The Vision Alignment Project ~ A Vision for Enhanced Perceptions

A Vision for Enhanced Perceptions

One of the main characteristics of the changes we are all going through at this time has to do with an enhancement of our perceptive capabilities. Of course, one would not read about this extraordinary information in the mainstream media because it is threatening to the status quo. But the status quo contains too much sorrow and suffering – and all of that is about to change, in large part because our perceptions are opening up, revealing new insights and information about our world and how it really works. We are realizing that this reality we live in is but one reality out of an infinite number of realities we can choose to put our attention on – and that we have limited ourselves tremendously by conforming to the mainstream matrix.

Indeed, we envision a world where each person’s solar plexus has opened to the point where we are much more intuitive and we are no longer dependent on receiving information from outside ourselves in order to make our most important decisions. We see people openly using pendulums, dowsing, muscle testing, or simply knowing the truth behind all things.

We see third eyes dilating, dispelling all that was secret in the past, making all things known and giving access to other dimensions, other worlds all around us. As a result, all deception and tomfoolery has stopped completely.

We see hearts opening en masse, causing an avalanche of Love to touch all and everyone who live upon this Earth. No more do we harm another, either in thought or deed, because we now know, beyond all doubt and disbelief, that we are connected to each other, that the Love that lives in in one heart lives in all hearts, and that the Spirit which brings life to one brings life to all.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
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Energy Update ~ We’re About Ready To Expand

Editor’s note:  Any of you feeling this as well?

Becoming, Fractal, Design, Unfolding

By Sophie Gregoire, 05/01/2017

Your recent feeling of exasperation about situations, people, activities and things is there to show you that you’ve grown.

That recent feeling of frustration, and sense of being stuck shows us that you’ve outgrown what you were still comfortable in a few months, or even weeks ago.

At first, this frustration feels uncomfortable or even sad. You want to avoid it sometimes. But you know that you shouldn’t because,

You’re ready to Expand.


You felt good somewhere or with some people, and then you started to hear this “I don’t belong here anymore” or “I’m now yearning for more” within, again.

The inner calling. Sweet voice telling you, day and night, over and over, timid whisper yet loud, insisting – “It’s time to go. It’s time to expand, because now you’ve learned enough of what life was supposed to teach you here”.

You remember that you already felt that way a thousand times – so it seems.

You start to wonder, when and where things will change, and when the Change will be a “Final” one.

You’ve allowed yourself to feel that desire for more, for renewal, so now you just want what you want.


But all these steps are normal steps on Your Way.

Your exasperation, and allowing it, and allowing the void which follows. That feeling of being in-between two worlds is precisely what’s enabling new ideas and inspirations to emerge within you.

Your “I don’t belong here anymore” is what’s about to make you seek, or receive, again — something else.

Of course, one day you’ll Arrive.

Because even if our roads are stories of a lifetime, even if our paths have this eternal feeling of no destination — beautiful stations are coming closer to you.

One day, you’ll arrive.

The Arrive with a big A, that you’ve been dreaming of. The Arrival of the wanderers, the station that will be enough at least to settle, for a few years perhaps — for a long, deserved, peaceful loving rest.

Continue reading here.

Time To Push The Easy Button


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Editor’s note:  As my friend Mikey says, “if it ain’t easy, I ain’t takin’ it!” Very awesome moment of synchronicity alignment coming across this piece earlier this evening as over the weekend, I looked at my “I Intend A World of Easy” sign, remembered my piece I recently wrote about life being easy, then remembered my mate saying this morning “I only accept easy into my life” as we discussed current struggles.  I agree.  Time for EASE now. (we’ve had enough dis-ease, right?)  So intend away.  

Pushing the Easy Button

May 1, 2017 at 9:29 am

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

 Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 28, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Billions are now part of the global light movement. Because of your decades, years, or months of effort, those struck by the recent energies transitioned more rapidly than you imagined possible. Global bullies are fearing the loss of their power. So they are now choosing to be of the light or slinking into a 3D corner of despair.

“Fear Mongers Without Power” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today is your day as is every day until you exit earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you do not yet feel as if you are in control of your life – but you will. For there is no longer any reason to believe that others control you.

Of course, you immediately think of your job, church, government or family – that there are ‘shoulds’ continuing in your life and that of others.

In truth, you are following those ‘should’ roles because you believe you need to – you have not yet dared test your limits.

Until recently, you were shunned if you did not follow the rules established by others. There was a time to sleep, a time to be awake, and many ‘should’ activities to complete in your wake time. Such is no longer true.

You are questioning our statements for you need your job for financial reasons, and someone has to care for your children, parents, friends, political philosophies, etc. In short, there has to be some type of outer-directed work to continue your earthly life.

Continue reading “Time To Push The Easy Button”

The Art of Jumping Time Lines


Fractal, Matrix, Tunnel, Warp, DistortedAlthough it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.

Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.

Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes.

Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a result of their close proximity oscillation effects sometimes occur when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are psychically perceived by those on a neighboring timeline. Strong timelines can also literally affect the possibilities and/or probabilities of other timelines within a time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur within timelines when they enter a time node (proximity to other timelines).

Continue reading “The Art of Jumping Time Lines”

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress

By Diane Canfield

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress

Beloved Tribe of Light,

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean?

It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm.

We have experienced Geo Magnetic Storms for the past 2 months almost continuously that have helped us achieve our new upgraded level of awareness. These storms help us to achieve upgraded DNA which then in turn builds the LIGHT Body which is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of light. Out of the last 60 days we have had 34 days of intense Geo storms.

The higher dimensions of light are based on Consciousness and the level of Awareness a being holds within themselves. As a being becomes one with their authentic self and in doing so merges with the Creator/Christ Consciousness we then become more crystalline and lighter in body, thought and awareness. This is what is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of awareness and Light.

This is how we evolve out of this 3D dimension in spurts and jumps that will lead us ultimately to the higher dimensions of light. Many beings  already exist in these dimensions. I have had in person contact with many races of ETs that already exist in these realms.  They are inter dimensional and travel between dimensions as we will be doing. There is a process involved in learning these techniques and this is why paranormal activities increase as we move dimensions. We are learning how to navigate these new realms.

Dimensional shifts can cause many issues while we are in the middle of them. These issues are physical, emotional and mental. While they occur there are also episodes of Bliss that also occur off and on. It is completely normal to feel bliss one day and then feel the effects of the shift the next day. This is how the Universe always implements new creations… it is done in waves.

Continue reading “A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress”

5 Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To New Earth


Editor’s note:  Some good advice (of which I need to remind myself of daily). Definitely need to give #4 some effort.  I have been engaging in #5 for months now as part of my nightly, before-bed meditation.  

Ascension, Celestial, Planet, Heaven

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer,

Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right now. Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem like you expected it to. In order to bring the final shift closer into our reality, there are some important steps you can take to assist in blending the two realities for Earth and humanity.

As the old matrix crumbles and we bring in the New Earth energies in to merge with our reality, we want to focus on:

 1. Ground in the new energies with your body

Being in nature and doing conscious grounding techniques are essential to the process of merging the two realities. THIS is what many of us came here to do!

2. Be aware of your thoughts and actions

There is a whole new layer here that hasn’t been brought to light before. The dark forces are playing our old song over and over to us like a broken record in the matrix. Most of the time at the point we are at right now, it doesn’t mean you haven’t dealt with it. It is more like a groundhog day illusion and if you can recognize that, you can move those thoughts out of your head easier.

3. Be in love as much as possible

This means doing things that you love, being around people that you love, and staying in a high vibration.

4. Integrate parts and pieces of you

This includes “frozen” aspects of yourself that may have jumped outside of yourself with traumatic experiences in this lifetime and others. Because of the help of the quantum energy fields that we are being bathed with at this time, the intention and action to clear that energy and integrate it back into our hearts is all it takes. Continue to do this ritual until you feel like there are no more parts of you that are not integrated.

5. Activate your DNA

You have the power to bring the white light from the center of the cosmos into your cells to activate your DNA. You also have the ability to talk to you cells and tell them that you want all of your 12 strands of DNA to be healed and turned on. You can make this a part of your daily meditation and/or forgiveness and self love ceremony.

Continue reading here.

We Are Multi-Dimensional Beings

Vortex, Portole, Man, Flying, Fantasy

I have been chanting the phrase “I Am a multi-dimensional Being” daily for months now.  It’s part of my nightly meditation I do before I go to sleep.  However, you can chant a phrase as often as you want.  It isn’t until you not only believe it but know the truth of the statement, which comes through the feeling part of our bodies, that the mantra will become a reality.

Today as I headed out to the store, I became tired.  I felt my energy drop. Doesn’t help we are having day number forever of cold rain.  I thought being out of the house and around others would help.  Nope.  Not happening.  I continued to feel tired and antsy.  On edge.

Driving home, I heard “you are a multi-dimensional being” run through my mind, coming from that left side again (call it my “Higher Self Channel”).  That snapped me out of my funk.  I gripped the steering wheel and said “you know, I really AM!”  I stated “I am a multi-dimensional Being.”  Then I called in other parts of Me who were having a more positive experience.  As I did, a chill went through me and my entire mood shifted.  I literally felt my energy rise up.

Is there any way I can explain this?


I just know that, like other experiences I have that come from within and cannot be explained away with logic, if they resonate and produce a positive result, and give me chills/good vibes, then it is Truth.  For me.