Gaia Portal ~ Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all


Perturbation:  “In astronomy, perturbation is the complex motion of a massive body subject to forces other than the gravitational attraction of a single other massive body. The other forces can include a third (fourth, fifth, etc.) body, resistance, as from an atmosphere, and the off-center attraction of an oblate or otherwise misshapen body.” (Wikipedia)

Yes, I would say that these magnetic “pulling’s” as I call them are being felt indeed by all – whether knowing of it or not.  It is as though we are being pulled and pushed and stretched outta here.  As I told my mate tonight ~ 15 years ago we were following the doom and gloom scene (that’s about all we could find at the time).  The upcoming weather stuff was going to create havoc for everyone.  Yellowstone.  Krakatoa.  And yet as I began feeling a few years ago – all is going to be ok.  There will be some intense changes but nothing that will be a global cataclysm.  I keep feeling we’re being “pulled” – moved – out of this pit in which this realm was placed.  I continued as I said it’s like moving a big bowl with mostly water –  it sloshes around when moved.  And we have been moved slowly – gently – with great precision hence none of the “it’s all gonna end!” scenarios have played out.

Awakening has reached critical mass – easily.  Illusions about “reality” – most of them have been exposed – certainly the critical mass has seen.  What was once hidden now seen.  Let us all rejoice.  (i just wanna see the veil removed and true freedom my experience once again)


Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all.

Planetary awakenings are near completion.

Fairy tales are abandoned.

Dark forests are cleared.

Nature Spirits rejoice.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.