Correlation Coefficient COVID Deaths & QIVc Flu Shots



The correlation between COVID-19 deaths per million of population and 65+ year olds that have received influenza vaccines is real. Dr. Allan S. Cunningham presented the challenge and here are the results.

One source for vaccine data: OECD (2020), Influenza vaccination rates (indicator) doi:10.1787/e452582-e (Accessed on 21 May 2020). This lists, by country, the % of the population aged 65+ for 2018 or the latest available year. For Covid-19 death rates by country as of 21 May 2020:

Czech Republic 20.3/28 Lithuania 13.4/22
Denmark 52.0/97 Luxembourg 37.6/174
Estonia 4.8/48 Netherlands 64.0/337
Finland 48.4/55 Norway 34.4/43
France 49.7/431 Portugal 60.8/125
Germany 34.8/99 Slovak Republic 13.0/5
Hungary 26.8/49 Slovenia 11.8/51
Ireland 57.6/319 Spain 53.7/596
Italy 52.7/535 Sweden 49.4/384
Latvia 7.7/12 United Kingdom 72.6/531

The x and y values shown above were used to determine the Correlation Coefficient (link for calculator below) between the two.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Correlation Coefficient COVID Deaths & QIVc Flu Shots”

  1. OMG…

    So instead of being pumped full of poison, and having 16 fractions of radiation, that destroyed my thyroid FOREVER, condemning me to medication for life… instead… instead… I could have taken a few PILLS!!

    This really pisses me off!

    I have been out in digital land fighting the good fight since just before the election… because in my gut I knew it was the right thing, that there was evil arrayed against us, and that Trump was our Gandalf…

    But NOW, I have something, a big bomb to drop, something the bleeding heart leftists cannot ignore – BECAUSE IT AFFECTED ME PERSONALLY – and they cannot refute that with ‘conspiracy theory’ ‘nut job’, monikers, not without appearing callous and craven.

    It is a boon and a bane. I have solid ammo to fire now – but I have paid for it dearly.

    Guess that’s the universal trade off.

    Been trying to download the COV19 drs press meeting, but it keeps getting taken down, and I can’t get it to download onto my phone in a place I can find it again. 😕

    I am so glad you are out here each day, I don’t feel like a nut job 😁(sometimes being called that over and over, does tend to make your resolve wave a bit).

    Thank you for being there.

    1. and i am so happy to have people like you carole who offer me encouragement and share your personal stories. some days i feel quite alone – even out here. i am so sorry you were a victim of western medicine (which i claim is basically satanic in its practice). healing is coming!

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