Gaia Portal Update ~ 7/13/19 ~ Shining leaves of green envelope humanity at this moment


editor victoria’s comment ~ i would say this refers to some $$ abundance…or i could be taking this too literal………it isn’t like they actually give us an understandable interpretation….if i were sharing a message of hope and truth with a civilization having an experience such as ours, i would ensure the words i used were understood by the general population….but that’s just me (i care if people understand me and don’t do the floofy fluffy speak and leave it for the seekers to figure it out)….in a mood if you can’t tell…ha!  quite finished with being treated and spoken to in a way that says “we are better than you”/and other power over passive aggressive speak/activities……


Shining leaves of green envelope humanity at this moment.

Growth of the Light Vibrations for the New Hue-manity accelerates.

Standards of Guidance are raised within all.

The Gold mark is reached.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.