Experience Update


in the shower a bit ago i recalled some other experiences i had earlier in the day – that i completely spaced out on.  i get a bit annoyed at myself ~ well old me would get annoyed ~ new me just laughs at how i process things and what i focus on.  sometimes the most OBVIOUS of experiences ~ right in front of me ~ will be dismissed.

today’s most OBVIOUS of experiences that even when happening i failed to grasp just what was happening was this sensation of falling.  i had it several times today.  it was not just dizziness but i literally felt it – in my entire body – that i was falling.  this is new.  it didn’t feel like a tripping/falling sensation – more like a free fall – slow mo.

and at the time i knew that – this is a new experience – but i just chalked it up to how things are in that moment.

then tonight in the shower i remembered lisa harrison saying after the 7th wave begins. many will spend the first amount of time/days experiencing the sensation of falling.

why didn’t i put that together at the time?  lol  seriously will someone tune into me and say “girl why did you not SEE that one??”  it isn’t like i walk around on a normal day and suddenly feel like i am falling.

i remember hearing lisa speak of this.  i have also heard of 1 or 2 others speak of this potential if not possible experience after the last wave.  i just never stopped to consider i could have this experience ~ likely because i often think “that happens to others – not me”.  not in a smug way – not at all – but in a way that says “they get to experience the cool stuff – not me.”

time to shed that program too.  this is an INCLUSIVE experience.

the other experience is quite intense lower back pain.  in fact by 7pm or so my bones were hurting – all over.  going for the usual bike ride was very uncomfortable.  i could NOT get comfortable.  i would stand up – then have to sit down – then shake my right hand then my left.  repeat.

while in the shower i also recalled lisa again saying as our highest/biggest selves come back online again (after being squashed, as she put it, into our lower spine ~ something i absolutely align with given previous feels and an experience) – that region would begin to hurt.  yeah no kidding.  i recall last fall when i was at the kitchen table and the base of my spine began to buzz strongly – traveling up my back, neck and out my head and that is when i felt i was being lifted and heard the “this is how it happens” ~ so i have had my own confirmation of where my “power ME” resides – and how she is coming back in full power….so apparently that is including some sudden low back pain.

so be it.

the falling stuff today – it happened when i was at the sink and i thought “wow i’m falling” but of course i didn’t.  it happened at the neighbor’s house.  it happened in the shower tonight in a big way.

of note – on bike rides the past 2 nights i rode by the sacred tree – not much into speaking w/it for some time now but the last two nights i felt “buckle up and hold on” coming from it.  along those lines – i will end w/a note of synchronicity.  tonight my girl was singing to me.  she has this amazing innate gift to make up songs on the spot – songs that are quite good and often full of wisdom.  tonight as she sang to me, snuggled in bed, she told me now was the time to buckle up and enjoy the ride for the ride is just beginning.

and so it is.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.