God’s NAME Appears on the Temple Mount? We went to check (Hosted by “Cry For Zion”)….and other research and intel followed



“Saving Israel for Last”….?  Is this it?  Is this the return of Jesus?  Or of “the beast”?  Or both and we see a sky battle?  Q is a missing book of the ancient bible and since 10/2017 we have read how it’s all going to be “biblical”.  The first video shows all 4 letters.  The second video shows the first 3 (back in July).  Pretty powerful stuff – especially for my mate who studied this (forced to study) during his early childhood years.

God’s NAME Appears on the Temple Mount? We went to check (Hosted by “Cry For Zion”)


Back in July there were three letters:



Further digging, I see this.  A new star in early 2022 called a Nova is said to appear:


“But he says it will come from Jacob, and not from Esau. More specifically, from the tribe of Judah.”  (and who yesterday saw an image of a Lion in the sky off to the right of the sun I saw splitting in a vision?  and who shared that here yesterday?  lol  seriously folks I am NOT a religious person – but uh maybe I’m becoming one – again – as I was religious as a young girl – 8-10.  quite the jesus loving baptist.  perhaps there is truth to be rediscovered again.)

And this:

“Based on a previous case of binary stars, Molnar predicted the two stars stars would collide in 2022, resulting in a massive explosion.”  (pretty much what I saw yesterday in my vision and my mate too.  holy lioness shizbot!  lol)


And then THIS (we’re in that window):


“This story really begins 10 years ago, when astronomers closely monitored a distant star in Scorpius. This was a double star where the two components were so close together they were actually touching. What was strange is that the orbital period was rapidly decreasing, strongly indicating that the stars might actually merge. Well, it really happened. In 2008, a red nova occurred in that spot, and afterward only one star remained. The two had merged.

Five years earlier, an astronomer predicted that a Red Nova is caused by the merger of stars in a binary system—so the 2008 Scorpius event confirmed that theory.

And now it’s happening again. An astronomy professor at a small U.S. College, along with some of his students, predicted that the double star is just off the right wing tip of Cygnus the swan. From the way the orbit is speeding up from the current 11 hours, that Midwestern astronomer predicts they will merge in the year 2022, give or take half a year. It will be another red nova.”


And then THIS (again – we are in that window)…..

Scientists Predict a New Star Will Appear in 2022

A stellar explosion in the constellation Cygnus could be visible to the naked eye.

“(Inside Science) — Calling all amateur astronomers — mark your calendars for 2022, give or take a year. That’s when two orbiting stars near the swan-shaped constellation Cygnus are set to merge and then explode, creating a new point of light in the night sky, which is expected to be as bright as the North Star for up to six months.

It’s the first time scientists have been able to predict such an explosion and it happened with the help of a little serendipity. Astronomer Larry Molnar, from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and his students became intrigued with a star known as KIC 9832227 after hearing a talk at an astronomy conference, according to a press release. KIC 9832227, which is about 1,800 light-years away from Earth, kept changing brightness, and close observations revealed that the star was actually two stars orbiting one another so closely their outermost layers touch.”

What’s interesting to me is this first become knowledge in January 2017 – the month T was inaugurated.  Just a coincidence?

We’ll see……

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.