FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-14-19… “Supreme Court Justice, World Bank President, and another Rothschild fall as revolution continues”


editor victoria’s comment ~ totally align w/KP’s insight…and as for chaos?  i don’t see or feel that.  

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. The only part I would not agree with is where he writes, “…as food benefits run out for the 44 million Americans relying on them, chaos is coming to the U.S.” Incorrect. At least where I reside, many have stocked food supplies, money, water, to assist others in case of an emergency. Humanity will care for each other. That is what will be “brought out” from humans should such “chaotic conditions” occur. Guaranteed.

“Now that top-level satanic Khazarian cabalists have fallen, second-rank officials like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, and Serena Rothschild (widow of Jacob Rothschild) are being removed as the war to liberate humanity continues.

“Ginsburg “…may be dead or still in NY hospital, missing two weeks of oral arguments at the Supreme Court, or the entire month of January, with no proof of life, setting the stage for U.S. President Donald Trump to name another Justice,” Pentagon sources say.

“Jim Yong Kim, a Clinton appointee, was forced to resign as President of the World Bank because of corruption… Investigators are focusing in particular on Haiti and Kim’s involvement with Clinton corruption related to the artificially induced 2010 Haiti earthquake…

“Serena Rothschild was the widow (or wife) of senior Zionist elder Baron Jacob Rothschild and mother of Nathaniel Rothschild. All we know is that she died “after a short illness.”

“In any case, with U.S. military tribunals well under way, many more prominent power brokers and financiers will be removed in the coming days and weeks, Pentagon sources say. Among those due to fall soon are IMF head Christine Lagarde, and senior KKR financiers Henry Kravis and George Roberts, the sources say. In addition, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, President Emmanuel Macron of France, Prime Minister Theresa May of the UK, and mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will go, Pentagon sources say.

“French military sources, for their part, say Emmanuel Macron will be removed soon by a military government that will arrest the cabalists who have stolen French democracy for the past 11 years… Theresa May is being removed for her role in trying to sabotage Brexit and hand over control of British intelligence to the gangster families that control the EU, according to MI6 sources.

“IMF head Christine Lagarde is also being targeted by the U.S. because of her ongoing push to position a cryptocurrency-type IMF Special Drawing Right (SDR) as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, CIA sources say. Instead, a Dragon family ambassador says the IMF is going to be liquidated.

“The dragnet is also closing in on the rogue state of Israel and their satan-worshiping and criminally indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Pentagon sources say. On that front, the big kahuna, 9/11, is being taken on. Trump’s speech on January 8th was exactly 9 minutes and 11 seconds long. This is a prelude to Trump declaring a national emergency and releasing all the 9/11 files, the sources say.

“…former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, General James Mattis, and General John Kelly are running military tribunals with intelligence support from former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers and former Defense Intelligence Agency boss Mike Flynn…

“The shutdown means that as more and more unpaid prison guards and air traffic controllers call in sick, and as food benefits run out for the 44 million Americans relying on them, chaos is coming to the U.S.

“The White Dragon Society (WDS) and its allies are offering an alternative to never-ending debt slavery. Our proposal is to immediately eliminate, as a singular event, all public and private sector debt. We would then redistribute the assets stolen from the people by fraudulent privately-owned central banks. We estimate this would mean a one-off payment of the equivalent of $400,000 to each man, woman, and child in the U.S.

“…once the West had nationalized its central banks and removed the criminal element from the banking system, it would be possible to carry out a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. This could be done without debt or taxes if a proper meritocratic governance structure were put into place. The Chinese “One Belt One Road” project, 60 times bigger than the Marshall Plan, is an example of the type of project the West also needs to start.”


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.