Checking in…..8/3


How we doing today?

Feels really rough and bumpy out there doesn’t it?

We don’t know whether to trust and have faith or stock up and prepare to literally battle (or go hide).

Local ongoing conversation about the pokie and the c v and all of that – those who fall for the spin are being presented with different pov’s from doctors, etc. and these folks are immediately dismissing them – without listening.

THAT is why there is division.  You have topic A with one side over here and another side over there – both saying WE ARE RIGHT WE ARE RIGHT.  So naturally as humans we “pick a side” that aligns with what WE believe to be true.  And at times when presented with another pov we dismiss it immediately.

How much of what we see is distraction and how much isn’t?

As my girl says – why do we have to pick a side?  Why can’t everyone’s pov be right?

Perhaps that’s where this is leading to – a split of realities where for some this whole drama will continue for them and for the rest of us – Freedom.  Perhaps we won’t see the full truth revealed.  I don’t know.  I can focus on what I wish to see all I want – as can millions of us – but that doesn’t seem to be doing squat to end this and bring about this transition – this split – this whatever is coming.


The energy is just complex and intense and aggravating with a bunch of pissy thrown in.

Cookies and blankets and coloring.  Seriously anything remotely fun/comforting to detach from this insane level of UGH being pushed.

How are you all handling these moments?







Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Checking in…..8/3”

  1. It is arguable that cognitive dissonances are historically inherent in the human culture. Afterall–we are sovereign souls, right? Billions of universes and resonances within particular individuals, tribes/groups in accord with our education-parents-local culture. We always seek out those we resonate with and discard the ideas or thoughtforms of groups and tribes that are not on our wavelengths. Politics and religions have always been divisive, which really does prompt a most profound question: how are we to tolerate that which we perceive to be ignorant or disinformed among our fellow sapiens? I mean there is always the question of ‘real’ science vs pseudo-science, and conflicts of interest vs genuine altruism and compassionate regard for fellow souls. As the saying goes: “It’s not Science if we can’t Question it.”
    The core of the problem re communication breakdowns and political-gaslighting is to my mind more of the after effect of Mk Ultra Mockingbird programs,i.e., the deliberate obfuscation of ‘facts in service to Truth.’ Then– add the layers of propaganda that are spun in order to ensure a profit agenda (also power and control) is maintained. Sickness(and the perception of an invisible enemy), chaos, confusion all created and maintained in order to capitalize on human division. Distraction is the other ally in terms of brainwashing the collective. Keeping folks in a constant state of agitation, angst, and helplessness serve the masters’ purpose. None dare call this a conspiracy for fear of being labeled a wacko nutter theorist with paranoid delusions. Handy that!

    1. This came into my mind when I read your comment:
      “Life’s a piece of shit when you look at it
      Life’s a laugh and death′s a joke it′s true
      You’ll see it′s all a show keep ’em laughing as you go
      Just remember that the last laugh is on you”
      Not sure if this is just my personal sarcasm or God’s sense of humour 😀

  2. Very sad news….This is what I got in my e-mail:
    It breaks my heart to tell you that Dr (Joe) Mercola is deleting every article he’s ever written from his website. Permanently. That’s over a quarter century worth of priceless information read by millions round the world weekly from the top natural health site IN the world.

    He explains in his video why, what has has been done to the 12 of us he mentions (disinfo dozen) named by every news channel, and sites in most every language, and even the President of the United States on TV. And he speaks of the threats his awesome Mercola team (not to mention many of the dozen) have gotten that go along with it. Please click here for the article. And click here for the video. You can’t share the article itself on FB or Insta, as they permanently blocked my URL (Health Nut News) but you can share my Youtube video from the article instead. Stay strong and please and see the free docuseries we are in while you can below if you like as well. Those are separate from the site. He talks about what will happen moving forward which you can read in article or in video. (continued below)……
    This is what it’s come to. When will people wake up, already?

    1. oh i just hate this! thank you so much for passing this one along. i have followed his words for so many years. he says he will continue doing daily articles, they will stay up for just 48 hours. this is just so wrong!

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