Energy Update ~ As The Schumann Resonance Rises, All Are Being Invited to Wake Up!

By Jelelle Awen, 05/11/2017

“All are being invited to WAKE UP!”… of those messages I received that feels like a newspaper headline broadcast from the Divine Source News Station that we are all connected into as souls. ALL are being invited to awaken to the remembrance of this connection and to All That Is and to No-Thing-Ness too. ALL are being invited to awaken to their sacred humanity, the embodiment of their higher self (a higher dimensional fractal from Divine Source that we ‘left behind’ when we came into human body here) along with the maturation of our emotional bodies and healing of our soul legacy experiences from other lifetimes.

The invitation for this waking up is coming primarily in the form of increasingly higher vibrational frequency love and light waves that we’ve all been feeling the effects of, in the last six months especially. The schumann resonance (which can read more about here: has been peaking at 120 lately….THIS IS HIGH! We are still adjusting as it rose from its consistent 7.83 HZ to 15-25 HZ in 2014 and now THIS level, which has never been experienced in our history of recording it. It seems to be a sign, some ‘physical proof’ of the higher vibrational frequencies that are caused by and are helping to cause the awakening of humanity beyond our previous chosen caps, traps, and matrixes that limited our consciousness.

Our DNA is waking up too, those sleepy strands that we put to bed after the fall of Atlantis (which is actually STILL happening beyond the linear time picture). Waking up DNA gives us access to so much more of our capacity as Infinite Creators, Infinite Awareness, and Infinite Possibilities in human form. Waking up DNA helps us to remember, connect with, and integrate our multidimensional aspects that exist in the NOW, waiting to infuse us with expanded capacities in all areas.

Our bodies continue to adjust to these increases, upgrading from carbon-based to crystalline frequencies, transforming into light bodies at the cellular level. Our adjusting bodies ask us for connection…for us to feel and hear and respond to what their shifting needs are. To be able to sleep when needed, especially, as that creates a ‘reboot’ and integration time. To connect with nature seems to help our bodies A LOT through this transition. For me, it has been daily trips to the beach, to bury my hands and feet in the sand, take in the sun codes, feel the salty water and ocean breeze. If I had access to forests, I would walk in the trees, put my palms on the trunks, connect in with their root systems. Even meditating, journeying to scenes with nature and the five elements can help right now. We offer many guided meditations with these settings on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel.

The increased level of light waves seems to create a sense of being juiced on caffeine, like there is all this EXTRA energy somehow if you tap into it from a soul place. It provides juice for creative projects, service of love projects, and clearer communication and access to the bigger picture and vision around these projects. For me, I have felt like I am constantly being downloaded creative ideas to respond to….I am getting better at navigating these downloads so I can also rest, meditate, feel the priorities, respond to service, be and feel balanced.

“ALL are being Fast Tracked!” is the other Divine Source news headline. Gaia is being Fast Tracked, so of course so are we as her human guests. Fast tracked seems to mean an acceleration of the soul awakenings that you’ve been experiencing as your consciousness raises out of 3D reality processing and into 4D. Decompartmentalizations and bursting bubbles too that your 3D self may have created around your awakenings. The previous compartments and bubbles that ‘held’ the awakening from creating a rumble or changes in your life can be dissolved and collapsed FAST right now with linear time meaning nothing in terms of actual processing and digestion and decision making. Your soul is being supported to burst out of ANY container and express through you in any and all ways possible that serve love.

All this changing and transition brings our attention to our emotional body and the aspects of us that are still anchoring into ‘past’ traumas and pains, freeze frame stuck there with feelings of fear, resistance, being lost, disconnection, anxiety. These aspects of us NEED our growing awakening self (our soul infused self) to BE with them, to feel them, and to bring them into the current with us, into the now with us, into the new timeline with us. 

ALL are being invited to wake up and to fast track this awakening. To enter this higher vibrational frequency timeline means letting go and most likely collapsing the one you are currently living. Shifting with love and inner negotiation into this NEW one with a NEW earth experience with an increasingly mature emotional body, experience of a deeply nourishing inner and outer sacred union, a light-based human body, and an inhabited frequency of our sacred humanity. A timeline which offers us increasing experience of our essence as Infinite Love walking, talking, and BEing here!


Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine and union facilitator, soul scribe, waySHOWer, galactic love ambassador, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of  Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond and an upcoming book,Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.