Finds, Headlines, Etc. for 9.1.22



New month.

NEW BEGINNINGS for all Free Being’s.

The Schumann has a new frequency – interesting given it’s a new month – and given that it’s been having that same spike pattern for weeks and now – something new.  I am holding the energy space that I have felt off and on for 4 years – same intent as well as Kim Clement:  they “fall” with our fall.

I. am. SOOOOO sleepy today.  I was outside earlier shaking off a towel when I suddenly felt something outside of myself – like me – outside – and I knew I was in a dream.  It was powerful and did one of those weird things to my mind/brain.  Last night’s sleep was, as brother Rick said, unrestful.  I was wired awake until well after 2am and even though I slept, I was really busy.  I forgot most of it – but remember one experience where I was taking back a classic car I sold in college – a decision I always had some regret over.  But whatever on it all – I am ready for BRAND NEW and intend any vehicle(s) I operate flies and hovers.  When I woke up, I spent time remembering who I was as a child.  That’s been in my space.  Nice synch when awhile later I saw one of you refer to the same.  I know for myself being a grouchy, distrustful, uptight, tired, enslaved adult has never aligned with who I WANT to be.

Here’s what else I’m seeing.  Please remember to share and donate what/if you can.  Love to you all.  We are SOOOOO close.  As I feel solidly now too – “IN IT”.




Current market numbers:  US 50/50. Europe all in red.  Asia – all in red but one.


Hmmm…..wondering if this is somehow related to the Suez Canal “blockage” again……..


Interesting title…….



“29.08.22 RUSSIA – Explosion recorded at Ebeko Volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Islands in Russia, specifically on Paramushir Island. It ejected a cloud of smoke and ash that rose to a height of up to 2 km above sea level”(…)


Weirdest headline uh, ever?




Project Veritas: NYC Private School Director Touts ‘Sneaking’ Left-Wing Political Agenda Into Classrooms, Trashes ‘White Boys’ (VIDEO)



HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist


More to add to the “NO DUH” file:

Spanish Peer-Reviewed Study Found School Mask Mandates Do Not Prevent COVID-19 Transmission — Says Transmission is Lower in Preschool than in Primary Education


Texas Governor Abbott Sends First Busload of Illegal Migrants to Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago


Trump Touts Upcoming Pennsylvania Rally on Saturday – Says He Has “Much, Much To Say”



In response Jason Webber to his Publication

It is time for the truth to come out so everyone knows what is actually happening. We are all tired of seeing things that make no sense but is part of the movie. There needs to be a conclusion and Trump needs to return now, not in 2023 or heaven forbid 2024.







Well this is a possible disclosure drop………but he did add IF he is re-elected/runs again………


San Tarot’s latest…..transformation – standstill atm not understanding why – collective transformation underway causing some confusion as to why we’re at this standstill………..when i am quiet i innerstand the collective transformation part – this is not just about me – or you – but about every. one. of us……
Oh – btw – I shared something here in recent weeks.  A couple were claiming a mandela effect w/the movie Independence Day.  It’s fake.  We own it and watched it last night.  The scenes they showed are real – but were offered in the Extended Version format of the movie.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.