Here are some questions to help awaken your sleeping family and friends…neighbors, etc.


This is the approach I have been taking lately.  I don’t really share information now.  I ask questions – put the responsibility to search further upon the individual.  Here are some examples of questions I have been asking:

  1. Do you feel this planet, this space we occupy, is a place where love and freedom govern our experience?  (i always get a “no” – so then i ask “why do you think that is” and leave it at that)
  2. Has ANY political party anywhere in this planet been able to solve our ongoing problems of disease, war, poverty, homelessness, etc.?  (again i always get a “no” so then i ask, again, “why do you think that is – and leave it at that)
  3. Have you EVER seen the media attack a president the way they do Trump? Have you EVER seen such a deep focus on what he says and what he does?  (again – i get the “no” and ask them to contemplate why that is)
  4.  Has Trump started any wars?  Has he called for any invasions and occupations?   i get a pause and usually a “no” so then i ask…  Have we seen that in the last 40 some years with any previous president?  No?  Why do you think that is?

If they are more open-minded and want to go deep, I share this one with them:  “Did you know Trump tweeted a few months ago about keeping out criminals in ALL DIMENSIONS?  What do you think he meant by that?”

The truth will only continue to be seen for all.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Here are some questions to help awaken your sleeping family and friends…neighbors, etc.”

  1. We can also ask why Trump is so loyal to Israel? Why is it that our taxes support Israel and that money is not used here in our country that desperately need it?

    1. i feel it’s all a show. trump tweeted recently about israel and Q referenced it in speaking about 9/11. Q has also said “Israel is last”. it’s coming.

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