Energies Are Pushing Us To Go Beyond

Editor’s note:  Reading this I heard in my mind “to boldly go where no one has gone before.”  Certainly this is not just a phrase for the physical but for the emotional/mental/spiritual and is something I am experiencing for myself. Today my higher self brought me the experience to show me how I need not let myself “rescue” another – but to show compassionate support.  It’s a balance for me to do this as naturally, I want to dive in and rescue others.  I can offer what I can, I can show compassion and have empathy, but no longer need I LOSE myself in another.  I was also given the experience to see how naturally it is for me to own the Truth that I CREATE MY OWN REALITY and when someone else interjects their version of reality into mine – and if that energy conflicts with mine – I immediately go into Warrior position which looks like Me putting up my right hand firmly while stating “that is not my reality” – confidently.  This Transformation is about letting go of the old – which for me is really letting go of EVERYTHING in third dimensional “reality” that does not bring me peace.  Period.  ♥♥♥


The energy is really coming in. We are having celestial events that help ramp up the energy, but there is more to it. There is a huge push with this energy. It is testing us to see if we are ready to move forward, to leave the old programming behind. Can we trust where we are going enough to let go of the old?

Like all things this energy is multifaceted. There is a component that is still dredging up all of our stuff. It is asking us to really see the ways that we don’t love ourselves, the ways that we have compromised self, and the ways that we have not honored ourselves. For some this will come up as negative thoughts about self while for others it will be played out in the daily interactions. Observance is required so that we can see what is being shown without getting lost in the emotions of it. Writing your thoughts can help you to see the patterns that are bubbling up.

With all that is coming up within the collective to be healed, some are feeling overwhelmed by the emotions swirling around. These can be quite deep and feel like a never ending cavern if we allow ourselves to sink into it. Again it is important to observe what is triggering you. These can be clues to what needs to be healed within you from your many incarnations, on this planet and others.

This energy is also asking if we still feel the need to sacrifice for others, to be the martyr. This includes not allowing ourselves to be in joy.

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James Gilliland – As You Wish Radio Talk Radio 2/4/2017

James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 4.2. 2017

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Jupiter Retrograde In Libra: The Fairytale Exists – Fight For It!

By Kate Rose


“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” ~ Arrigo Boito

On Sunday, February 5th Jupiter turns retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships.

Over the past month, we’ve had an unprecedented astrological alignment of planets moving in direct motion. We’ve felt spurred to take action and investigate those deepest parts of our subconscious.

We dived deep, fell through Alice’s rabbit hole—and discovered that fairytales are real.

Planets and their retrograde periods affect various parts of our lives. Depending on which sign governs a particular time, certain areas are highlighted. The beginning of 2017 is truly all about love, relationships and shaking off what isn’t working to make room for what will.

In January, we saw Venus in Pisces. Through that, we came to understand just how amazing love can be if we simply let it do its own thing. No longer swimming against the current, we finally went with the flow.

But now Jupiter is the first of several planets going retrograde over the next few months. This happens to change everything.

Some retrogrades, like Mercury, get a bad rap because they’re rumored to hamper certain aspects of our lives like communication and travel. Jupiter retrograde, on the other hand, is like lifting a veil from what we’re normally scared to see—and in balance-oriented Libra, it’s going to give us insight into our deepest relationships.

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” ~ Unknown

Sometimes things change in the blink of an eye, and this may well be one of those times. Jupiter will be retrograde until the 9th of June, allowing us to open to love and make it our mission to find the greatest possible sense of balance.

We don’t often discuss balance in love, yet most relationships end because of this factor. It’s easy to lose sight of our needs when we begin a relationship with someone. We dismiss our need for freedom, quiet, and even sex; we overlook practical aspects like communication or home rituals. And then one day we wake up and realize we aren’t where we want to be.

As Jupiter turns retrograde, anything that isn’t working will become more apparent. Our souls will naturally be drawn to those relationships where balance flows as freely as love.

There will be many marriages and engagements this year. With Venus in Pisces and now Jupiter in Libra, we just don’t have time to play games. We don’t have time for relationships that leave us feeling as mentally exhausted as we do when we leave work.

We just don’t have time to pretend it’s working anymore.

There doesn’t always need to be a long courting period for two people to know there’s no one else they want to laugh with forever. Sometimes we know—we just know. That knowing will be the driving force behind this retrograde.

We’ll either realize our relationship is on life support—-or we’ll become acutely aware that we’ve found our person.

Jupiter stays in retrograde a great deal longer than many other planets—and while it seems that June is far off, four months is plenty of time to rearrange our lives.

But first we’ll face challenges, because how else do we learn?

We’re going to hold a magnifying glass to our closest relationships. And we always have a choice to glimpse through it or not, but this period isn’t about if we’ll look, but when. We don’t all ease gently into change; sometimes we need a gentle push.

Jupiter is giving us the nudge to do what we know we must.

Things may not make sense; we may want to hit the brakes, put the blinders back on or even bury our heads in the sand—and we just may make that choice. But it won’t be for long. We’re going to feel more action-packed than gun shy, more interested in truth than hiding or avoiding.

We’ve danced this dance before.

We’re tried to play nice by everyone else’s rules, and we’ve tried to do what we were supposed to. We tried to make everyone else happy, and in the process we lost a piece of ourselves.

Life is too short for anything but the extraordinary.

The next four months will be a journey—a time to travel according to the beats of our hearts and their loves. This is a time for for wandering, pulled by the stars. The love we’re seeking is already breathing and alive; it’s here.

Whether we are ready for it or not is often another story.

Usually it’s not a lack of love, but a lack of vision that hampers our progress in romantic relationships. Luckily for all of us, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and big ideas, will be supporting us in all that we hold most dear.

This time, we will be able to see the bigger picture—and with it, the balance we need in our relationships.

And at the end of this retrograde, when we are finally asked if we believe in fairytales, we just may find ourselves answering, I Do.”

“We loved with a love that was more than love.” ~ Edgar Allen Poe


Sourced from here.  

Thoughts Create Reality — Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Scientific Experiments


On a scale of 1 to 10, how powerful do you think thoughts are to success, compared to hard work, passion, money, character, and charisma? If you’ve prioritized and rated thoughts above everything else, then you’re onto something special.

Are you aware of the following?

Our thoughts (whether positive or negative) define how we perceive a situation, how we react and respond to them, and what we learn from them.
We know that in the end thoughts define our behavior, which when repeated consistently becomes a habit, and eventually becomes ingrained as an attitude towards life?
As a result, our thoughts affects what we believe about ourselves and our capabilities, and hence what we are capable of and will do.

Most of us are aware of that. However, there is something far more special about rating thoughts higher than everything else. It is knowing how they can impact our lives in the long run.

What if I tell you, that by believing strongly in your thoughts as being the most powerful aspect of your life, you can actuallyaffect the physical reality of yourself and everyone around you?

Yes, directly, irrevocably, affect physical reality!


Well, someone has spent a lifetime trying to physically demonstrate the impact thoughts can have on our reality. And the results and insights are not just remarkable, but transformative.


Have you heard the adage ‘one is all and all is one’? It is a monist theme that reverberates across human history. Different religions and belief systems speak of our interconnectedness to the world around us and to one another as living beings. But how are we connected?

One recent explanation has been through quantum mechanics, and how our collective conscience can affect our lives.

Then there was an indirect hypothesis by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who set out to understand the impact our thoughts can have on water. He spent the entire decade of the 1990’s performing experiments to see how positive and negative thoughts can alter the properties of water.

His experiments are simple and powerful.


Dr. Emoto filled multiple containers with water, and to each, he directed either positive or negative thoughts — both written and verbal. He wrote either positive or negative words on the container, spoke to them positively or negatively, or played positive and negative music to the container.

For instance, saying positive statements such as “Thank You”, “I love you”, “I am grateful for you” to one container while making negative statements such as “I hate you”, “I will hurt you”, “Get away from me!” etc. to another.

In a similar vein, he directed music with positive or negative tones and lyrics towards another set of containers.

Each experiment was conducted for a specific time. At the end of the experiments, he collected samples of water from each container and froze them. The crystals were then photographed.


Dr. Emoto found that samples of water that were treated to positive thoughts and intentions formed clear and beautiful ice crystals, whereas those exposed to negative thoughts and intentions showed negative and ugly patterns.

Here is a video showing the photographed crystals:

Dr. Emoto then took the experiments to a completely new level by adding human indifference in his experiments.

He added rice to three containers, adding water, and then subjecting each to a positive, negative, and an indifferent attitude for 30 days.

  • Positive = Positive prayers
  • Negative = Harsh statements
  • Indifference = Completely ignoring them

At the end of 30 days, he compared the level of decay in each container.

  1. He found that the container that was showered with positive praise fermented, giving off a sweet aroma.
  2. The one exposed to negativity turned black.
  3. The neglected container also caught mold and decayed, showing how indifference to oneself is also devastating.

(Dr Masaru Emoto’s book, The Hidden Messages in Water is available on Amazon).



Given that 60% of our body mass is made of water, imagine how our thoughts and intents about ourselves and about people around us dramatically alter our own auras, and empower others.
This is where positive affirmations come into play: these are the positive thoughts that we say to ourselves, which both cleanse and strengthen our personal auras and those of people we care about and love.

So, the next time you dive into introspection and come out with better understanding of your insecurities and limiting beliefs, simply transform them into positive mantras about change and empowerment for yourself. Then repeat them to yourself each day and observe how over time, your physical reality starts to transform and change.

Sourced from here.  


How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Others Around You, Backed By Science

An ‘aura’ field can be defined as a luminous glow or radiation that surrounds a person’s body, almost like a halo. Ancient depictions of religious and spiritual figures often feature this aura, but today, modern science is discovering that we are all, in fact, surrounded by this type of field, and it can actually affect the way we feel.

We know that energy cannot be seen with the naked human eye, which is why attempts to measure invisible phenomena scientifically are often greeted with harsh criticism, but thanks to the groundbreaking work of dedicated scientists from all over the world, the concept of non-material science is starting to become accepted in the mainstream. This refers to the idea that the physical material reality we perceive with our senses isn’t the only reality that’s available for us to study in a modern day scientific manner.

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A New Gaia Portal (February 17th, 2017) | An Energy Update By Henda

Space Scene, Stars, Portal, Space

January has been a very intense month to begin the new year. We had at least 4 waves of energy that came on earth from higher dimensions, upgrading us on a multidimensional level from the physical (DNA upgrading transmission frequencies) to the energetic body, increasing our crystalline bodies with new light codes and information from very high knowledge as the Sacred Geometry which have been very accurate in different areas of our creation (artistic amongst all).

So here is the message I received during the second wave which came on February 17, 2017. Which is an increase of the energy which came the last year at the same date. This year we will be receiving these waves in connection and relation with what have been during the last year and many will see that synchronicity taking really shape on a cosmic level. The worlds are now superposed like different circles one beside the other in an infinite way. Pay attention to this chain.

« A new portal has opened now for the benefit of all.

The Earth has been receiving new light codes coming from so far and from higher densities and dimensions.
We are preparing the 6th Dimensional Earth, grounding in the 5th.
The last days have been challenging for many of you, many have been experiencing fatigue, local pains in the physical body as the Earth is also adjusting its frequency while new waves, little waves of this latest one have been working on the New Earth, the New You.

You probably have been feeling being cut of the ancient life you have been dealing with for so long
You have been probably feeling the energetic levels of this wave in your hands and all your bodies.
Some may also have been feeling that energy in their bodies circling as lava circles in a volcano

That has been and still is what many light workers are feeling now.

On the 17.1.17 ( which is also 111/ 77) is the date where all the last synchronicities took part of the new stream and many energy explosions were felt in your bodies: heat amongst all, that feeling of a big wave of lava spreading in you, and you have to adjust and Be with it.

Continue reading here.

Main Differences Between The Indigos and Blue Rays – Are You One?

Women, Retouch, Alien, Luster, Portrait

The Indigos and Blue Rays come from different lineages.

One of the main differences between the Indigos and Blue Rays that I will mention here is that the Indigos are mainly either still children or young adults at this time, they can be very outspoken and tend to go against the grain of main society and have always felt like outcasts. They are unwilling to conform to societies standards if it isn’t congruent with the way they believe things should be done. While they may attempt to go with the flow, they cannot suppress how against the “system” they really are, and simply cannot and will not accept things that do not make sense to them. Indigo’s are very perceptive, intuitive, and outspoken. They have a keen awareness and don’t understand why others don’t see what is so obvious to them. It’s actually insulting and beyond frustrating to the Indigo’s to have those in a position of authority try to manipulate or control them!

The Blue Ray’s on the other hand are older than the Indigo’s. They too have felt like outcasts all of their lives. They grew up in a world that was not highly evolved spiritually. They had to conform to societies standards and suppress their true nature. They grew up experiencing a sense of isolation and feeling different than others while those of like mind were few and far between to relate to. Blue Rays have felt powerless, timid, and vulnerable most of their lives. Only in recent years have they begun to own their power and realize their self worth. They have a tendency to suffer from low self-esteem and lack self-confidence. The Blue Rays believed they weren’t good enough and quietly lived their lives without speaking up or making waves because they didn’t believe they had much to offer or think it would make much of a difference due to being oppressed for so long they just believed what they were told.

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