A Vision for Friendship


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Friendship

We envision a world where our first inclination, upon meeting someone new, is to open ourselves up to being friends with them. We see a world where this is made possible because we have learned to truly care for one another; where we give each other the benefit of the doubt because we are no longer harming one another; and where we have all realized that our highest and best interests and our friend’s highest and best interests are one and the same.

In this way, friendships abound in our lives. No one is lonely unless he or she chooses it; and no one is left to fend for themself because now all of us have plenty of friends we can call on whenever we want.

As a result of our many friendships, we have entirely stopped separating ourselves from each other and have begun to come together in larger circles and communities. Indeed, our coming together and our community-making are keys to all that we seek, for they have provided us with peace in our hearts and as well as peace in our world.

And all this has happened because we started out by making friends.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Sophia Love As We Shift ~ This Stops NOW



Love is at stake now.  Do not be fooled by costumes.

Who are you? Tell me. Show me your choice. With every headline and drama and moment you are asked.

Are you love? Are you fear? Are you One? Are you Separate?

The unraveling shows itself now.

We came for this. As incredible and awful and painful as it appears, we were first in line for this show. We wanted to experience every nuance.

It is one of the exquisite parts of being human at all – to feel. As we catapult into unity and are simultaneously blasted with these horrific disclosures, well, I’m not sure “exquisite” is a word I’d use.  Yet think about it, we’ve crafted for ourselves a fool-proof method to attain oneness.

Here’s the instructions.

Self-love is paramount. In order for that to emerge, we have to forgive ourselves, for everything. It’s that thing we are working on as we evolve, and it’s a process.

In the midst of our inner work, along comes every wretched, self-serving human attribute; served up for us on twitter, you tube and main stream platforms. In every glorified institution here on the planet, there runs a deep river of corruption – the church, the government, Hollywood and the media itself.

These are versions of us in the most reprehensible state, asking to be seen. Why? So that they can step out from the shadows and be dealt with. This time now asks you to love. It asks you to forgive.

Not in an “Oh, it’s okay that (fill in the blank with any scandal being exposed today) happened, he/she is a (fill in the blank with political party, religious group, etc.)  and we want him/her to keep running our (fill in the blank with church, country, organization, judicial branch, etc.)” way. But with clarity.

You do not have to forget. You do not have to allow it to continue.

Yet you have to acknowledge. Recognize every part of creation as part of you and respond accordingly. If it is destructive, it must be stopped.

These days I move between horror, fury, acceptance and love. It is the love that will emerge at the end of the day, triumphant and glorious. We know this, yet we are tired of waiting.

Know that you are shining the brightest of lights and they are spreading.  All of creation can see your brilliance. Your radiance encompasses all of it, is part of all of it and sees no divisions in any of it.

Keep on doing whatever you are to disclose and bring out every part of the human condition.  Do it so that we all get a glimpse, finally, of what actually occurred here.

Do it so that we can then say THIS STOPS NOW. We don’t say it with hatred. We say it as a matter of self-care.

Abuse is not an option. This includes self-abuse, as well as all others.

We are at that moment of gray. You know the one I refer to? It is not a fuzzy moment, not at all. It is a moment of clarity actually. It comes when you really “get” that life is neither black nor white but bits of both. In order to allow yourself to fully love, and be fully loved – you cannot be afraid of either shade.

This means looking at any mirror or headline with equal acceptance.

If you have children you’ll recognize this moment. Your love for them is beyond comprehension. Yet, right now their behavior demands a response. On the surface it may not look very loving, especially to that child, yet no harm is ever intended. The response is necessary and sometimes powerful, yet always constructive; always there is love. What is at stake is the health of the organism.  This could refer to the family or to the child. In today’s atmosphere, what is at stake is the health of the human organism.

The sooner we step back and remove ourselves energetically from the negative vibes in the air; the faster we’ll witness our transcendence.

Our arrival in the new world is assured.  Along the way are lots of mirrors, some of them pretty hideous. We have to love them all. It’s the only way.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We are anchors for the light.
We’ve got this.

With so much love and gratitude,

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Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.  Much obliged. 


ANASTACIA @ In5D – Energy Update – Clearing and Feeling Old Debris of our New Path – 11-16-17


Editor’s note:  I completely forgot about the trembling I experienced suddenly last night around 2am pacific time.  It was one of those moments where it felt like the entire bed was shaking but it was just me.  Then by today the head stuff, dizziness, internal heat and heart woo woo stuff happened.  Anyway thank you Robin for passing this one along to me.  



by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,   Australian Correspondent, In5D.com

A total old loop HAS come UP, its so big!

I can’t explain what the last 18hrs were as this is new and there was not a lot of ‘sense’ as to what we were processing and experiencing.

It was so unusual and like nothing I have ever experienced with this and I know what this is for myself and will do my best to share what this is personally

And Old loop of our TOTALITY and the energy with was highly buzzing until 3am AEST. (That is why I ‘got the tap to go’).

This ‘story’ below, is the best way I can explain what has just occurred:

Its like walking down a path and on this path are lots of debris

Now the path is leading or heading towards a goal or ‘something’ we have been ‘working’ towards and sometimes this could be for years and years. As in, feeling this so deeply as part of our Souls Purpose.

What this is for each person is personal.

WIth my path or road, it is one that I have already walked!

And in reaching a place of, turning around, and going back down or up that path – I am needing to clear the debris of left over remnants, of larger boulders that I pushed through on the first journey! (More shared on this further on, just go with me here).

And so now walking back up that path, to finally, a newer destination of a beginning of something I felt so deeply within I ‘needed’ to do – there are left over small rocks or debris of the original huge boulders that I broke through on my way – the 1st time.

Read that again ‘There are left over small rocks or debris, of the original huge boulders that I broke through on my way -the 1st time.

So in ‘going back’ yet forward to a new ‘destination’, I ‘want and need’ to make sure, that the debris is removed, one by one, to clear MY OWN PATH FOR MYSELF BACK, MORE LIKE FORWARD to what resonated so deeply in my soul that I needed to ‘do’ in someway or manner with something in my life! That is very huge for myself.

A huge area in my life that is linked to abundance. This could be abundance of ANYTHING! Or Everything as well ;-).

So you see, the last 18hrs specifically, this energetically came through, slowly building up and building up, buzzing and churning up, the debris on our old path, which we are now ‘clearing’ for a New Path.

It is ‘like’ we reached a ‘point’ or crescendo – as in, our ascension and pushing Beyond energetically in Spirit… and now, we finally have ‘made it’ energetically collectively, that we can NOW HEAL OUR PAST TOTALITY PATH OR LOOP.

So then we can now, heal and tend to clearing the debris off our path in what we have been waiting for, for so long!!

And ‘due to this’ what many are feeling is like to them, ‘unexplainable’ feelings and emotions and total overwhelm…of like energy actually ‘spilling over’, as this has been THAT BIG.

As the/our energy needed to ‘spill over’, as we have been Beyond pushed to our ‘limits of endurance’!

WE HAVE MADE IT! I have been writing THIS IS SO WORTH IT, as I personally KNOW/FEEL and have experienced this is!

We/you just need to realize this! And with this and the story I shared above, is to realize the bigger bigger picture of what we are re-feeling of the debris on our New Path.

As when we feel and accept this, then we can allow the ‘pressure’ to be taken off within in all else we are feeling and experiencing.

This then allows a shift of energy, even if just slightly, to allow the debris to start to be cleared or shifted off the/our path.

No one else can clear this for us and we are unable to clear anyone else’s debris!

Yet to shift the debris off the path, one needs to realize, feel and SEE that there is a New Path…that the debris on the path, of the old, from the old boulders that we have ALREADY BROKEN AND PUSHED THROUGH.

That we are feeling each – ONE BY ONE or FACET by FACET, to be cleared as we walk the new.


Total True Surrender of taking a step over the ledge and knowing your wings will come out and you will fly over!

As you lovingly support yourself, this allows the Divine to lovingly support you FURTHER as well!

Yet, the Divine is not able to assist ‘further’ – unless one takes that absolute leap of faith and trust.

And lets go of the head and thinking and control and so on. All which I too needed to do as I endured so much (like you) as well in life and control was my way of coping that was survival in the past. Add to then time served in the military as well, so this was then more regimented as well.

‘I of my own self can do nothing’, remember to let the DIVINE guide you. Pray and ask and feel so deeply, ‘Help me to help myself’ from within, from your heart and soul.

As when one truly does this, and feels this, it shifts and ‘hands this over’ and the anxiety or stress, shifts and eases. That is how we know we have truly surrendered.

This needs to come from within each soul. That is unique for themselves and how they process and feel or think and an so on.

May this sharing of my story, allow you to find the seeds of the Divine within this, for yourself.

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

About the authorAnastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017

Sourced from here.


Tiffany Stiles Energy Report ~ November 16, 2017


Editor’s note:  I definitely felt some odd sensations in my head today and the heating up of the inner body ~ had a few moments of those today as well…  Spine is also greatly needing stretched and of course the need for rest (nap today was a necessity).  


Dear Beautiful Souls!

All day yesterday the high pitched encoded frequency upgrades were being downloaded through the inner ear. These high pitched frequencies fired up the magnetite crystals in the brain. Through the higher visual self it was shown a rewiring taking place in the right/left brain hemispheres to create balance between both. It felt like a light popping sound in the brain as the magnetite crystals began firing off signals, pop, pop, pop.. very rapidly as the rewiring took place. This will cause the body to heat up very quickly, and as plasma/photonic energy enter, it creates a cooling effect. It also stimulates the melatonin production in the pineal gland to bring on rest for integration.

Plasma energy is photon energy which is fluid and can be molded and shaped in the peripheral. This can be seen as swirls of energy in your line of sight. As the plasma energy amped up through the day, and night last night, carried through on Geomagnetics and SOULar energy, immense upgrades took place releasing more deeply imbedded emotions held deep within the bones, muscles, teeth and skull. It also cuts through old outdated programming as this rewiring takes place in order to bring about new and fresh outlooks and  perspectives. Today, a massive amount of rest, and downtime were needed to integrate this newly encoded frequency of bandwidths.


Image copyright source on image 

As the magnetite crystals in the brain and pineal gland continue activating, this will further upgrade your 12 strand DNA helix. As each upgrades and recalibrates, each brings in a new dimensional reality. Past lifetimes are easily accessible to clear karma instantly. Visual parallel universes are easily seen and determined outcomes are issued. Matrix holograms are easily seen for what they are, and you can easily remove them from your co-created reality through intended thought.


Image Copyright Source On Image 

Your Metaphysical gifts and abilities which laid dormant, now come back online.

As you merge with your pure, and Divine Christed self through merkabah activations, and become the energy of love, peace and bliss, your ability to manifest your reality occurs rapidly as time of past, present and future merge to one fluidly.

Here addictions are easily released by pure intended thought. The craving for the addiction completely disappears, and is no longer a part of your reality. This relates to “any” addiction.

As we rapidly approach the new year, 2018= 11 year, a master number in numerology; it is important to maintain an optimistic outlook, while intentionally focusing on keeping your vibrational frequency high and positive. This will allow you to easily align yourself with the infinite abundance of the 11 energy. As we move through the last two months of 2017, it is time to rest, play and enjoy all the hard work you’ve accomplished to this point- zero point.

As mentioned in my previous Energy Report, now is the time for introspection as the energetic pulse is about to rapidly change in 2018 to the favor of many who have put in the hard work, and dedication to continue evolving to the crystalline light body, while anchoring these energies into the physical. All will learn how to master and navigate inter-dimensional reality in 2018. All is about to change for the better as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve!

For now, rest, play, and enjoy all you’ve accomplished thus far. Realize the massive jumps and leaps of quantum consciousness you’ve obtained over the past years. And be prepared for unlimited blessings and new doors to begin opening for you to propel you in a whole new direction in 2018!

These are very exciting times we are in! I’m so excited to see where the new energetic pulse will take us all in 2018!

Much love, light and blessings on your continued journey.
~Tiffany ❣️💝❣️
Metaphysical Life Coach

© 2017 The Mystical Lotus LLC

Sourced from here.

Lisa Transcendence Brown Newsletter ~ Wide Open Hearts Experience Pure Magic


♦  Wide Open Hearts Experience Pure Magic  ♦
Aloha beautiful Cosmic Love BEings,

Our hearts have to be WIDE OPEN… just a little bit won’t do. This last week while immersed in sharing Unity-Love-Consciousness with a group here on Kauai, playing, beauty, presence, magic and freedom replaced linear beliefs of “should/should not” or “rules on how” to do this journey…. all went out the window when the REALity of raising each’s vibration to the point of HAPPY took on a life of it’s own. Everyone came to realize that none of this is as they “thought” and it actually wasn’t as “hard” as it was all made out to be, yet they also learned/realized how each one of them dictated their realities by their own focus, contribution and by uniting, not separating off, not putting up protection mechanisms and how easy all is when we get our head out of the way. Learning simple practices are KEY. Doing them together creates a “visual imprint” and a “virtual memory” to access later when intentional shifting is desired. Working together in a group brings forth more unity. Experiencing beats linear anything!

This was a beyond POWERFUL GATEWAY AND PORTAL ACTIVATION WEEK, where we chose to get out in nature and open portals in a multitude of ways! We captured photos and shared them too. Playing in Unicorn and very strong LeMUrian Mermaid energies, brought forth even more excitement as we oozed playfulness, happiness and cleared everything that emerged of old separation/unconscious programming that no longer serves a purpose for anyone. Often huge body clearings, where the deep, heavy ones were held, we supported and worked through everything together, which is beautiful to observe. So many old hidden things seeking to finally be released without any attempts to hold on or judge. So many reflective of the collectives, each experiencing their own individual stories, yet not desiring to keep carrying anything forth. All ready for MORE LOVE and HAPPINESS! Such profound exquisiteness!!!♥

This powerful gateway JUST BLEW THE GATES OFF our passageways we’ve entered into now. Wide open is the only way, as all takes each deeper within themselves to connect and remember in even more ways.

Every day was portals, then obvious energy shifts to clear. Portals open, huge activations, clearing, rest, integrate, closing out timelines upon timelines. We had an added bonus, oceanfront on the beach. The energy and power of the ocean and waves were WOW too! The golden sunsets and platinum skies, as we opened and anchored continually (and still do).

Every moment is a “test” for your human, to see if you will open up more, come together/unite on your own. Your full-inner-connection with you as your entire YOUniverse and creating TRUST where there was none before, because you were unconscious/asleep. (We all were).

Tears of REMEMBERING flow, to cleanse our cells of all that we forgot. That moment when our heart opens fully, THAT IS THE MOMENT and it’s THIS SPACE that we learn to function from, one of full gratitude and freedom, peace and a love so simple and sacred.

Many are still unaware of the deep hurt, pain and memories of LeMUrian, Atlantean & Galactic Timelines that now surface for many to clear. Many represented by biblical and Egyptian remembrances too, this is about UNIFICATION of all of our aspects, back into full love and DIVINE UNION WITHIN. Collectively, there is much occurring to cleanse and raise the vibration of all too. The systems of suppression/oppression and that which choked the life out of each, this is what is going…. to be replaced by that which supports our highest existences here. WE are the ones that do this, together, which is why each will experience whatever necessary to transcend those unconscious programs, plays, stories, mentality realities that represented separation in every way.

As the veils diminish for each, as these new encodements re-write and re-structure all, we experience completion phases on a daily basis now. The moment that reality has concluded, the cellular structure will break down and re-structure for all new realities to prepare to play. This breakdown cycle and re-coding/restructuring processes are increasing the speed at which this occurs. Where you are in-tune with your body and entire reality energetically, then you will flow, support, assist by allowing and your own presence moves in flow with this. The karmic timeline conclusions are instant now. Clear the emotion and poof “gone” done. When a reality is over it’s over. The whole thing is wiped. This is why we don’t hold onto or carry anything over. This creates “suffering” and makes all rougher than it has to be.

LET GO COMPLETELY. Come together when you see the purposes/benefits and then all will end. The next reality will begin. Often times we have a gazillion realities running simultaneously, managing all of them, then others all slows down to be just one, while holographically/energetically we are working in a bazillion still.

As we move further through this December Passageway, identify all that is dissolving or needs to be allowed to dissolve. Focus your energy on what’s fully aligned, playing, creating and accomplishing. Productivity is key, through PRESENCE and deep inner-connection. This is not a “try hard” anymore. This is a get up and do, step up to the plate, show up and follow through with being the one that cares, supports, shares, considers everyone and is ready to do what it takes. Human aspects have excuses and limits. You do not.

As I continue to slam out November, while having a blast and dealing with any old matrix constructs that pop-up too, maintaining Quantum and observing linear allows us to collapse everything the moment we do. All linear goes…. as all learn to maneuver and function in all-new-Quantum Ways….

Honor your Cosmic Body and StarGate System. InJOY traveling multi-dimensionally and anchoring more awesomeness here! I’ll resume normal sharings in a few weeks. Until then, photos and the occasional random update is my norm as I “do” realities appropriately too!

Make your vibration #1. You will inJOY everything you do in-service if you do! ♥

I love you!!!! Happy everything!

~ Lisa ~

Universal Law and Ascension ~ The Fall of the Elite


I really like this woman ~ her energy, her approach, her authenticity…


Universal Law and Ascension, Fall of the Elite – James Gilliland

Published on Nov 6, 2017

Diane Canfield ~ We Are In A Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness Which Leads To Light Body Formation


Absolutely on the Truth.  For me, if I don’t speak fully the truth the energy immediately rises in my mouth until I have to let it out.  No more fear or playing politically correct.  These energies are not allowing this experience.


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen. All is being revealed and all secrets will be brought to the LIGHT. When this happens, it happens not only in 3D but also in every community on earth including the spiritual community. The false lights will also be brought into the open as they will no longer be able to spread their agenda.

As a psychic I know when things are coming in and where they will end up. This is a gift that I have had my entire life, seeing how things will play out in the future depending on the timeline selected.

This past month since the 10/10 WAVE we have experienced massive upgrades to our consciousness that works to build the light body. Light body Consciousness goes far beyond 3D and anything most people have ever experienced. It streams the beings consciousness into the 5th dimension and beyond. The being then starts to experience other realities other than the third dimension. This is now an indicator you are building your light body and expanding your consciousness.

As we raise consciousness our light body builds. We must raise our consciousness first and then with each new level we have reached, there is a building to the light body. This is the aches, pains and symptoms we experience is the light body expansion. As more of the light body builds, these aches and pains become less.

A huge symptom of our light body transformation in NOW Underway,  which starts in attaining higher levels of consciousness and becomes the PUSH to become more authentic and for others to do the same. The cardboard copy that has existed for eons of all of society to adhere to the program that we are all the same is now being washed away. We in fact are all unique. This is why we came to planet earth at this time. Each persons unique qualities makes them needed for the expansion we are in. As we become more of our authentic self, it opens the GATEWAY for others to do the same.

This push to become AUTHENTIC also comes along with a mighty push to tell the TRUTH and for others to do the same. Many are experiencing these NEW symptoms and the ones I will mention next. Many will now start to pull away from the ones in the spiritual community who are still spreading false light because they will understand there is no truth or authenticity to their words. They will now start to be able to read between the lines and see the agenda of those that are still stuck and wanting to keep others stuck where they are. This will become more and more intense for everyone over the next year.

Some other NEW consciousness rising symptoms I have noticed are increased awareness of food and how it relates to the body and the building of the body into the light body. Many have been health conscious already but this is a new awareness that has kicked in and will now begin to escalate for many. The light body that is activated now guides us through this process, guiding us on what is best to build the body of light.

There is a large portion of beings now that will and have stopped eating most meats. This will now start to become more and more of the population. If you are guided to change your diet to more plant based, I advise to start slowly cutting down on foods you no longer want and gradually adding more foods you do. This is the easiest way to transition in and out of something and the easiest on the body and the consciousness. We want to do everything within ourselves in the most loving way we can.


Our body reacts to how we treat it, so this is a very important step to take things slow and integrate changes slowly. The body we have now is already light body infused so what we did before will no longer work for our new body that is in the middle of the transition into the light body.


I talked one year ago about how the US and the world would be in for some big changes and I reposted on October 17 how the changes were now ready to come through. We will see more and more intense changes happening in society as we all upgrade to a higher level of awareness than has ever been done before.

This will change society into the kind of paradise we all want but have not been able to have. This can be accomplished by the removal of the dark forces that have been in charge for so long. In the recent past they have gained power because they were able to convince many of the people their programs were for their own good. Many of the people did not realize that it was exactly the opposite, they were only good for the dark side to gain more power and control.

As we have seen in the media now many of these dark forces are being brought into the light. This will continue and it will pass through every section of society leaving no stone unturned. Many dark minions are outing others and this will continue as the minions start to turn on each other.

As 3D society and the spiritual community continue to receive upgrades their consciousness will continue to expand, bringing more light into the light body.

To become ONE with the light we must tell the truth and honor our authenticity above all else. This is the path to expanded consciousness and the light body transformation happening now.

Truth is what we seek and what we yearn for. Now more and more will be able to see truth for themselves and discard all that is not truth. This is the way to activate higher consciousness and the light body.

The New Earth is being built as an overlay right on top of our 3D earth, as the 3D earth upgrades we become ONE with our NEW Earth.

Our Friends, our galactic brothers and sisters consciousness is already expanded and they can move in and out of the light body at will. They are waiting for us to catch up !

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

Website and sign up for my newsletter : www.dianecanfield.com 

Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.canfield1

Jenny Schiltz 11/14/17~ Unraveling The Matrix Programming


I LOVE this one ~ one of her best yet…  I deeply resonate with the idea of letting go of some of our “pieces” of pain.  Integrating it all has become exhausting.  


As the energy on the planet continues to intensify, clear and uncover the layers of “reality” some are finding themselves stepping into new and expanded roles. This energy is also uncovering so much of the destructive programming and behaviours that have been the norm for far too long.

I recently returned from an amazing and enlightening trip to San Diego. I booked this trip during the summer because I had this nudging that I had to be there at a certain time. I didn’t really understand why, but I knew it was important. The universe conspired to find me cheap flights, a place to stay that was perfect and a rental car whose bill totalled $111.00. Yet I still had no clue why I was going.

The three of us, my husband, youngest daughter and myself decided to make an adventure of the trip and see as much as we could see. On our first evening, we decided to go sit on a place called “Sunset Cliffs”. It was an area where you could sit on the rock and see the beach below. It was nighttime and the view of the stars was absolutely amazing.

As I was staring at the stars and settling into myself, this bolt of purple light split the sky and remained.  It was so bright that I was momentarily blinded. I asked my husband if he saw it and he said no, so I knew it was only meant for me. I then heard clearly. Open a portal.  It was my higher-self speaking from my heart center. I felt myself anchor deeply into the earth and at the same time grow huge. I saw myself large enough to touch the purple light in the sky and open it like a portal in the starry sky. All this black mist began to leave the area as if it was being drawn like a magnet.  When I felt that it was done, I closed the portal and returned to self. Still not understanding what took place, but not asking questions either.

I knew that I have done this work before but it has always been at night in my sleep or in lucid dreams. I had not yet consciously done this type of massive clearing while completely awake surrounded by others. I was asked by my team to share this as it will trigger the remembering for some and allow it to come to the forefront of consciousness. It helps us to understand who we are, our role and contribution to the whole.

The next evening at sunset in a different beach location, I was instructed to do the same thing. Again black mist rose from the entire area and went effortlessly to Source. I asked what was leaving and was told that it is a layer of the veil that keeps people asleep, trapped into moving from one moment to the next without any true awareness. It was shown to me that the simple removal of these energies creates enough space for people to look critically at their life and begin the awakening process.

The following day we went to La Jolla Beach and it was just gorgeous, yet there was this pervasive anxiety that translated into this feeling of “not good enough, not pretty enough, not enough money.”  This reached a really uncomfortable pitch when I got dressed in a wetsuit (holy hell).  So as my husband played in the surf with my daughter I sat on the beach and went within. First thing I did upon settling was to ask “is this mine?” and was told no. So I thanked the feelings and felt them leave. My higher self then explained that it was those feelings that would have a layer released that day. So that people could see how they were trapped in those “less than” but also “must be better than another” cycles.  So again, I opened a giant portal over the area and watched as layers of sleep left.

Before heading back to Colorado, the last portal I opened was right near the airport in San Diego. What left there was darker than the other places and had more of a goo feel. It was also the one that was most difficult and I called in my team to assist. I was told it was the most difficult because of the sheer amount of technology in that area. The technology and the large amount of concrete helped to secure the veil of forgetfulness and keep people looping in similar thought and behavioural patterns. These are the areas that need the most assistance.

Connecting the dots

When I returned home I had a client who is a healer, struggling financially. Her guides showed me that she is also to be going places and doing such work. I asked her if she had felt the pull to go to travel to different locations. She told me yes, but that she didn’t have the funds. Her guides told me that she undercharges and undervalues her time, energy and worth. They then went to explain that many are caught in the programming loop of self-sacrifice or that one must not charge for spiritual services. This control programming has left many exhausted, financially strapped, and in disharmony within as their soul is urging them to step up and do different work, but the paradigm they are caught in does not allow it.

They explained that many are getting the urge to travel, to go to different places, towns and sites. Travel does not have to be huge, it could be 30 minutes away to somewhere you have never been. That there is a reason for this as each of us carries a unique vibrational frequency and when we go to new places we help to anchor that particular frequency into the earth. They showed me an orchestra, each person has their own part to play, their own note. Another person could go to San Diego and assist that area in a completely different but no less valuable way.

What a paradox it seems we can be caught in. We want to be of service so we give and give, heal and heal without an adequate energy exchange and this does not allow us to be in service to the whole as was intended.

So the universe brings me another client who recently attended a practitioner’s workshop that works with morphic fields and understanding the holographic nature of reality. During the workshop, the instructor showed the participants how to track in the form where the programming regarding money and spiritual work lies. Although this client felt she resolved her issues in this area, she was able to see where it was in the form.  It is this unconscious programming that helps keep us trapped in a limited reality instead of one with infinite abundance for all. It is programming that keeps us from understanding that all is simply energy including money.

As usual, the universe shows me an issue in many different ways so that the understanding is complete. I then worked with another client who is a real estate agent and she also does reiki on the side. In her view, she felt that she was only doing her spiritual work when doing Reiki, however, her guides wanted her to understand that once someone comes from a higher vibrating place that ALL they do is spiritual work. They explained that helping someone find a place to live that allows them to feel at home is healing and very valuable.

We need to look at our definitions and realize that when we are open-hearted and higher vibrating we are being of service, what that looks like does not matter. All that matters is we listen to our heart and soul urgings.

Stepping Forward

While I was in San Diego another incredible lesson was learned.

One one of the days we ran around the city going to the Safari park, the zoo and Balboa Park. After the Safari park I was tired and instead of honouring that feeling, speaking my mind and resting, I decided I would try to keep up with my high energy husband and daughter.

By the end of the afternoon, I was a hot mess. I was so tired I could barely speak, my nervous system was in overdrive from all the people, and my back was so sore and inflamed my famous drop foot walk returned. What also returned was that feeling I had worked very hard to overcome – that I was a burden that I couldn’t keep up, that I was holding my family back. Really yucky thoughts that stemmed from when I was so injured I needed help dressing.

I was shocked that what I thought I healed returned with such a vengeance. Because I was so tired and energetically done, I felt all those emotions so deeply.  I couldn’t even process it, I just became lost in the feelings and felt myself sinking.

After a good cry and a nap to restore my energy field I went into meditation to get straight within myself. I found myself standing in what looked like a bus terminal and I found myself staring at a version of me sitting on a bench. This version is the one that felt all those deep, painful emotions of being a burden and a loser.  I immediately went to her and talked to her, telling her it was ok that we can heal this. This was how I had healed so many pieces of myself.

She looked at me and smiled and told me no. She explained that I had tried to heal this time and time again and it was time to let it go, to let her go. I immediately went into telling her how I could not abandon her, that I could integrate her into all that I (we) are. She told me to turn around and what I saw was a beautiful golden opening.  She told me that I was to go through that opening, move on and leave her.  I protested and she came to hug me, told me to be strong and literally pushed me through the opening.

I went through the portal feeling the energy rush through my system. I came out the other side where my highest-self was standing. She told me that while healing our aspects is important, not everything can be healed and integrated. Some things need to be left behind. I told her that I thought that part of the journey was to be completely whole within. She said it is, but it is being whole with our soul and all that keeps us from that must go. I sat with this knowledge and realized how many of us have been chasing our tails. We have been trying desperately to heal our damaged aspects, when there may be pieces that simply need to be released so that we may move forward.

When we have honestly understood the emotions these pieces have held and have worked to integrate them without success it is time to leave it behind. It is not spiritual bypassing to leave behind what no longer works once it is understood.

For those that this resonates with, take a moment and think about the things you need to leave behind. Honor them, love them and then let them go.

Sending you all so much love as we step into who we are. Take care of you!

Jenny Schiltz

Ascension Event and Solar Flash ~ Near Death Experience ~ Man Sees The Other Side


Very fascinating piece…  And wonderful conversation/interview..


Ascension Event & Solar Flash | Near Death Experiencer Sees the “Other Side” — Josh Ever is


Published on Nov 5, 2017

Gaia Portal ~ 11/14/17


Interesting.  And can I express a collective “WHEW” at the term “final phase” as I know I am not the only one feeling like a turtle walking in molasses crossing that line into the AAHH REST YES FREE space.  


Generations of conscious Hue-beings assemble for the final phase.

Illuminative elements prepare the foundation.

Stealth workers soon to be visible.

Descriptives concur with the final phase.