Live To Impress Yourself

I am so happy to announce that my book, Live To Impress Yourself ~ An Interactive Journal, is finally available in print (after being in kindle only format for the past year).  Totaling 68 questions which you answer in the space provided, I take you through a journey of self-exploration, asking you a variety of questions and providing exercises on topics such as relationships with self and others, sexuality, spirituality, and childhood. All designed to bring out your inner Goddess while providing some new insight, healing and fun.

This is a dream I have waited over 8 years to see come to fruition and I hope you decide to buy a copy for yourself and/or for the women in your life.


Live To Impress Yourself

James Gilliland 2/26/17: Transcending the Psychic Sludge

Transcending the Psychic Sludge

by James Gilliland

Feb 26, 2017

Recently because of Global and local events there has been heaviness – a barrier so to speak – between clear guidance and the chaos of social consciousness. There are ascension waves that are exponentially getting stronger to help in the awakening and healing process yet it seems we have been caught in the muck and the mire. On the Island of Maui there has been a long battle against Monsanto; which has lead to a lot of disheartening along with a complete disregard for the will of the people. There were the elections with so many of the masses misinformed with the fake news, social programming by the main stream media along with movements funded by the globalists to create separation and division. Division between the races and gender preying upon the wounds and traumas of the past in a covert psyop program being carried out by the very same people guilty of what they accused others of doing. There are a lot of powerful people at the top of the food chain guilty of sedition, treason, child trafficking, even satanic blood rituals. Yes as much as we would like to remain in denial these events have happened and we are going to have to deal with it. Our false media generated and supported leaders are falling. They will see the light of day and there will be a day of reckoning. Not just during their light review when they leave this plane but here on Earth. Many will remove themselves or be removed over the next two months.

It has been very hard to break through this barrier of chaos and denser consciousness and energy as of late. Many felt abandoned by God, the Angelic Guides and Ascended Masters as well as our spiritually and technologically advanced off-worlders. Conflicting information, or guidance that changed from moment to moment was the result of the shift we are going through. Invariably the shift has hit the fan but now the clean up has begun.

Are we going to be a part of the clean up or continue making messes? Are we going to continue in the division and separation game or bring about cooperation and unity? Will we add to the psychic turbulence or find peace within ourselves, as well as the courage and determination to take back our power?

The status quo is over. It was sick, broken, corrupt and beyond repair. The multiverse no longer supports the draconian grid; which has enslaved you for eons. Its days are numbered. It is time to release the past, reevaluate our positions and beliefs and be brutally honest with ourselves on how we came to those beliefs.

It is time for a new belief system, a new government that truly serves the people. A government based on Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all.

Universal Law is pressing hard upon the Earth backed by the higher dimensions. It is pushing up the darkness, revealing it so as we can see and deal with it. It is also showing us our own darkness. The wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from the past which need healing. God is love, God heals, in its most unlimited understanding it is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. It is pure love, joy and bliss. It does have a nasty habit of pushing up and out anything that does not resonate with it. That is the source of the shift.

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.


Differences Between Third and Fifth Dimensional Relationships

Digital Art, Artwork, Together, Couple
Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy.  Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that are being interconnected.  The unconditional loving from which fifth dimensional relationships emerge creates change by offering an environment in which the opportunities for evolutionary development are gracefully accessed and successfully utilized by all involved.

There are distinct differences between third and fifth dimensional relationships, based upon the purpose of the dimensional experience.  The fifth dimensional qualities defined below facilitate an unconditionally loving experience.  By providing the criteria by which to monitor your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors you can both build and support fifth dimensional relationships out of the third dimensional relationships in your own life.

Built to break verses built to sustain themselves.

All third dimensional relationships were built to break.  Our job as third dimensional human beings was to experience separation, loss, and fear.  Humanity agreed to participate in this divine experiment of amnesia that required our civilization to find its way back to its Source of its own free will.  Humans are experts in suffering as we took this task seriously and became quite skilled in hurting ourselves and the kingdoms of nature supporting our experiment.  We learned to destroy connection rather than honor it, to the point that we were in danger of destroying our civilization and the world in which we lived.
Fifth dimensional relationships are built to sustain themselves.  They eternally exist within the context of Creation and their experience on the Earth plane is one of reconnection with our divine nature, the essence of our being.  Your fifth dimensional soul family supported your journey on Earth through an ignorant human mind, by providing you with a group of beings who incarnated with you over and over again.  Known as your Soul group, these individuals played different familial and community roles over your multiple incarnations always supporting your growing evolutionary awareness that there is more to life than fear and pain.  Because your human mind could not conceive the Soul connections continually supporting it, you felt abandoned, alone, and often emotionally tortured through specific patterns  of behavior lifetime after lifetime.  Until now.

Continue reading here.

Energies Are Pushing Us To Go Beyond

Editor’s note:  Reading this I heard in my mind “to boldly go where no one has gone before.”  Certainly this is not just a phrase for the physical but for the emotional/mental/spiritual and is something I am experiencing for myself. Today my higher self brought me the experience to show me how I need not let myself “rescue” another – but to show compassionate support.  It’s a balance for me to do this as naturally, I want to dive in and rescue others.  I can offer what I can, I can show compassion and have empathy, but no longer need I LOSE myself in another.  I was also given the experience to see how naturally it is for me to own the Truth that I CREATE MY OWN REALITY and when someone else interjects their version of reality into mine – and if that energy conflicts with mine – I immediately go into Warrior position which looks like Me putting up my right hand firmly while stating “that is not my reality” – confidently.  This Transformation is about letting go of the old – which for me is really letting go of EVERYTHING in third dimensional “reality” that does not bring me peace.  Period.  ♥♥♥


The energy is really coming in. We are having celestial events that help ramp up the energy, but there is more to it. There is a huge push with this energy. It is testing us to see if we are ready to move forward, to leave the old programming behind. Can we trust where we are going enough to let go of the old?

Like all things this energy is multifaceted. There is a component that is still dredging up all of our stuff. It is asking us to really see the ways that we don’t love ourselves, the ways that we have compromised self, and the ways that we have not honored ourselves. For some this will come up as negative thoughts about self while for others it will be played out in the daily interactions. Observance is required so that we can see what is being shown without getting lost in the emotions of it. Writing your thoughts can help you to see the patterns that are bubbling up.

With all that is coming up within the collective to be healed, some are feeling overwhelmed by the emotions swirling around. These can be quite deep and feel like a never ending cavern if we allow ourselves to sink into it. Again it is important to observe what is triggering you. These can be clues to what needs to be healed within you from your many incarnations, on this planet and others.

This energy is also asking if we still feel the need to sacrifice for others, to be the martyr. This includes not allowing ourselves to be in joy.

Continue reading “Energies Are Pushing Us To Go Beyond”

Jupiter Retrograde In Libra: The Fairytale Exists – Fight For It!

By Kate Rose


“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” ~ Arrigo Boito

On Sunday, February 5th Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships.

Over the past month, we’ve had an unprecedented astrological alignment of planets moving in direct motion. We’ve felt spurred to take action and investigate those deepest parts of our subconscious.

We dived deep, fell through Alice’s rabbit hole—and discovered that fairytales are real.

Planets and their retrograde periods affect various parts of our lives. Depending on which sign governs a particular time, certain areas are highlighted. The beginning of 2017 is truly all about love, relationships and shaking off what isn’t working to make room for what will.

In January, we saw Venus in Pisces. Through that, we came to understand just how amazing love can be if we simply let it do its own thing. No longer swimming against the current, we finally went with the flow.

But now Jupiter is the first of several planets going retrograde over the next few months. This happens to change everything.

Some retrogrades, like Mercury, get a bad rap because they’re rumored to hamper certain aspects of our lives like communication and travel. Jupiter retrograde, on the other hand, is like lifting a veil from what we’re normally scared to see—and in balance-oriented Libra, it’s going to give us insight into our deepest relationships.

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” ~ Unknown

Sometimes things change in the blink of an eye, and this may well be one of those times. Jupiter will be retrograde until the 9th of June, allowing us to open to love and make it our mission to find the greatest possible sense of balance.

We don’t often discuss balance in love, yet most relationships end because of this factor. It’s easy to lose sight of our needs when we begin a relationship with someone. We dismiss our need for freedom, quiet, and even sex; we overlook practical aspects like communication or home rituals. And then one day we wake up and realize we aren’t where we want to be.

As Jupiter turns retrograde, anything that isn’t working will become more apparent. Our souls will naturally be drawn to those relationships where balance flows as freely as love.

There will be many marriages and engagements this year. With Venus in Pisces and now Jupiter in Libra, we just don’t have time to play games. We don’t have time for relationships that leave us feeling as mentally exhausted as we do when we leave work.

We just don’t have time to pretend it’s working anymore.

There doesn’t always need to be a long courting period for two people to know there’s no one else they want to laugh with forever. Sometimes we know—we just know. That knowing will be the driving force behind this retrograde.

We’ll either realize our relationship is on life support—-or we’ll become acutely aware that we’ve found our person.

Jupiter stays in retrograde a great deal longer than many other planets—and while it seems that June is far off, four months is plenty of time to rearrange our lives.

But first we’ll face challenges, because how else do we learn?

We’re going to hold a magnifying glass to our closest relationships. And we always have a choice to glimpse through it or not, but this period isn’t about if we’ll look, but when. We don’t all ease gently into change; sometimes we need a gentle push.

Jupiter is giving us the nudge to do what we know we must.

Things may not make sense; we may want to hit the brakes, put the blinders back on or even bury our heads in the sand—and we just may make that choice. But it won’t be for long. We’re going to feel more action-packed than gun shy, more interested in truth than hiding or avoiding.

We’ve danced this dance before.

We’re tried to play nice by everyone else’s rules, and we’ve tried to do what we were supposed to. We tried to make everyone else happy, and in the process we lost a piece of ourselves.

Life is too short for anything but the extraordinary.

The next four months will be a journey—a time to travel according to the beats of our hearts and their loves. This is a time for for wandering, pulled by the stars. The love we’re seeking is already breathing and alive; it’s here.

Whether we are ready for it or not is often another story.

Usually it’s not a lack of love, but a lack of vision that hampers our progress in romantic relationships. Luckily for all of us, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and big ideas, will be supporting us in all that we hold most dear.

This time, we will be able to see the bigger picture—and with it, the balance we need in our relationships.

And at the end of this retrograde, when we are finally asked if we believe in fairytales, we just may find ourselves answering, I Do.”

“We loved with a love that was more than love.” ~ Edgar Allen Poe


Sourced from here.