Gaia Portal 12/3/18 ~ Especial levitations are in process


this is quite an insightful/interesting one as it seems and feels to align with current happenings w/the uncovering of dark crimes/behaviors and the grand awakening…the levitations reference is also interesting to me as i have felt for some time we will be literally lifted out of this experience.  i felt that in my body and heard the words in september 2017 – the same time frame others had the same experience.  is that the event or is that what we experience after the fact?  i feel it is after the fact.  


Especial levitations are in process.

Celebrants in shadows are silenced.

Unveilings come strongly and are shunned by those who hide.

Unveilings come strongly and are embraced by those who SEE.

Elements of Life are accepted.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.