Blue Koolaid Oh Ya ~ Trump signs EMP order, Lens in front of Sun, Huge object in night sky?


editor victoria’s comment ~ in this video Blue shows us the sudden appearance of a grid pattern in the skies as captured on satellites….seems to have just appeared this year…… brings me back to a dream i had early this year (interestingly enough) where i was “allowed” to see a murky/watery-like “field” in the sky…the feel was i was looking at the dome….that field disappeared revealing what looked like a fishing net – grid pattern – which identically matches what is shown in this video below…..i know what i know and i feel what i feel and both align……and that continues to be we got trapped here and are getting out. PERIOD.  all other theories are distractions – meant to keep us focused on feeling things such as we aren’t doing enough, aren’t good enough yet, blah blah blah…nonsense….multi-dimensional cleaning up equates to Freedom returned to ALL….


Published on Mar 29, 2019

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.