Early day check-in ~ 2/4


Well ok, early for me.  ha!

I was thinking about some of my findings I linked yesterday – and my thoughts relating TO them – which I kept to myself.  After one of you sent me your experience with certain groups, I decided to share what I had kept to myself – as your experiences/feel are very similar to mine.

First though I want to say I get the idea of clinging to a narrative that makes you feel good.  We all want our Freedom.  We want the Truth.  We want Love.  And we want to KNOW and REMEMBER exactly who we are and what happened.  For whatever reason(s) – that search is filled with blocks and time delays.  And it distresses me deeply.  This whole “patience is a virtue” is, overall, just another narrative here (although it is helpful here in this prison).

The thing is – I don’t think any of us on the inside have that total truth.  Yet.  We are still being blocked.  It filters in (only because OF those blocks).

So in search for truth, some channel.  Some use tools.

I used to do a lot of that – then just stopped.  I realized that some of what I received was Truth – and some – deception – no matter what I did to protect my space.

Until we are out of this reality, EVERYTHING we use can be manipulated.  And unless others at least see this, any info received be organic or compromised.

That is why – for me – the only thing I know what to do is go within – not to my emotions but that Sensing place.  It tells me what feels “right” and what doesn’t.

I feel many channels are well meaning but compromised.  Some are just outright “working for the enemy” – knowingly.

This next one bothers me the most.  I see cult-like mentality around those who follow certain channels – and the people who run these channels stay silent on this.  Why is that?  Cult-like mentality leads to division and we need more unity.  Not saying we will all hold the same opinions – but at least let’s all see the deception, the evil , the game here that has played every one of us.  That’s a good place to start – at keep as a “home base”.  Like my friend who shared, I too have been blocked by some people who engage in their cult-like following – all because I asked a question.  I was seeking answers.  Once I was blocked because I stood up for someone who was getting verbally attacked.


Thankfully I have seen no cult-like behavior here.  Agreeing with me is one thing – but putting me (or anyone) up on some pedestal is not helpful – kinda scary actually.  As I recently told someone, who I sensed believed themselves to be a guru – “You aren’t a guru.  No one is.  You are a human with wisdom.”  (I have had to tame that inner ego of mine – love it – when it has wanted a big following and worship for it believes that will provide that piece of me that feels empty and thus, seeks love.  I know this is false.  I am still not sure exactly what permanently heals that wound though.)

Some have more wisdom than others – not inherently – but given programming not all are able to HEAR their own wisdom – or trust in it when it is heard/felt.  (and need I say – I still feel not all are human here or have Source within – but even THAT can be a false narrative)

Now – onto these NASA cams being used.  They’re fake – deceptive at least – and no one knows exactly what we are seeing.  I have seen the same images appear over the years (as the friend I mentioned above who sent some to me) – and they are being shown to be new now – which is not true.  That was one of the issues I wanted to speak of last night but refrained.  And the cubes – I still feel that is a pixilation.  However, I do feel my cube dream did show me where we are – certainly reinforced the “trapped” feeling I have carried through my life.  Beyond that, who knows.  Until we “escape the matrix” – we’re all flying pretty blind here.  Let’s at least admit that.

One last comment – on these “groupie” types.  The private groups who keep experiences to themselves when sharing that info could be helpful to ALL.  I understand keeping certain info private for security and timing reasons – or when it’s just a private conversation – but when it’s just to keep it within the group when sharing it would be helpful to all – especially when it relates to breaking Free from this place – well that just doesn’t jive with me.

Trust thyself.  Question everything.  And anyone who has a feel on how to break down this enslavement system/matrix, please share.  I am going within feeling into how to do just that.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.