Earth & Uranus gone from the cam ~ and another couple of finds ~ It’s wrap-up time!




Interesting…………yes we know it’s a movie but isn’t it time to wrap it up?  I listened to talk radio earlier – I never do that – and I could only listen for about 3 minutes before my body said “STOP”.  Anyway it was a JB supporter.  His hatred for T and anyone who support him was disturbing.  He was so programmed.  He isn’t seeing.  We’re rolling it out this way for people like that?  Really??!!  No way – not when so many others are suffering – not when so many awakened Souls are saying ENOUGH.  ENOUGH NOW.  …..  Feeling seriously in anticipation at the edge waiting to STAND and get outta this place.

I can tell You not Military — Actors or Security Bouncers take that stance —

At Ease Military is hands at the rear !

San Tarot ~ San is telling us it is FINISH LINE time and we GATHER………Just as we’ve been hearing………..

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Earth & Uranus gone from the cam ~ and another couple of finds ~ It’s wrap-up time!”

  1. Well, it’s 9:36 PST and I’m still here. I have’t heard a trunpet sound yet. My mate is in bed reading a book. No sirens going off, either. According to Jackson White we should have ascended by now.
    Nothing unusual happening in Washington D.C. either, right now.
    Here is a live cam at the pyramids in Giza. No light beams are visible.
    Jetson is going to have to “eat a lot of crow”! In his defense however, Janine from Tarot by Janine, did a reading on what he claimed, and it turns out that he was plugged into another timeline/parallel universe, which this event was taking place, thinking it was for our timeline. That’s why folks shouldn’t make predictions! It say in the bible, “No one knows the day or the hour, only God does.”

    1. i don’t listen to him. my feel is he is compromised and listens to matrix AI/programs………(he did say 9.3 and we’re still at 9.2 – but yeah – it’s bogus).

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