What Was The Best Part About Your Day?


There is a little game we play with our girl that goes back several years. Either during dinner time or while tucking into bed, we will ask “what was the best part about your day?”

As I sit here pondering my own moods of today, I heard my Greater Self ask me that same question.

So Victoria, what was the best part about you day?

Good question.

The smell of coffee was a nice moment as was biting into the chocolate toffee sea salt candy bar.

Well, those are nice physical pleasures, yes but what about those moments that moved my heart and Soul ~ that brought me OUT of my physical experience and into that space of Wholeness.


I have to feel this one.  This isn’t as easy as I thought this would be.

What really moved me?

Well, playing the guitar was really helpful.  It allowed me to get into my creative space and into my heart where I felt the pain of missing my grandpa (30 years after he passed) after playing “Dog and Butterfly” as well as empowered me as I played “Higher Ground”.

And uh, well as embarrassing as this one is, this was actually really helpful for me and very releasing.  I literally got onto the ground and crawled like a small child, going up to my mate who was sitting on the couch and telling him if he were All Pure Source in its entire wholeness, I would hug his slippered foot and ask to be filled up again as I have felt empty for a very long time.  My mate then just stroked my head.

Then there was the moment when I looked out my window and saw my neighbor, an elderly woman, who carries a lot of pain, slowly walking to her car, huddling herself.  There is a lot to this story that I will not share, but for a moment I felt so much compassion for her ~ it was a wonderful moment to be brought out of my own self-focused angst of today.  I actually thought “whew thank goodness I am still capable of feeling that!”  I did have this fear today that I would never come out of the depths of my funk.

As I type this, my girl comes out, crawls into my lap.  I embrace her.  Her little breath was cool on my neck.  I had my eyes closed as we held on to one another in silence.  Opening my eyes I look down at her sweet face and see her eyes are closed as well.  She spoke.  “It looks like we both needed this right now mama.”

Tears immediately came.  Heart expansion.

Indeed we did, knowing right then that this was the moment of the day for me.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.