Language of Love Meditation ~ Recreating Balance

To read the article in its entirety, go here.
This following meditation was created to assist us in re-connecting fully with our sexual energy and its true nature.
Please read all the instructions until the end before starting it :
1. Find a place where you can be alone and un-interrupted, where you can feel safe and in your own energy, for at least 10 minutes, and settle comfortably.
2. Observe all the movements of energy, all the impulses that are happening in your body. See the original, raw, true nature of all these impulses, see that it is always simply wanting Love, wanting to give and to receive Love, on all levels. See the sexual nature of these impulses : the desire to experience true Love with all your being, physically and non-physically. See this in your whole being : in your guts, in your heart, in your brain, in your sexual organs, in all your chakras, in each of your cells in your whole being.
Allow all of these raw, original, un-processed impulses from Source to express freely and fully within you, to flow freely where they are meant to, anywhere inside of your body.
Take your time to do this.
You can use this music to do this meditation if you wish. The title and inspiration of the song is Rasa Lila, which means the Language, the Dance of Love, between Shakti and Shiva, the pure divine feminine and divine masculine energies.


A Love Letter To Womankind

Editor’s note:  I cannot express the gratitude I feel in reading these words and the deep gratitude I send to the man who wrote them.  The author of this deeply mind/heart/soul opening beautiful piece contacted me privately earlier, having read my recent Daily Notes piece.  He thanked me for my words, shared a bit about himself and sent me to an essay he wrote in 1997 and placed on his website.  I am sharing it below.  It is beautiful.  BEAUTIFUL.  Every woman needs to hear these words spoken to her.  Let them soak in.  And let the pain that is rising up right now be healed.  


A Love Letter to Womankind, From Your Awakening Brother, Mankind (A tribute and an apology to Womankind, from Mankind)
by Charles David Heineke

I believe that the time has come for men and women to make peace with each other. And I believe that men bear a greater burden in this endeavor than women. I truly honor and respect women, yet many men don’t. But, thankfully, that is gradually changing.

This letter is written on behalf of all mankind, as an expression of my concern for men and women. Both have suffered far too long from the wrongs of each. We must make peace now.

My Beloved Sister, Womankind,

How long I, your brother, have been asleep! How long I have been unconscious of your unceasing love, which you’ve given to me despite the hardness of my heart, the blindness of my eyes, and the cruelty of my hands, during the long night of my selfishness. Somehow you have always been there for me, even when I didn’t realize it.

I’ve been so asleep to your love and compassion, by which you sustained me, even in my worst moments. I’ve been so asleep to the cruelty and pain I’ve so thoughtlessly inflicted upon you. And for all this, I am profoundly sorry and I earnestly seek your forgiveness.

Finally I’m awakening, and I acknowledge the error of my ways and seek to rejoin your heart. I truly honor you for your incredible faithfulness to me during my long night of unconsciousness.

Somewhere within the depths of my being, and despite my unconsciousness, I finally heard your endless cries and felt your ceaseless pain—your cries from lifetimes of suffering at my hands, and your pain from eons of my thoughtlessness. And I’m eager and wanting to be at peace with you.

Despite the cruelty of my former blindness, there is love within me, a love as tender as any mother’s love—the love of our Holy Parent. And I am gradually gaining the courage to express that love to you and to my brothers, despite the teachings of men that males shouldn’t show their feelings. You’ll begin to feel that love more, as I continue to awaken to my true identity as your loving brother.

I have finally remembered that, like you, I am love, to the core of my being, and that I need not seek to get love from you, but only need to share my love with you.

I now long to rejoin you in the love we once shared with our Holy Parent, Father/Mother God. I long to give to you the love that has lain dormant, but not forgotten, in the depths of my heart.

I’m keenly aware that nothing I could ever do would ever repay you for all the grief you have suffered at my hands. Only your love has the power to forgive my sins against you and to welcome me back into your heart. And I long for that reunion.

I know that only my complete honesty and total vulnerability can ever hope to prove my sincerity and regain your trust—a trust so violated, so many times, in so many ways.

Though I don’t deserve your mercy, still I ask for your continued support as I genuinely seek to earn your trust again and to deserve your love. I ask you to take one more step in my direction, feeling the sincerity of my heart, that we may once again be united, and may once again live in peace. And in return, I will earnestly keep you ever in my heart and mind, and ask you to remind me, should I ever begin to lose sight of you again.

I believe the time has come for all of God’s children to live in peace and be one again. And I offer my life and my heart to you and to my brothers toward the fulfillment of that dream.

Please find the courage, the strength, and the willingness, one last time, to welcome me back—forevermore.

Your Loving Brother, Mankind

Charles David Heineke, April 27, 1997
Spread the word. Please copy freely.

Ultra-Sonic Frequencies Pierce The Veils of Amnesia Huge

Editor’s note:  When I got online earlier this evening, I began noticing people saying “3 hours ago I got hit hard”.  I looked at my clock and confirmed – I had had the same experience at around that same time. I suddenly felt nauseous and absolutely had to lay down where I immediately fell asleep for about 15 minutes.  Hit me hard and fast.  

by: Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Guardian of NEW Earth, HUman StarGate, Gatekeeper, WayShower

We’ve gone Ultra-Sonic the last hour (I wasn’t paying attention until now). These “do” lots.

The constant re-gridding/re-calibration processes of our physical body is knocking many for a loop. I am observing many “victims to ascension” mentalities, which creates resistance and suffering on-top of the already immense upgrades that are occurring. You can intentionally be a victim without being a victim. Clear signs are moaning & groaning, complaining, whining…. these are mindsets leaving the body and the sound is called “tuning”. (It’s just one of a gazillion ways we tune). We can consciously moan and groan, without actually believing we are a victim. BE aware, be present and listen to yourself/your own mindsets. Not one of us are victims here. Everyone of us, as souls, chose this. Being a victim just creates misery for the one going through it (and everyone around them subjected to this too).

Here we do not cater to victim mentalities. That was the old way of doing things. Here we hold everyone accountable and require that each be conscious of their own selves. We push each other beyond the victim and back into our higher self empowered aspects again.

Ultra Sonic: These are powerful and strong. These “hurt” as they run through the body, tuning all faster than the human body is ready for. Nausea, gas, expanding bodies, brain, eyes, ears, head, spine, bones (plasma and crystals for bones/muscles/teeth/pineal) are the most intense.

Continue reading here.  

James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World


Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World

From an enlightened perspective Trump is the right man for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals, Angelic and Ascended Masters. If people had mastered their own personal God connection there would be no marches especially those inciting violence. Now that I have gotten your attention – probably pissed off quite a few – take a deep breath, suspend your egos with all their programming and misinformation, wounds and traumas being acted out vicariously and listen.

Did you take that deep breath? Now take about three more.

This is not about “what abouts”. Most of the “what about this and that” are part of a grand psyops program carried out by the DNC, CIA funded by George Soros and others in the elite. It is the classic divide and conquer, order through chaos and the chaos we are now experiencing is by design. We don’t need a Gandhi right now we need a warrior. The Gandhi will come later after the clean up.

There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people’s ability to perceive. There are unseen negative influences; which are the masterminds behind the political puppets. It is a multilevel swamp; which definitely needs to be drained. The ones screaming the loudest in the political arena are the ones that are guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. One of their tactics is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. They use the agencies, the press, and sponsor various political groups to do their bidding. This includes the talking heads in the lame stream fake news media owned and controlled by the very same dark forces seen and unseen.

Trump is taking something on so dark, so deceitful, moving into the levels of demonic that most people would cower in disbelief if it were to reveal itself.

Continue reading “James Gilliland Update: Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World”

31 Signs You Are An Earth Angel

31 Signs You’re An Earth Angel!

  1. You always have an idea or solution to offer and love helping people.Signs You're An Earth Angel
  2.  You are a fantastic support person in the lives of almost everyone you know.
  3.  You are always looking for a better way to do something.
  4.  You rarely ask for help because your frame of reference is to serve others. Being helped is sometimes confusing for you.
  5. You feel insecure in many of your relationships. You can easily sense if someone is holding back and you feel the need to seek regular reassurance from them. Additionally, you struggle to understand why this approach doesn’t work well.
  6. You have a grace that inspires people and you can lift peoples energy and spirit without much effort
  7. You accept others wherever they are – even those that some can’t even tolerate
  8. You always see a silver lining in every situation and You always see the good in people
  9. You think in terms of possibility and potential
  10. You have incredible gifts in the areas of writing, art, music, and healing
  11. People seem them out to release fears and other painful memories and emotions
  12. You aren’t so great about managing responsibilities, time, or boundaries
  13. As children, Earth Angels have a tendency to be diagnosed with various cognitive disorders because of their lack of concern for the material world
  14. You have no tolerance for anyone in pain. It’s your nature to reach out to those who are suffering. Sometimes this means that you attract people who have a victim mentality.
  15. You feel lost when faced with extreme anger and you tend to avoid conflict. You want to experience only happiness so avoid confrontation when possible.
  16. You constantly worry that you are bothering others. You frequently apologize and check in with those around you to see how they are feeling about you.
  17. It disturbs you when you can’t sense that your loved ones are connected with you.
  18. You are not comfortable with your physical body – especially your feet. As an angel, you have trouble staying grounded.
  19. Those around you often ask, “Where did you go just then?” because it seems you are often day dreaming or not paying attention.
  20.  You often provide an alternative or big picture perspective in group settings
  21. You aren’t competitive in your personal or work life. You want to see everyone win.
  22. You can serve others without drawing attention to yourself. You give without being seen and work as an invisible force behind the scene.
  23.  You are sensitive to urban settings and the reality of modern life
  24. You have a tendency to feel different or even alienated from others. You can remember being teased as a kid because of your different interests and behavior
  25. You have a tough time being a part of crowds because you feel overwhelmed by the energy of so many different people.
  26. You grew up feeling that you couldn’t relate to your immediate family. You feel less connected with your physical family or you were sent specifically to an emotionally distant or dysfunctional family in order to help them.
  27. People you don’t know very well tend to tell you incredibly personal things about themselves.
  28. People tell you that you look younger than you are.
  29. You have a history of addiction in your family.
  30. You have a clear and strong sense of purpose. Even though you may struggle to know how to manifest this purpose on Earth, you know you must work to help, teach, and heal others.
  31. You love the idea of freely spreading love, compassion, and guidance.

Read the article in its entirety here.  

Galactic Family Preparing For First Contact: Can You Perceive Us?

By Suzanne Lie, 01/20/2017

Greetings, I am Sharman,

I am so very happy to resume my “messages to Earth.” I have not spoken with you in this manner for quite a while, but I actually was, on Earth. We Pleiadians can easily slip into our society and be perceived as “just human.”

I wanted to say to you all, our friends and family who are wearing an earth vessels, that we are here NOW within the higher dimensions of Earth. More and more of you can feel us in your heart, see us in your dreams, and hear us with your higher heart. 

Also, if you see any tall blonds walking around who are free of all fear, they just may be one of our ground crew. We said, “free of all fear,” because a fearless energy field is quite rare on Earth.
It is for this reason that we have decided to send more of our Pleiadian crew to Earth to serve as role models of humans being “free of fear.” Being “free of fear” is not easy for our Earth-bound family because the Illuminati have been inserting fear into all their communications, media, movies, and even music.

Continue reading “Galactic Family Preparing For First Contact: Can You Perceive Us?”