Evening finds ~ 10.8.23 ~ including more from the middle east


He knew (knows):



What do you all see?  I see smoke from explosives – but no rockets.  It seems to be coming from the bottom up – as some are saying – clearing underground tunnels.  I also don’t hear any screaming nor does the man video taping it have panic in his voice.  I see a totally controlled operation.  The more I reflect the more I see this is WWIII on “them” – “they” are beating the war drums when in reality it’s a clean up – final stage – of “their” doings.


Very interesting – makes sense.  Kinda what “they” did to the states on 9/11… Mirror……..



always goes back to these ancient “gods” (controllers) who have used humanity to create division through wars and religion…….



Very. interesting. conversation going on w/this one…………Stargates………asylum for those with duo-citizenship……..the Ark of the Covenant (aka the box which i share below)…….



1917……isn’t that the birth year of JFK?



I think clif got censored on x for posting comments like this:



Oooh………it’s not there now so I can’t verify – but 2 images below – I say it’s legit.  They know we’re following that clock – so they are dropping comms.  Trumpet.  The 7 Trumpets of Revelations – when God brings judgment upon evil.  It’s indeed biblical (mirroring).

And 1 hour ago:



Beautiful and timely message.  It is so. time. to end “their” endless wars and let us BE FREE again – like children – to play and create.  Looking over my daughter’s curriculum I thought “there is so much more than this”.



I agree.  All day I felt this quite strongly to get right within and just be – don’t engage in drama or conflict – war can happen between countries or between individual people.  Be the peace I desire for myself.


An odd schumann:



It’s his time to serve:



CNN Suffers Lowest Weekend Ratings In Recorded History As Trump’s Ratings Skyrocket | DC Enquirer


Interesting delta for tomorrow:


Oct 09, 2018 4:41:49 PM EDT
Increase ethanol [corn] concentration in gasoline >>> effort to combat CHINA’s attempts to harm our farmers.
[Announcement Tonight]
This one too:


Oct 09, 2018 11:14:53 AM EDT



4 on screen but only 2 up.  Haven’t seen it this quiet in – well – never?

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57 km

Reports of minor Seattle Earthquake sparks concern among residents (msn.com)










Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.