some level, just… Maybe they need to get some kind of anti-virus and a reboot? To kick their Humanity 1.0 back into gear. Because you nailed it. Love will never tell you not to question and to just “trust” blindly. Only abusers do that.

    You know what it is. Keep Seeing True. 👍😍

    1. thank you as always aria for your love and awesome insights. most doing this – loudly and clearly now – are traumatized. scared. we all need healing.

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