Antidote is Spike Protein Blocker in Dandelion Tea for Pregnant Women Exposed to Covid and Jab Contagion


Love this!  And if you have them growing in your yard (unsprayed), you can harvest the entire plant – boil the roots and all and make the tea.

When it comes to cures for covidiocy, and now antidotes against the poisonous effects of the unneeded ‘protein spiked’ vaccine, the first most important step to good health practices involves the mind. Simply put, the first step to wellness comes when you stop believing the politically motivated DNdoubleCP corporate controlled media lies and the sources which align with their liar ways.

The second step is to become fully aware of the whole ‘real’ Truth.

Many reported covid treatments and ‘cures’ put forth within the first few weeks and months of this scamdemic, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and remdesevir to name a few, have since been lied about, falsely discredited and even pulled off the shelf by a weaponized and murderously corrupt money grubbing industrialized pharmaceutical ‘machine’.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.