Communication clearings going on ~ throat issues


editor victoria’s comment ~ sharing because i have been feeling into this for months now (sometimes it takes me awhile to acknowledge my FEEL is a KNOW and is thus Truth)…..months ago i was guided to speak with Love….and i was guided to only speak when i feel i need to…to be conscious of how i speak and to speak my Truth…..and to rest my voice… the New this is just how we operate….i notice when i don’t listen to that guidance my throat and chest get all icky/congested….of course the spraying of the skies creates symptoms – but i know this issue is about more than just throat irritants…..


Gordon Chase Sorensen II
There is a huge communication clearing going on right now. You may notice yourself or others coughing or clearing their throat a lot. It may be sore, or you could lose your voice. Be very intentional with your words. Since we entered the 5D timeline manifestations have been accelerated and imbalances have become harder to ignore. Don’t suppress speaking your truth, but also don’t try to force communication if it’s not coming naturally. One very important thing is to try not to speak things excessively harsh, or project anger from your throat chakra. This creates blockages and allows lower chakra entities and implants to be attached. They then can disrupt your ability to communicate effectively, use your voice to project negativity, and cause physical discomfort. Speak clearly and firmly, but gently. Avoid yelling and swearing excessively in anger. This is a big one – don’t allow yourself to be pulled into conflict paradigm arguments. Speak your blessings, and articulate your forgiveness if someone wrongs you. Your voice is one of your most powerful tools, and especially at this time I encourage you to use it wisely.

333  New Earth Guardian

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.