Dr. Mercola: Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours


Thank you so much to Sister Carolin for passing this along.  This is so wrong.  INSANE.  So SAD!  Video below….(he will still be writing his daily articles but each one only remains online for 48 years).  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Dr. Mercola: Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours”

  1. He has a lot of followers. This will definitely stoke the attention of many people, and wake up a large portion of the population. Thanks for continuing to post his wisdom!
    Hopefully many stored his info on pdf’s.

  2. Remember the blurb from letter 17 about watching for the suicides?
    I get Alex Jones’ site and this headline was in one of his posts:

    “4th Police Officer Who Was at Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Dies by Suicide”

    Well now, isn’t that interesting, and in such a short span of time, too!

  3. I’ve subscribed to Mercola for a while–and during the scam-demic I was an avid reader. This is a smart move on his end as he has to wage a very sharp legal battle re his lawsuit against the NY Times. In other words–appear weak and bend to the will of the DS, even as a tidal wave of lawsuits are engaged worldwide. Reiner Fuellmich stated in a recent interview that the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 would get underway after more lawsuits were in effect. The people must become engaged in this war –peacefully and with strategic intent. Still a lot of folks who are living in a bubble. I just read another mention of CommieNewsNetwork’s ratings plummeting. At least more folks are turning off the propaganda machine. A friend forwarded this interesting Telegram overview:(many details we know already)…https://t.me/qthestormrider777/787

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