Current Feel – Current Vibe



to my fellow “squeaky wheels”……….  lol


I read this:

“I need this purgatory experience to end with every fiber of my being now.”


I wrote this at the same time the above was posted (which I get because who isn’t broke as hell/in debt at this point??): – btw applied for a writing job tonight training AI……………seriously – those jobs are starting to become more mainstream…….so i figured why not join in while it’s hot and make some money to increase my living standard while we’re still in this pit……


Then see this:


It is so time for US to rise and hold this plan and the words shared ACCOUNTABLE!  Are we DONE or are we really D O N E?  CLAIM IT!  RISE UP!  SPEAK THE WORDS!

Off to eat some comfort food.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Current Feel – Current Vibe”

  1. Re writing jobs and AI. We have to do what we have to do. That said-the Pelosi’s insider trading is yielding a hefty $1.2 Mil in profit!…and this is where the minds eye sees: “TAX REVOLT” in RED Flashing NEON LETTERS. I realize that many of us(and I perhaps to a lesser degree-because I don’t fear low credit scores) will probably avoid stopping paying the bills. The entire Bankster scam is collapsing–and yet, as we see in our own personal lives–not fast enough. The gravity induced via Poverty by Design, feels like we’re wearing lead boots rather than equipped with wings of gossamer–floating above the chaos and ‘artificial everything’ else. In my view of Artificial Intelligence–it is Human Intelligence that must win, and Artistic Intelligence to guide us in our quest for a harmonious, prosperous life. Much of our collective trouble has to do with how the Internet of Things(and lockdowns) has isolated us and as a result we’ve lost our collective cooperative sense of community–where we support one another. That’s why the globalists hate Christianity. This is why the efforts to denigrate the value of the sacred texts(the bible etc) are on the rise; and why they’re pushing A.I. Now that said–I do feel that for the true maverick radical humanists–we may infiltrate the AI networks and in the spirit of “The Monkey Wrench Gang”, spy on the systems they impose. The more adept renegades might even impose ethical standards of oversight on ‘THEIR’ programs and interfere with the tyranny of the Transhumanists. All in all–we have a lotta work to do…and we are tired of the BS. Most of the money systems are entirely fraudulent. Just as “Democracy”, as promoted like some rally cry is code: they are merely speaking for the continuance of maintaining the status quotas and sustaining an Establishment that is hardly democratic. I appreciate your efforts to connect dots. We must continue to stay focused and vigilant–and for some of us–this means we must regard the entire experience as a war. Good vs evil is a real thing…and we are in it up to our eyeballs. Pax

    FYI-Reinette’s recent article is a good synopsis of their scam-matic:

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