British Government to Suspend Parliament For Five Weeks, Outraging Anti-Brexit Rebels


Boris Johnson’s government is activating the constitutional mechanism to suspend Parliament on Wednesday, a move which has outraged Remainers because it limits the amount of Parliamentary time available to them to sabotage Brexit taking place at the end of October.

The Prime Minister confirmed will take place on Wednesday, and will see what is called in Westminster jargon Prorogation last five weeks between September and mid-October. Parliament will reopen on October 14th with the Queen’s speech, the ceremonial delivery by the monarch of a speech written by the government outlining their political intentions for the coming session.

It is normal for a new government to bring forward a Queen’s speech, and the announcement follows Boris Johnson replacing Theresa May as Prime Minister and building his own government on July 24th, but pro-Remain activists and politicians have reacted to the announcement with undisguised anger. The timing of the announcement severely restricts the amount of Parliamentary time they have to subvert the 2016 referendum, in which the British people said they wanted the country to leave the European Union.
and in related news:

Pound Tumbles As PM Boris Johnson Asks Queen To Suspend Parliament

Update: According to the latest updates from lawmakers, the Court of Session in Edinburgh will look tomorrow at a petition signed by 70 MPs aimed at blocking the program.

The British pound tumbled Wednesday morning on reports British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government would ask Queen Elizabeth II to suspend Parliament when it returns from its summer break next month, the BBC reports.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.