Current Energies in relation to the Event


I want to say a few things about the Event, but first, I’ll say something about these Energies right now (which also have to do with the Event)…

How is everyone taking the last 2-3 days of energies?? Me, not exactly ebullient nor spilling over with love and light, lol. We are in a Uranus-in-Venus position, that I believe we have been in for a little while. That means, those topics that are up for us right now, are Venus ones (material, money, health, self-worth, beauty, art, creativity, almost all* feminine* topics*)… these are going thru the wringer. Remember, ascension is not* always what we think it is. These Venus topics are not seeking to “be perfected” in our realities, it’s about our relationship* with* these topics. Can we feel, as Source feels, about these topics??? Its hard, I know, but we have come so far already in this Transformation from old matrix to new earth. The fact that Uranus is now in Venus, means radical makeovers in our relationship to these Venus topics of money, etc. The other night I all of a sudden started to feel very unattractive, and it sent me into a negative feeling space within moments. Talking with a friend, she had the exact* same experience. It’s the Venus. How we feel about our attractiveness definitely falls within the scope of Venus. Up and out, these old feelings go. Re-center in our Source-selves, if and when we can. Lots of self-acccepance (which is another Venus topic).. is emerging from what we are healing right now

For me i am SO exhausted and like this clearing has taken over my ability to physically function, and also mentally these heavy thoughts just keep rummaging thru my mind. Ive not* had this scenario in a lonnnng time, in which I worry* about thinhs. I am also feeling disheartened right now, bc it just feels so heavy. And like I am wanting a sense of completion; yet instead here is an enormous clearing I have to go thru. Anyone else feeling this way? I’m sure I/ we, will bounce back like we always do 😊 We can remember how far we have come, tho. Do you FEEL different as a Being, than you did last 3 years, last year, 6 months ago, 3 months ago, 3 weeks ago…? We are different as Beings bc we have been rolling with these Energies, year after year.

Other Energy factors… its now 4th of July so a lot of energy pouring thru the grid right now, as holidays are always used as Light entry points bc ppl are more receptive to love on these days. We also have had something going on in the collective that I’m not sure I can pinpoint. Dark intereferece lately, on the collective, sprouted up, bc when we go thru deep clearings for more than 2.5 weeks wothout a break.. that’s when I notice dark intrusions start up. The heavy energy of what we are clearing, allows the dark to stick on us more (than when we have more brief periods of heavy clearings). I did an entity/ negative portal, clear-out, a few days ago on my house, and it feels much better now.

So how does all this, relate to the Event and the direction we are traveling in, via the Event’s energies?? Well 🤔🤔🤔 the hints that have been coming to me… is that we are on a new** wave** of the Event. Remember months ago, like feb-april… many of us in the group and on my regular fb page.. We were all about getting down into as much detail as possible, about the Event and New Earth. It has calmed down. Why? We are done integrating that level of information. Now, we are in the Embodiment phase. This is the phase in which we know where we are going and have lined up to new earth in many important ways already… and now… It’s time to Embody it. Less words, more BEing it. We are vibrationally different now, than we were a few months ago. Many of us are now ready, and have begun, to Embody our higher selves/ aspects/ Source-self… in ways never done before. This is why today I had pizza number 10 in the last 3 weeks. This never happens to me! I am embodying more Light and so I’ve been struggling to stay grounded, a lot. So we are Embodying new levels of Light. More levels of Ourselves. This is the Event wave we are on right now (many of us). I dont know all the details of this phase, but I will write more as it comes to me. Ask ourselves, in what ways do we feel different since april? April is when I saw myself change my inner direction. How have our priorities shifted? For me one of the main things is, my priority is on BEing, rather than doing or achieving. Really hard for an Aries like me, let me tell ya. I became so much more interested in BEing, All-of-Me… rather than write the most perfect/ detailed energy reports, or work so fiercely on my spiritual growth. It was all of a sudden, very important for me to slow down, and BE me. This is a very important phase of Event/ NewEarth. This is putting us in certain* templates*, that we will be functioning in, after the Event. It’s putting our frame of reference on our Embodied Source Selves, and living from* here* out.* Not the other way around. Which is from the old reality. Living* as Divine Self. (And it’s not always what we think it might be). So I found myself here starting in mid-april. I am SO super chill for months now. Never has been this way for me before. These are New* Templates.* We jump templates/ timelines, to New Earth… whether we are conscious of it or not!! Which is why Sai Baba, an ascended master Being, has been coming to me often lately. And Merlin, too. They are helping me to see how to consciously timeline jump to New Earth. I have so many inter-dimensonal experiences, many about the Event… but I could not possibly write them all out 😊 I will write what I come to, all in divine timing.

I believe we are at a very high frequency already*. We are just making some adjustments* in order to “line up” to new earth. If I am able to see the exact details surrounding this (exactly how much and what we have to do to finish my/ our alignment to New Earth) I will write about it. It’s been something I’ve been intending to ask, but I’ve been quite distracted.

Along with this, in Allison’s last video… her client has begun to experience herself as Energy rather than Form… Allison said this is part of the client’s transition* to new earth. I started to feel this way, since the Solstice. So it has** begun for me. We will probaby all* feel this soon as our default state. It seems to just be part of moving to New Earth. Oh and non-starseeds, I am seeing that their Proccess is different. The ones making it to new earth, just need to have a basic type of awakening in which they are at a certain frequency. For us, we did that ages ago, and so our proccess looks different. This is where I could talk about living souls (us) and non-living souls (non-starseeds)… but I’m way too tired right now lol…

So I will share as more details come to me. Please share this if you’d like, so word gets out.

Lots of ginormous cloud-ships!!! The photo is from tonight, these were some wild ones 😍😍

Also, we know more than we think we do. What nudges, have been coming to you on the Event, lately? What were these nudges/ hints you’ve been receiving, and what do u think it means?? 🍒🎶🍒🎶🍒🎶

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.