Happy People Dance And Sing


editor’s note:  another share by author Robin (aka Scarlett) that i think you may feeeeeeeeeeel the energy of in your heart.  i know i did.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


July 10, 2018

Today I am doing something new.  This is a draft of a chapter I just finished.  I had intended to write more about ‘Spirit of the sea set free,’ but this is what happened instead.


“The spirit of the river flows freely; Spirit of the sea set free…the spirit of the river flows freely, spirit of the sea set free…

Spirit of the see set free

Spirit of the see set free

Spirit of the see set freeeee…”

Scarlett sang one of her favorite Gatha Poems as she reverently tossed the symbols she brought with her into the Boise River.

She was with her new puppy dog, Jack, and it was his first time at the river.

He did really well and it was fun to watch him see a whole new world of surroundings.

They had just driven to the home of the trainer she had worked with last week that traumatized Scarlett so completely it had taken her by surprise.

Now that she was through it, she was starting to understand.

It was as if the trainer didn’t listen to anything she said when she interviewed her by phone and explained that her dog slept with her.

“We can work around that,” the trainer had responded.

When she arrived, she acted like Jack was a monster jumping on her, and Scarlett could swear she almost egged it on to make it worse as she started making her demands.

Kind of like the evil wizards created problems and then offered ‘solutions.’

“Give me a leash.

Do you have a regular collar?

Take this harness off.”

He was already wearing a beautiful ‘regular’ collar that Scarlett liked so much she took a really sweet photo of it that showed off his charming red name tag as well.

The trainer held the leash and ignored him while he continued to jump, also moving him away from her, until he finally settled down.

She explained some things that were helpful to understand and when they sat down to talk the trainer insisted he go in his crate.

When he cried she asked for a blanket to cover the crate.

When he stopped crying she would lift it, when he cried again she would put it down.

Up and down, up and down, up and down…

And the noise was driving her crazy while she was trying to listen to the lesson.

The trainer said she had to get a chain leash, so Jack wouldn’t bite it, and keep him on leash 24/7 unless he was in his crate – which she wanted him to be a lot.

“No more soft toys,” she said.

Scarlett didn’t realize it at the time, but she had gone into shock.

She was asking for tools to train her dog and this woman ordered her to change her whole life around.

The trainer even said, regarding Jack, “He’s going to be unhappy, his whole life has just changed.”

When Scarlett called to complain the next day, she heard herself eventually say to the trainer, “It’s like there is no joy anymore.” 

Now that she fired the trainer and was recovering from the whole ordeal, and it was indeed a harrowing ordeal, Scarlett was realizing it was a lot like what the evil wizards had done when they distorted the symbols.

By their manipulation of the words and energies they were in essence forcing the beings of the world to live in an often joyless caged in feeling existence.

Just like with the trainer, when Scarlett set about learning the symbols and saw what the evil wizards had done to the symbols and how they made her feel, she put her foot down.

“I can’t memorize this!” Scarlett exclaimed before she was even a third of the way through Aries. 

“I don’t want this in my mind – or my body, or my heart and soul.

It’s Not supposed to be this way.”

She didn’t realize it at the time, but she had invoked divine free will and refused to offer her informed consent to use words that created a reality she wanted no part of.

The big computer in the sky heard her, and thus a dialog was begun.

Scarlett learned A LOT about language.

Many different kinds of languages.

And how words and meanings were interpreted, or misinterpreted in other languages – not to mention mathematics and unicode, and… 

“That’s another thing,” Scarlett remembered.

The trainer wanted her to use the word ‘break’ as the ‘release’ word.

Scarlett said she’d have to look it up first and, when she looked up the definition, realized there was absolutely no way she was going to tell her beautiful little puppy dog to break, even if it ‘meant’ release.

Words have energy.  

Words are like spells.

When she got out her notebook to look at the notes she had written that day she wasn’t surprised to find she had written ‘work’ instead of ‘word’: 

My release work is (Break)

She broke alright and, while she did feel an enormous sense of release, it was indeed an incredible amount of work.

After a week of turmoil and two full days of rest, Scarlett realized she was strong in a whole new way.

She also realized she didn’t really need a trainer after all.

The Legend of the Three gave her all the instruction she needed to get started: With joy we find our way; and Language of love.

It’s working like a charm and Jack learned one of the most important lessons of all – Jack learned how to snuggle.

And Scarlett started to sing again!

Happy people dance and sing…

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.