Today’s Experiences ~ One foot is flying free while the other is stuck in mud


Pretty good title, eh?

One foot is ready to go and the other foot is trying to find some footing here with a few things i am seeking to change.  feeling rather stuck in the mud w/those things.  it’s the same challenge – knowing something i have chosen to engage in is not working (energetically for certain) and yet the other options the system provides to choose from is either not affordable or not acceptable.

have i said i really desire NEW?  lol  i am flat out finished with hearing all of this NEW takes time – over and over i read it.  hear it.  and yet here i am… remaining focused on what i desire (eye on the prize) while engaging in the grump and moan stuff at times.

Dreams were strange and numerous.  Left eye is twitching… a lot.  Some unpleasant coughing yesterday.  A lot of sneezing lately too – noticeable change in that.

Fixed a few things on this site on my own – yay me! (as you will notice that annoying pop-up is gone).  The email notification of new posts for my subscribers is still not working.  I ran across a forum for the particular plug in that said they made major changes with the newest update (NO KIDDING) and some were having issues and they will help fix whatever issue site owners may be having.  So awaiting a response from that.

For now, grateful for the sun, a home to live in, healthy food to eat and my family.  Me as well and all of you. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.