Found what I was looking for: The guy from Sweden who time traveled while attempting to fix his bathroom sink.


This one popped into my mind again tonight responding to one of your comments.  My mate and I were actually talking about this guy last night as well.  Given my current near-obsession with Time Travel, I went in search of the story, which I know was years ago (2012 to be exact – interesting year)….I found it.  (He has his own youtube channel – but it is very small)….The one question I have is – why didn’t he film more?  Anyway, something fun to share:

The Time Traveller

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Found what I was looking for: The guy from Sweden who time traveled while attempting to fix his bathroom sink.”

  1. My first thought is that this is a ruse–and the man who resembles the “time traveller” is his father. The interview with the physicist could easily be inserted in order to support the premise–without any experiential evidence. Then again, stargates seem possible for many of us.

    1. that was my thought too – his dad. why didn’t he video more? even though what he experienced is absolutely possible – i’m still needing more i can see before saying this really happened. still a nice idea though – so much hidden from us.

      1. I would have thought that the tattoo on his older self would be a little more washed out, but he could have had it touched up.

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