Biden Admin employees coming to Veritas & Doc shows Biden Admin immigration proposal following Afghan crisis


Remember…this is, overall, a scripted movie and people are seeing what “they” had planned…


Project Veritas’ next Brave Insider story is coming out next week, August 24.

In an interview, a courageous federal government whistleblower details their agency’s actions when it comes to “Transnational Criminal Organizations.”

Here’s a sneak peek of what Veritas will be releasing:

COVID-19 mandates are stripping away your rights by the day.

The Taliban has now fully taken over Afghanistan.

Countless illegals are crossing the border — and migrant detention centers are being overrun.

Due to all this chaos, federal employees within the Biden Administration are coming forward to Veritas like we’ve never seen before.




Project Veritas has just obtained a newly leaked Department of Homeland Security [DHS] email that shows the Biden Administration’s questionable actions since the crisis in Afghanistan started.

In part, the email informs DHS employees of the following: “…reduce processing times by transferring the initial responsibility for adjudicating certain protection claims from immigration judges to USCIS asylum officers.”

This means that the Biden Administration would be EXPEDITING asylum requests from now on.


Make of this information what you will…but it sure is very interesting timing for the DHS to make this internal announcement as the chaos in Afghanistan unfolds.

Project Veritas will keep you informed as we get more federal government leaks.

Don’t forget: new whistleblower stories will be coming out NEXT WEEK!

Stay tuned — this is just the beginning.

Be Brave,


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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