Check Out the GOES 16 Satellite


After listening to MrMBB333’s video earlier about the interesting signal/images showing up on the GOES 16 satellite yesterday, I decided to pull it up myself moments ago.  I caught something at around the 12 minute mark.  If you slow it down, you will notice what appears to be red bands in the Southwest, coming from the south and heading in a NE direction.  I had it on the Visible (red) option (left column).  Select the Visible (blue) option and you will see even more interesting things.

Here’s the link.  Take a looksie for yourself.  It’s quite cool! It’s currently dated at 13 MAR 18, 06:52 UTC.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.