Excellent Finds and Goodies ~ 6.24.23



Fuch ya!  Patterns……..people………..systems……..


May be an image of text that says 'The word "FUCK" is a form of meditation and the more you use it the more your throat chakra clears.'

This too……..


I had a theory come to me while doing some mindless cleaning….Mel Gibson – who is he other than just an actor from Australia………I had the nudge to watch Conspiracy Theory again – looked it up – read the plot (which this particular site gave the entire movie in about 15 paragraphs) – decided not to but wondered why the sudden nudge?  So today – after remembering his character in the movie – thought hey what if he works for one of the good government agencies as a good guy – brought in decades ago to gather intel.  We have bad government agents – why not good?

Anyway – that’s about all I have atm.  Beautiful day – finding time alone and in quiet is a bit of a challenge so dinner time arrived and I said “eating alone”.  lol  Saw a Hawk getting pestered by 2 crows on a bike ride today and thought this was a good metaphor for the spiritual war – the Hawk is us – the 2 crows poking and pestering the system/ai/parasites.






Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to drop a comment, share, subscribe and donate what you can.  Thank you!  🥰💜🎶





“Cash cow” for defense contractors……….





Prudential Building……….Ice wall (antarctica) reference?


Kinda like those twin tower building owners………


BREAKING: Train Plunges Into Montana’s Yellowstone River, Potential Hazardous Spill (wltreport.com)




Watch until the end.  How did that guy know to hold up that sign and how did the media outlet know to capture it?  Scripted sim you say?


This is feeling more and more like Gilligan’s Island………..3 hour tour but some people bought a TON of clothing make up gear, etc………unlike this time 24 hour tour no sign of food or water…………


BRING.  IT.  We’re 5.5 months and counting…..





RFK confirmed this this week – attacking both genders – we know….Jesus, most of us have known this for years – decades………..





Petri dish………


I’m reflecting on this one………..are we being told that the fight between the “good” AI (Musk) and the “bad” AI (Z’berg) – will be the outcome of this “movie”?



I used to call this behavior “parade rainers”……….i like her phrase better…….lol








Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.