Today’s Reflection: Energies. Site issues. Moments of humbleness…


Well the day began with the notification my site’s hosting service had been deactivated due to a violation of their terms of service.  The violation was due to loading speed, causing lag time on their servers, affecting other customers who share the server w/me.  I contacted my host – first via chat – and with their patient help, assisted this tech-challenged person with making some changes to the site to help increase the loading speed.  I was then told the admins had to verify what was done to fix the issue and thus reinstate my site which would take up to 48 hours.

Hmm, I thought.  Why wasn’t I notified of this?  This is a money-generating site and having it down was something that, well, scared me (more on that later).  So I phoned them up after the chat and spoke to another awesome CSR who agreed – I should have been notified of this issue so we could work together to resolve it rather than just shut down my site and leave me in the dark.  So I got that taken care of and now I am up and running again – with a lot of plugins being removed.  Next step will be to see the cost of working with a sister agency of my hosting service where people much more skilled than I can help me determine the best plug-ins to use, themes, security, etc. For now all appears ok.

This brought up issues of fear for me, as I said.  I feel there were a couple of influences at play.  One the matrix poking me.  Love doesn’t “poke”.  Love presents – without judgment – and always with the assistance to help.  I also feel this poke also included a tap from higher self that said “let it go and trust in ME”.  No surprise I also have been having repeated dream themes the last week.  Many fears arising now.  I’m seeing the need to face them as they are without judgment – and love every one of them.  Do the best I can in this environment – in this realm – these frequencies and mostly with the deception.

All those aspects of me.  The wounded child.  The wounded ego.  Limited programming – limited in that I am ALSO so many other characters of Greatness.  Beauty.  Love.

And all of the challenging personality behaviors and beliefs/thoughts/stories that come up with them.

How I dealt with the website issue was another good indicator of my need to allow.  Trust.  Release.  And respond (w/o the drama of reacting which is exactly what the matrix wants and which is also why those old programs hooked into us poke).  I missed that mark for a little bit – until I hit it by simply responding and letting what will be – BE.

I know what to do.  I just have to WANT to motivate myself TO do the “doing”.  Make sense?

Take a breath.  Step back.  RELAX.

So I spent time reflecting on this as I waited for the site to come back up – which was not a guarantee.  I found that peace in all of it.  Small – but it was there.  A start.

In my experience of being humbled by seeing me – I bring out my Greatness.

So onto these energies…..Something is up and it isn’t just the protons and isn’t just the plasma density and speed(which you will see below).  I was tuning in as I watered out front earlier.  Our ground looks as though we are in mid summer.  Dry, cracked – deprived of moisture.  We just came out of a long cool, wet winter so this makes no “sense” to the logic.  What I felt was this is proof we have been moved – this realm in which we reside.  Or it could be a result from the chem’ing – creating an effect of dehydration for nature.  That also brings about a sense of perplexity for me as just a few weeks ago I could smell mold/mildew which thrives in damp environments. Now the smell seems to have disappeared.  How could this switch happen so quickly?  Other than we have been moved closer to the exit – again – recently.

That could explain that ring around the sun which some are now also agreeing with my feel – at least aligning with it – that this looks like a stargate.  Yellow Rose has been saying we get pulled out of this realm then the sun goes NOVA.  And that perfectly aligned ring indeed looks like a stargate.  So I am staying with this perception/feel for now.  And perhaps as well these pokes can be used in a way to strengthen us to respond to the pokes – so we leave the old drama behind.  I had the visual of a strainer – the “good” stuff makes it through – the residue gets left behind.  What is no longer needed.

I’m ready for that.  I’m sure you are too.





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Today’s Energies ~ Reflection ~ and Dream ~ 5/8/19


My energy was pretty good again today – not quite as super-charged as yesterday but still quite good…until about 3:30pm that is.  Something came in and through me and I was suddenly very sensitive.  I was in a thrift store at the time.  Perhaps it was also due to the variety of energies that come in such places.  All of those used items carrying the impressions of previous owners.  I had to get out and into the fresh air and sun.  That helped me – but I still felt something – still feeling it.  Below are energy reads for today.  Protons.  Electrons.  Plasma speed nearly off the charts.  Magnetic Field Speed hitting high notes.  And the schumann spiking.

I am feeling we are being prepped – once again – for the new way of Being. Last night before drifting off into my cbd oil slumber, I was sharing with my mate how I am really tuning into the new and what I will be doing.  I said I had this feeling there are things I have once did – when I was in my Original Form – that I have “forgotten” and I am trying to remember – at least being guided TO remember.  He laughed and said he just began having that same exact thought pattern.

I then fell into deep sleep where I had several very vivid dreams.  One in particular had the most impact, in which I will share with you all.  In short: I was flying.  At least getting the hang of it.  I was walking on this beautiful walking path – surrounded by meadows and hills.  I was at the top of wherever I was.  Air was perfect.  Temperature, perfect.  Sky had a lot of colors – orange and yellow being the primary colors.  As I am walking I suddenly stop and knew it was time for me to fly.  I take a step – my body leaves the ground – left foot lifting about an inch off the ground.  Manifest this, I told myself.  It’s time.  I then stumble in the air a bit until I am floating on my backside in a slight sitting position.  I’m giggling at this point and so happy and so grateful.  My laughter turns to tears as I give thanks for FINALLY getting my Powers back.  Absolute elation.

Then there is our manifestation abilities.  Those seem to be supercharged right now.  (and dang these abilities best be around to STAY as we have had hints of them here and there for quite a long time now)  Here’s a funny one. Our child wants Jimmy John’s for dinner later this week.  It was her choice.  I don’t have any weird apps on my computer nor do I have a fancy smart phone w/apps.  So we have deduced it was HER energies manifesting the 2 emails I suddenly received from Jimmy John’s in a 24 hour period.  Then this morning we see a Jimmy John’s car drive up our street – STOP in front of our house – then go to a house 2 houses up from us.

I manifested a small torte baking set – something I have wanted for years but have not wanted to spend a lot of money on them.  The price today was $1.00.

Here are the reads:











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Today’s Energies ~ Feeling Greaaaat!


am i acclimating?  did eating light yesterday and having good sleep help? both?  i’m feeling a little bit of the reads showing up today – but not nearly to the level where i was yesterday.  slug level.  today?  tony the tiger.

the schumann grid pattern continues.  we have electron and proton spikes. and the sun or whatever that is NASA captures and shares is showing a lot of activity.  plasma is moderate with some dips.  images below.


and one last image.  came home with the nudge to “get to the tv” and take a look…..finishing this one up at 4:44pm too….




Thank you for visiting.  Feel free to share!  If you would like to leave a donation for the work I do, please follow the link below.

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editor victoria’s comment ~ i am being called lately to feel into the experience i had almost 10 years ago where i was called to go see a light ship outside – and felt “home” immediately.  one of the feels i had at the time (first one actually) was “that’s us from the future.”  quite possible that is true.  the ME already “home” coming here to give me the (MUCH needed) boost to keep going as we would be uniting soon.  the merge.


Published on Mar 4, 2019

Today’s Experiences ~ One foot is flying free while the other is stuck in mud


Pretty good title, eh?

One foot is ready to go and the other foot is trying to find some footing here with a few things i am seeking to change.  feeling rather stuck in the mud w/those things.  it’s the same challenge – knowing something i have chosen to engage in is not working (energetically for certain) and yet the other options the system provides to choose from is either not affordable or not acceptable.

have i said i really desire NEW?  lol  i am flat out finished with hearing all of this NEW takes time – over and over i read it.  hear it.  and yet here i am… remaining focused on what i desire (eye on the prize) while engaging in the grump and moan stuff at times.

Dreams were strange and numerous.  Left eye is twitching… a lot.  Some unpleasant coughing yesterday.  A lot of sneezing lately too – noticeable change in that.

Fixed a few things on this site on my own – yay me! (as you will notice that annoying pop-up is gone).  The email notification of new posts for my subscribers is still not working.  I ran across a forum for the particular plug in that said they made major changes with the newest update (NO KIDDING) and some were having issues and they will help fix whatever issue site owners may be having.  So awaiting a response from that.

For now, grateful for the sun, a home to live in, healthy food to eat and my family.  Me as well and all of you. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



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Schumann ~ 2/16/19 !!!


well WOWSER!  i haven’t posted the schumann much lately – not much really to see.  but this?  WOW!  this may explain why i have felt 22 all day – energy is off the charts for me as far as feeling alive…and this followed another night of “sleep?  what’s that?”  seriously feel like i could rock and roll all night after bouncing around all day going here and there doing this and that.  thank you energies!  (i am still listening to lisa harrison’s latest and am finding many things that align with me – have some things to share about that and will later – unless i decide to throw on a dress and hit the local night club.  joking – it’s rather late for a babysitter.)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]



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Dealing with the incoming energies transforming us – the light the dark and all of it


editor victoria’s comment ~ the title is mine and i hope it covers what is shared below – and below are words in which i align.  lately i have been saying simply that i release and transmute (heal) all that is not of the I AM.  or Source.  or love.  or divine.  or truth.  whatever i am feeling in the moment.  it is my intuitive impression/feeling from deep within that higher frequencies are incoming – many from ships/craft from Home – and these energies are transforming ALL here.  it isn’t about good or bad or light or dark.  it’s about transforming us back into Original Source Frequencies.  and all that does not align – what we would call “dark” – are in a panic.  i sense it “out there” and i sense it within ME as well.  we are being presented with LOVE in huge ways – and those parts of us that have been hurt are wide eyed in panic mode saying “OH I CANNOT TRUST THAT!  RUN!”  

Love can feel scary and i am feeling it is time to talk about this.  how many of us have been hurt by people who we loved?  (a rather unnecessary question of course but hey it’s a convo starter….)  it begins with our parents. then families. friends. lovers.  etc.  no one gets through this experience in this realm without trauma due to being hurt by those we love and who love us. you know the song – Love Hurts.  of course we know Love doesn’t hurt – hurt hurts.  pain hurts. trauma hurts.  fear hurts.  Love Heals.  and we forget that.  i certainly did and i feel it calling me more and more – especially most recently.  

i have been self soothing at times saying it’s ok to get back into the heart and STAY there.  it’s ok to return to Love and to STAY there.  there is NO HARM there.  it is HOME.  and that is where we are returning.

and now:  another’s perspective below.




I have many who are coming to me in somewhat of an uncomfortable state of Being.

Ok , loves , I post certain things to kind of give you all a “ heads up” , somethings might seem a little outlandish, or common. It just depends on where you all are in this process.

This gray web matrix, that I’ve been stating about carries many layers of interpretations.
The Council of Divine Feminine, that are in full task to disassemble it , are handling this tirelessly, diligently and selflessly.

While they are taking it down , 7, strands at a time ( 7 types of distortion) our vessels , environments, spirituality, DNA , histories get cleared.
The strands Do Not , get recognition, they just get cleared and healed to non existence.

So with all this being said, you will feel , attract , deal etc. with some extremely odd occurrences.

But as I Am observing , many are going into somewhat of a panic. Which , is what’s not the advisable, reaction and Being.

The Heat is On , loves. You’ve been preparing for this, No???

There is Acceleration, a movement forward , so much faster, to arrive at temporary, holding patterns of assimilation, so 5D can become a full state of BEING.

We are all being tested in our faith and Commandship , our trust , that no thing will hurt or harm us , faith that we are in full power and prowess of our Divine Christed Essence.

Remember, you are Father /God/ Source, whatever you feel to Be.
Carrying that Commandship , there is no possible way , Anything can disturb you.

Yes , there are those like myself , that have the gifted capability of cleaning up full Distortion imageries that are still an issue here on Geia. But, each of you have the extreme capabilities to clean up Your, space.
It’s just some of you are not in full pure faith of your own God Essence as the Christed One.

What sky command has brought to my Aware is this:

As the clean up persues, there are wormholes and portals from other darker environments, imagery beings, that are also in a panic , of extinction. They seek a donor home to hang on.
Like when 2are swimming, one can’t swim anymore, reaches for the one who can, in panic , trying to save themselves too.

It’s paramount to keep your outside fields ( auric, energetic) clear of rips and tears.


Project from your Heart Portal , the most powerful Golden Diamond force , like a beam from a lighthouse, shine it around your fields. Or, you become the Beam , no thing will see you because of the brilliance.

Tool :


I suggest you Command this ,in power ,from the I Am I Am I Am.

Use this whenever you feel “ off”. Doesn’t matter the time of day.

Once upon a time , you were innately programmed to be afraid of all unknowns ,



Ok I know I’m long winded today , I try and not do this, I prefer clear concise data for you , but sometimes it is necessary.
Loves please share my info everywhere you can. Strength , comes from the unification.

To all the sleepers, new runners , 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, runners , we got this!
But you must share your knowledge to empower All as One.
I love you as I Am I Am I Am ……


Some energy reads (graphs)…and a thought or two….


schuman kabams…plasma…………electrons (CHECK OUT THAT KAPOW!)………protons………i am wondering now if my occasional thought that ships from home are sending us d/l at night to awaken and restructure – perhaps this is more than just a thought.  and it also then leads me to question – is this vessel then doing the changing?  is this vessel prepping to merge with this alleged REAL light body vessel in stasis?  or is the “real self in stasis” also a program and all that i am/I AM is here now in this form? hmm…  (i laugh as i type this as it reminds me of a recent conversation i had with my mom.  i have always been highly curious – always the philosopher – always asking questions – digging for answers and wanting to know the why’s and what’s, etc.  my girl is very much the same.  my mom said when i was a little girl i always had so many questions to ask and stories to tell she would at times feel that mama weariness and would ask me if i might like to go to the neighbor’s house to ask them the questions.  my mom said i would usually say “no” and continue on with my little dialogue…)

i listened to a video on our role now being to love every thing.  i can align with that.  and yet where i find the challenge is the notion that when we send love to the abusers, the criminals in government, and it diffuses them. my first thought was “so does a bullet.”  then i imagined the children.  the children who have been sacrificed, tortured, abused, etc. – often by people they love and trusted.  did that love diffuse the behavior of the tormentors? no, it did not. i feel it is that mantra – that thought pattern that love diffuses fear in others that can get us in trouble – can make it easy to turn a blind eye to the idea that such a thought pattern can be quite naive. sometimes – often – the only way to actually stop someone – to diffuse one from engaging in harm is by use of physical force. period.  not saying love isn’t powerful and cannot be effective – but if someone is coming at you with the intent to harm do you send them love and hope it works or do you use force to protect yourself?

we can send forgiveness to those who have made the choice to engage in such acts of horror.  that is effective for healing and of course is one of the arms of love.  those being held accountable now are not surrendering because love was sent their way.  they’ve been seen – and caught. sometimes when the energies of hate are so heavy and thick (as they are with those who commit the most destructive acts) – it takes effort/time for the Love to penetrate.  for those committing the darkest of horrors, they are usually repelled by Love.  some are so lost they may not Remember that experience of love while they remain in body here.  they may be unable and/or unwilling to let the love be experienced/felt.  so…..let’s not be blinded by that as a real possibility if not probability.

love is all powerful and all healing.  let it just be one of the many tools we utilize as we continue the focus of cleaning up this mess in this realm – both within and without.  we have warriors that carry the sword and warriors that utilize love.  both have purpose and value.




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