Do some people just not GET the whole money struggle thing?


Here is what I’m seeing pushed – by larger outlets:

  1. Eat keto.  Steaks.  Eggs.  Bacon (as in 1/2 to full pack).  Every day.

I get 3-4 steaks per MONTH and have to divide each one up into 3 portions to feed us.  Tiny portions.  Cheapest cut of meat too.  I would LOVE to eat the nice cuts of steak – a few times a week.  My body certainly craves this – has for a couple of years now.  Spouse as well.  After losing muscle mass and increasing my meat protein levels, I noticed I began to put on a little extra weight.  Still not enough.  Was advised to go to a local butcher to get deals.  lol  Those still exist?  The only butchers around here are at the big corporate stores and they’re just under paid store clerks who can’t and don’t give special deals the way the local neighborhood butcher would do.  Don’t have space for a freezer to buy in bulk (1/4 cow) but even if we did have the space, I don’t have several hundred dollars to invest in that anyway.


2. Buy organic bedding and clothes.

Ok – I’ve known about this for over 25 years.  At the time when things were more affordable and I was living at that middle income level (close to it), I had the means to buy myself some organic cotton based pajamas and sheets.  Today?  Nope.  My budget is $10-$15 per item of clothing which means sales, off brands (which I don’t care about such things but realize the possibility of not the best fabric).  I also made the choice – we all did – to go without rather than buy used -which I did for years.  Smells and energies get transferred to clothes.


3. Downsizing.

Some are talking about downsizing.  I told someone if I downsize anymore, I’m going to be living in a tent down by the river with the rest of those unable to afford a roof.  Sleeping on an 18 year old mattress.  Couch has lost most of the spring action as our girl used it as a trampoline during her toddler years.  😂🥰🙄  When I have needed to replace sheets or higher priced items, I’ve had to do the payment plan, which atm I have 3 going.

Spouse walks in and tells me we need a new rug for the toilet.  The old one was, well, you know in need of being tossed.  I told him “not in the budget atm” then paused – toilet rugs – something nice to have but not a need – but still – not in the budget atm?

I know I am blessed to have what I do have.  I get that.  I practice gratitude regularly – at times even if I have to force the energy.  I know thousands just in my area are living in tents or over-priced run-down pieces of you know what or couch surfing.  I get that.

But dayem – I am WEARY finding the energy to be grateful for an ongoing situation that I have yet. to. find. the. means. to. shift let alone the unbelievable cost of food, supplies – living.

Thoughts and focus?

Check out the 3 journals I have filled up since last summer intending.  I continue the process.  As does my girl.

Then I see where Joe Rogan – a truther – sign a contract with spotify for over $200 million.

Two. hundred. frigging. million. dollars.


While I do my own part in this awakening because I too felt the call and was motivated by that.  Just thought I would have reached my financial goal by now.  7 1/2 years.

When I was 5, I wanted to be Under Dog – a journalist by day – crime fighter/exposer of evil by night – so I’m living that childhood dream which is quite poignant for me.  🥰

Just didn’t think I’d be living in poverty to do so, much less living in a reality where companies making cashews want me paying them $15 a pound.

Hey – it’s cheaper than a steak.

I think.  😂🙄






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Do some people just not GET the whole money struggle thing?”

  1. LOL…re “downsizing”…the only reason I wish to downsize is to get out of a storage locker rent situation that began when the first big radar blip on the recession screen of doom occurred in 2008! …Ahem-In 2000, when the bank foreclosed on a dear relative’s home (on a 2nd mortgage at that!) I took notes…hmmm: the BANK owns all of our real estate despite what we may believe. We’ve all been hoodwinked by their “program”…it’s all a crock. But if I speak openly about the sham–I’m perceived as a bitter man. So…re “downsizing”…LMAO!–I’ve been downsized to the point that (as you’ve stated) I may as well live in the desert with my tent and camel. The Bail-Out was a con job that made the crash of 1929 look like an amateur’s sloppy attempt as a mere street-urchin pick-pocket. The ‘Bail Out ‘was manipulated and cleverly managed via the corporate media as a work of black magick! We are still reeling from 100 years of the con-artists pick pocket hat tricks. BANKs are the biggest robbers of them all.

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