Vision Alignment Project: A Vision For Family




A Vision for Family

We see a world where we have expanded the definition of our family; where we are not only family to those with whom we are blood related, but that we are also part of a larger family – a soul family that is made up of those we made arrangements and agreements with before we came into this lifetime for the purpose of learning lessons and helping each other in our evolution.

We see ourselves understanding that the members of our soul family do not always provide us with pleasure and beneficence, that sometimes they come to provide us with adversity and challenges so we can become stronger of character; and as we let go of our self-importance, we are better able to recognize these soul family members and the gifts they bring to us.

We, then, see a world where we recognize that everyone we meet, everyone we share this beautiful, abundant Earth with is actually part of an even larger family that has come here at this time to experience a Grand Oneness together. Indeed, as we create this Oneness, all opposition and judgment is set aside forever, and we, once again, see the wisdom in redefining who our family is.

For, at this point, we are the Family of One.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.




An Opportunity to Heal, Reconcile and End This Male/Female Separation


Love, Passion, Act, Man, Woman, Pair

I read this on facebook and found it very helpful and truthful.  Both genders have been pulled out of their authentic selves.  We all know current societies run on the concept that the male dominates the female. This comes in many forms.  Power over.  Controlling behaviors in conversations.  Questioning behaviors.  Restrictions.  Expectations. Demands.  Using money to control.

It is time for the males, as some are indeed doing, to own how they have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the masculine to listen to the feminine as she shares her stories of being dominated and abused and harmed.

It is time for the women, as some are indeed doing, to own how they too have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the feminine to listen to the masculine as he shares his stories of being harmed and lied to by this patriarchy system and robbed of his right to own his own feminine energies.

Working together, in purity, with conscious intention to stay out of defensiveness, we can help one another heal.


Some of the strongest and most complex bands of energies , vibrations , and frequencies known to humankind are in focus.
These bandwidths , are meant to literally act like lasers , meant to cut away , to dissect the archaic , rotting cores of Paradigms of destruction.
The oppressions , suppression , abandonment of Gaias Goddess /Priestess energy is one of the trails of tears.
Our Men , who have been laid before their feet , have agreed to a contract that will ignite the power within the temple of Woman. It is a selfless act of love , to some it will be a trigger that will be the catalyst of pain. Not pain from the Man , but the pain of female collective , as well as the individual. The Man will reenact a scene , that will spark fire within the old embers , raise the pain , bring it to the surface , so Women can finally stand in Sovrieignty as individual as as a collective into their own power. Healing within and healing without the full collective back into Love.
Priestess/goddess, they are here to heal you , build you , not destroy you. Be grateful , that they too have agreed to heal you , they are trying to rectify the horrific damage from a twisted Masculine Lineage.
Step out , do your work , love yourself as no other can or should , so women before , during and after you will have healing through Devine Goddess /Priestess Lineage and suffrage will be No More.
The Masculine fiber of space , has gone through rumbles of change as of late and Gaia will Nurture as no other can, their raising of their own Phoenix of Rose Gold Light .Patience , tolerance and compassion is the compounds needed on the knife cuts if Masculine protocol. All will catch up to meet equally All.

Carrying The Energies of Unconditional Love


Heart, Love, Valentine'S Day, Abstract

August 2, 2017

I remember the first time in this incarnation I had a several-minute experience of feeling Unconditional Love.  Not just love as we humans define it but the kind of Love that is All (and awe) Encompassing.  It was around 2006/2007 and I was in my car, sitting in the parking lot, waiting for my mate to get off from work.  I was watching the cars go by, my mind, quiet.  Something within me began to imagine the stories of the people driving by.  Where were they going?  Were they going home and if so, was their home life happy, fulfilling?

My inner world then expanded as I began to wonder about our world leaders, in particular the current administration at the time of the United States.  I observed them making decisions, those that lead to war and destruction.  I tuned in to understand what was driving those decisions. What I saw and felt created a shift within.  I could feel that, while their actions were indeed heartless and often malicious, they literally had NO MEMORY of who they really were.  None.  They were completely lost, unable to hear much less feel the energies of their Higher Selves.

Next thing I know, I am weeping, sending them energies of Love that was so powerful ~ my human brain could only observe in stunned silence.  I remember thinking and knowing “this is how we are ALL designed to Be and one day you will return to this State in this body”.  It was such an overwhelmingly wonderful, beautiful experience, I literally BEGGED to stay in that state.  The energy grew until I felt I was going to burst open, my human body literally disintegrating to allow for the Light within to Shine to its Fullest.  Moments later, the feeling disappeared.  It was as though someone snapped off the light in the room and I was left, in a daze, to the thoughts now rushing through my mind.

I wondered how on earth would it be possible to carry these energies 24/7. Seriously – how could this be possible in a body?   That energy thing I felt was HUGE.  I thought I was literally going to burst apart.  The question makes me smile today and I feel a lot of tenderness for the person I was then. What I was really seeking was how could my body handle such a state of Being continuously?  What was the process for obtaining and maintaining this State?

Unaware of Ascension at the time and that entire experience/journey, I was not aware that awakening and returning to this State was a process, assisted by not just my own Intentions but by the Assistance of Source, Higher Selves and Cosmic Energies.

Since that date, I have had numerous such experiences, two very recently. I now know and feel I have more ability to hold this state as well as more “room” within this body to hold the energies.  Perhaps a good analogy is when we over-load a circuit.  Such an object can only withhold as much energy as it is designed to hold.  The beauty here is that our physical beings are changing structure to allow for us to hold those states of energy for longer periods of “time”.

And it isn’t just my physical body making changes to make this process the way of Being but it is my intention to release that which is essentially taking up space, keeping me in the state of separation and forgetfulness. Those memories and experiences and their accompanying emotions, certainly those that are not useful in the Remembering journey but are rather more like old dusty cobwebs that need a Love Clean to shine again. Cosmic energies incoming are greatly assisting us in this process.

I can see all of this in my mind’s eye just now as I read the previous words again.  When I am lost in the separation and forgetfulness, a part of me within literally snaps a finger, says “hey over here – REMEMBER”.  A nice trick, eh?

Today I return to that first experience I had over a decade ago.  Earlier today I was reading an online discussion on forgiveness, aimed at those who have kept us enslaved in this financial fraud.  Why waste energy wanting them punished?  What is it we really want here – FREEDOM. Pointing fingers and the like, if we make that our focus, will keep us disconnected from Source.  Now this is not to say being our Source Selves says we are a doormat.  Of course not.  Our Energy Bodies tell us when something is not OK.  We are to listen to these experiences and respond accordingly.  Incoming energies are already weakening the power of others who have played their power-over games ~ as well as those of us who have participated in the power-under games.  Supportive energies are going to leave those who have participated in the most destructive ways with the option ~ heal and ascend or you will vibrate naturally to a realm of your choosing which will allow you to continue your ways until you see, feel and know different.  That is my perception.

I pause as I feel I was given that moment so long ago to remind me today that truly being Free includes being Free of Judgment.  It is liberating.  If I can find forgiveness, if I can find Love for those who have perpetuated the most destructive of behaviors, well then I have nothing but Hope we can all find it within ourselves as well ~ for us and for all.

How powerful this will be when we can look into the eyes of one, including ourselves, who is detached from Source Energy and say with Strength and Absolute Knowing:  “You have forgotten who you really are.  I see you. You are Love. You really do not want to participate in this, do you?”

Such an interaction with others and most importantly, with ourselves, can and will create experiences of healing and beauty for all.  And ultimately, Freedom.


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Trying Versus Allowing ~ The Way To Go With The Flow


Editor’s note:  Beautiful piece.  Comforting words of reminder.  Soothing to my ego and heart.  

July 24, 2017
Vera Ingeborg

My oh my… these times lately are really something. It is hard to even express in words what happens because things move so fast and shift so quickly. The concept of linear time dissolves more and more and we are moving into a living from moment to moment. We realize that the answers cannot be found outside, but only within and that we have to own our process, instead of making ourselves dependent of other people. And – it becomes clear that we are NOT transcending the physical body when ascending. NO, we are shifting old patterns and are transforming our physical body to fully embody what wants to be expressed and created through us. We are now finding our way into true alignment of soul, mind and body to live in accordance with the rhythm of the universal energies. When we are in full alignment and embodiment, then we are completely going with the flow.


So what does that mean? The best way to understand what shift we are going through, no matter on what level or in which situation is to understand the difference between trying and allowing. In our old paradigm, based on lack, mistrust and fear, we have been taught that we need to try harder, we need to fight for things, we need to put effort into reaching goals, we need to control and manipulate people, situations and processes to reach a certain outcome. We are conditional. WE ARE TRYING. The new paradigm on the other hand is based on abundance, trust and love. Here, things happen for us magically and effortlessly and we are always provided with what we need and desire from our hearts. Here, we have that deep inner knowing, that everything happens for a purpose and for the highest good of everyone involved. We are open and receiving, we are taking action when it feels right without expecting a specific result. We are unconditional. WE ARE ALLOWING.

Sounds wonderful? Yes! But how to get there?

The old New Age and the New

Let’s dive a bit deeper into that, looking at the “old new age” teachings and the new intuitive knowing through embodiment and alignment. Often, we are not even aware of the fact, that yet being on the spiritual journey, we are still searching restlessly for answers and making ourselves dependent from the wisdom of other people, gurus and teachers. We are signing up for one webinar, retreat, class after another to gain more insights and learn more methods. We book readings to learn more about a certain situation, we are going into past life regression sessions to understand better where our pain and fears come from. We are putting effort into it because our mind wants to understand what is going on with us. We are focused and closed down. And more than that: It wants to find that person or situation to blame for, the root cause of our experience. We are trying harder, we are reading more about stuff and might even become obsessed or addicted to certain methods, rituals, and teachings. Sometimes we feel superior, thinking we know it all and need to convince others, sometimes we feel inferior, as if we never know enough. And… this will continue as long as we let our ego-mind (even though it has now transformed into a spiritual ego) stay in the lead. The ego mistrusts that process, it wants answers. It is trying to find THE solution, THE healing method. It thinks there is something we need to reach, to finally find peace. And with it, it still causes that feeling of lack, of not being whole. And with it and all the searching and distractions, leads us away from where we truly find wholeness. From our heart, from our intuition, from the NOW-moment.

“All the searching and distractions lead us away from where we truly find wholeness From our heart, from our intuition, from the NOW-moment.”

Alignment and Embodiment is Key

Yes, astrology, numerology, channelings from archangels and extraterrestrials etc can give us some peace of mind for a while. But that is not what we are striving for. We are striving for a state of no-mind: A healthy state of non-interpretation of things. We are striving for a state of full embodiment. Where we feel the truth from the inside. No need for confirmation from the outside. That is the ultimate transformation of the ego-mind into a free spirit. A mind that is fully connected to the one-mind / unity consciousness. Our truth and essence comes always from within. As long as we need outside guidance, we are still in a state of attachment, which is fear. It is tough to recognize and admit that one to oneself. Once we do and work through it, we reach true freedom. We reach ultimate trust. We reach ultimate authenticity. We reach self-love. We reach Source. The closer we come to self-love, the closer we come to God/Source. Because God is not an outside force. No – God works through us. We are and expression of God in physical form. Ultimate self-love means truly embracing ourselves as perfect in all ways. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Once we have fully embodied self-love on all levels, we are free. We create a completely new reality based on the new vibration we are now operating on. The vibration of unconditional love. True unconditional love is only possible in the absence of fear and all attachments that come with it: Expectations, the need to control a certain outcome, judgment, blame, duality.

“We are striving for a state of no-mind: A healthy state of non-interpretation of things. A state of full embodiment. Where we feel the truth from the inside.”

And all of this can only be reached by allowing. By finding complete detachment. We need to lose and let go of everything that is not authentic about us, which often includes our roots, people, nutrition, work, a certain lifestyle, health etc. The more we resist, the tougher it gets and we are manifesting and creating situations that force us to break. That force us to stop trying and start allowing. Allowing is the ultimate surrender to the universal flow. The moment we realize that this flow wants to work and be expressed through us, and everything that blocks us from there is shown to us. Our own doubts, fears and mistrust are simply reflected back to us. The more we go into alignment with this flow and embody it, the quicker our experience and our reality can shift. And that means to face the fears, face the pain and go right into it. Feeling it for a last time, consciously, with gratitude and compassion, to transmute it. Allowing means also to allow that energy we are experiencing in a moment to be there – without attachment. The ego-mind always wants to add a story or interpretation to it to make sense of it rationally. The more we learn to not listen to the stories and see it for what it truly is, the easier shifting energies will become. It is just energy that wants to be transformed. No storytelling, no answer to the “Why” necessary. Because once you’ve shifted, you don’t even understand anymore why you were so caught up in it so much in the first place. It will not matter to you anymore. You have changed the pattern, so the past becomes irrelevant. So does the future. All that is, is NOW.

“Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. It means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy.”

Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. That would just be another expression of fear and mistrust. Another form of trying: Trying to just sit this one out. No… allowing means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy. And that can only be felt, not spoken. We learn to feel, when it is time to be active, and when it is time to be passive. When it is time to give, when it is time to receive. We learn to fully balance the masculine and feminine energies within. Allowing also does not mean to have to do it alone. It just means to not give our power away to others. Asking for support is part of the Oneness we are learning now. And yet, this is a different form, as we find balance between independence and dependence: The healthy way of being interdependent.

Feeling the Flow needs a physical Body

Going with the flow and experiencing what IS, is only possible while having a physical existence. If we were just to float around as an energetic blob, we would not be able to touch, see, sense, hear, taste, smell anything. It is a wide-spread misconception that we will transcend our body when ascending. No, because that would take away the sensations and experience. All we do during our awakening process is detox. Detox from all attachments to be then able to just enjoy as long as it is there, without having a need out of lack. We do not transcend our body when ascending. We transcend duality.

So no matter what the experience or issue or situation you are going through. Always reflect: Am I choosing fear or love. Am I mistrusting or trusting. Am I seeing lack or abundance. Am I conditional or unconditional. AM I TRYING OR AM I ALLOWING.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of Energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you! 

You find it helpful what you read? I am grateful for your support of my blog and writing and appreciate your contribution today. Thank you <3

 Sourced from here.

New Moon Healing Ritual


Editor’s note:  I received this via e-mail from a group I belong to ~ The Global Sisterhood Team (here is the link fmi).  It is my opinion that this can be done by anyone and at any time of the month. I say that because I believe we live in an artificial simulation, which means the moon is not a natural object plus I believe we give it far too much of our personal power. I also feel this can be done alone, in front of a mirror.  Other than that, this can be quite a powerful ritual.  Love to you all.  

(To be done with 2 or more people)
Objective: To heal the shame around hiding parts of yourself, by sharing in a safe space, with love and acceptance. To have the opportunity to share a really awesome part of yourself that you might have been too shy to share because either you feel it’s not humble to share, or you have doubt about it.

1.     Begin by setting the sacred intention to be in full acceptance and love of yourself and the other people participating, creating a judgment free space and a safe environment for sharing and healing to unfold.
2.     Each person will have the opportunity to fill in the blank and share out loud so they can be witnessed. Each woman will say the statement before the group moves onto to the next statement.
3.     For the first round of sharing, each woman will share something they feel some shame around.
a.      I hide ___________________    (ex: “I hide that I sometimes think I am not good enough, and I get jealous of others.”)
b.     The woman/women listening will respond, “Thank you, I see you, I love you, you are beautiful.”
4.      For the second sharing, each woman will share something really awesome about themselves that they may have been too shy to share about before.
a.      I hide ___________________  (ex: “I hide that I am really smart, and I am an amazing dancer.” )
b.     The woman/women listening will respond, “Thank you, I see you, I love you, you are beautiful.”
5.     You can repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you want either going around in a circle or going back and forth between two people until you feel healing has occurred, and there is a feeling of deep connection and peace.
6.     Close the exercises with each woman looking into the eyes of another woman, acknowledging her, accepting her, and loving her.

Vision Alignment Project ~ A Vision For Play


Sisters, Girls, Summer, Fun

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Play

We envision a world where people are no longer ‘working at life’ but are instead ‘playing at life.’ We see a world where every person is loving what they do so much that there is no clear distinction between what they do to earn money and what they truly love to do in life that aligns with their passion so much that it is just like playing.

We see a world where playgrounds and parks are just as prevalent as offices and institutions, where fun and games are prioritized over mandatory attendance and overtime, and where recreation time is truly a time of re-creating ourselves.

Check out to receive regular visions for humanity in your e-mail box.  

Energy Update ~ Huge Clearing and Healing of the Old

Oh most definitely…

by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

So much shifting and transmuting was happening in Spirit in the last 18 hours.

Energies that felt like one may ‘self-combust’ in the human

Divine Love, Guidance and Assistance came through to help us to help ourselves with this Divine Healing and so much more

So not only were we feeling and dealing with this in the human but we were also feeling this in Spirit = BOTH.

A ‘balancing out’ of recent Ancient Family Shadow energies that have ‘come through’ or been allowed to now be fully exposed energetically.

Depending on how ‘conscious’ one is in the human in relation to what occurs in Spirit…as this is creating a VERY NEW LINK in those who are needing to ‘own’ their shadow sides…in a very new way.

Yet to do so, there is much clearing and healing of the ‘old’ that was occurring in the astrals/multi-dimensions, as that is what was ‘happening’ in the last 18hours.

Much will have occurred and came through in ‘dreams’..and again, depending on what one has cleared and healed in the human, will be felt in many various ways for each soul.

Either way, it was a very huge healing and clearing of ‘old’ energy.

The more one has ‘old’ energy ‘built up’ in the astrals, the more one felt this ‘pressure’ in the human that was being released.

This is still continuing to be released in the human right now at the time of this sharing.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love and Truth


Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit

About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

Sourced from here.

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress

By Diane Canfield

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress

Beloved Tribe of Light,

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean?

It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm.

We have experienced Geo Magnetic Storms for the past 2 months almost continuously that have helped us achieve our new upgraded level of awareness. These storms help us to achieve upgraded DNA which then in turn builds the LIGHT Body which is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of light. Out of the last 60 days we have had 34 days of intense Geo storms.

The higher dimensions of light are based on Consciousness and the level of Awareness a being holds within themselves. As a being becomes one with their authentic self and in doing so merges with the Creator/Christ Consciousness we then become more crystalline and lighter in body, thought and awareness. This is what is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of awareness and Light.

This is how we evolve out of this 3D dimension in spurts and jumps that will lead us ultimately to the higher dimensions of light. Many beings  already exist in these dimensions. I have had in person contact with many races of ETs that already exist in these realms.  They are inter dimensional and travel between dimensions as we will be doing. There is a process involved in learning these techniques and this is why paranormal activities increase as we move dimensions. We are learning how to navigate these new realms.

Dimensional shifts can cause many issues while we are in the middle of them. These issues are physical, emotional and mental. While they occur there are also episodes of Bliss that also occur off and on. It is completely normal to feel bliss one day and then feel the effects of the shift the next day. This is how the Universe always implements new creations… it is done in waves.

Continue reading “A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress”

My New Book Now In Print!

written by Victoria Trinity

livetoimpressyourselfbookcoverusethisoneI am happy to present to you my first published book, Live To Impress Yourself.

It is an interactive journal.  I have listed a series of 60 plus questions, divided into sections, which you then answer.  It is like an interview with the Self, with questions such as “What do you hope people will say about you at your funeral” and “If you could spend your day with just one person, living or dead, who would it be and why.”  In this world we are pressured to impress other people, but how can we do that authentically, without first impressing (through knowing) ourselves?

I created this journal to help you live your best life as your best self.  You can purchase it on by linking below.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Or you can buy it as a Kindle book through Amazon by following this link.

Thank you!  
