Current Needs ~ 3.3.24


Hi everyone.

I want to give a big shout-out of thanks and gratitude to those who support the work I do here every day.  You allow me and my family to eat and kept housed.  I know my worth and my value.  The information I provide here every day has value and it all comes from a place of authenticity and heart.  I DO NOT ENGAGE IN CLICKBAIT or anything misleading/fake.  If it turns out something I shared was fake – I own it.  And when I can, I always vet my information.

I continue to be challenged by finances and the pressure I am under to change that is, well, that’s another challenge.  I have refrained from hiding behind a pay wall – but I get why others do that.

I currently have over $50 waiting for me through my laptop operating system/browser.  Searches and shopping garner me dollars.  I am unable to access it due to paypal (and they won’t pay me any other way).

I have given my heart to this cause – to this awakening and have no regrets.  The one thing that has left me with some frustration and pain is the lack of financial support.  I see the numbers of visits here and compare that to the financial support I receive in return.  My expenses like everyone else’s are up.  I don’t need to go into this any further.

Bottom line – if you want to know – and you have an income – you will pay to know.  $1-3/month remains a very reasonable request.  Thank you.

Now I’m off to see what’s going on out on the world stage.





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.