Event Energies Update and a Social Media Friend’s Experiences


Dimensional Maven

Time is going very fast right now.

Yesterday was a huge influx. I mean, huge!!!!!

We do multiple things in our Beings when the Energies hit us. We have been having a lot with dna upgrades and also psychic awareness increases. It seems some of us had a big trauma-purge too yesterday that left us feeling wacked out, disturbed, a total wtf energy hitting us outta nowhere… wowww…

But guess what else was up last night? Huge*** amount of Event** Energies coming in. Like in labor, when the baby is finally crowning, but not yet finally out, we feel it like woahhh…!

This fact, that the Event energies were “crowning” like major last night… was highlighted by another Event Experience i had (yet again! so many event experiences all the time, for me!)…

I had been seeing a vision… there is a doorway in the sky.. i kept seeing it… this vision kept coming up a lot lately for me the last month or so. But last night, with all these strong event energies, i had a new aspect to my experience happen.

I see my future self, who has experienced the event already… she was right at the doorway in the sky. She called to me, to go thru the door with her. It did not feel scary at all, i just didn’t know what to expect. So i go thru the door, with her right behind me. As soon as i go thru the door, i see this milky blue-yellow-white Energy, everywhere… it comes over me and im changed. All the people who i still have any emotional charge with, i see their faces, and i am able to shift my frequency with all them, very quickly. Its much easier to see/ shift, when we, our conscious minds, are not veiled! Then, after this energy hits me, my existence seems to be just an en-ravellment of this blissful milky blue-yellow-white Energy.. i can do so much more with my consciousness here.. my future self already embodied this… so it looked like she (I) was very fluid, easy, blissful, did everything with her (my) consciousness… complete bliss within complete stillness… all inside this milky blue-yellow-white existence… blankets of Energy, blankets of comfort and bliss, going on for miles on end…

My visions are more etheric and energy-based now, compared to when i first started having these event/ new earth visions… thats bc our frequency has increased whether we know it or not… thats why our experience of the Event will be even higher frequency than we’d have had before…

and after the Event… we will increase our frequency even more and very fast, since there will be no veil clouding us… therefore… our bandwidth or our personal timeline after the Event… gets lighter and lighter… less physical… which is why a few months ago… i had a vision show me… that after the Event… it will be my choice… if i want to be physical or non-physical…. it seemed easy to shift between the two states… yet it seemed i will prefer being in the non-physical state more… bc of how utterly blissful (aka saturated with light) we are.. when we are non-physical… butbut i had the choice… of going back to my body.. at any time… i think this is bc of how high my frequency currently is.. frequency is not about the mood we are in.. its about where we are internally as a whole.. many of us are very high-frequency.. without necessarily realizing it… 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

So i am just trying to wind down after yesterday’s energy experience… the trauma release.. i think it had to do with being more of my psychic self, without fearing being killed for it, as we have experienced in past lives… it was a huge release.. and im still reeling… but once i have a bath, and rest some more.. i will probably bounce back… do not underestimate what happened yesterday…!!!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.