How did Paganism creep into the Christian Church?


Old news for many of you……….figure it’s a good time to (re) introduce it….

2000 years ago…most of the world worshipped the sun, not the Son.

How much ancient sun worship (Baal worship) has been absorbed by Christianity?  You might be shocked to know the details~  This article finally reveals how some religions have adopted “Gnosticism” (Paganism and Christianity” blended together.) The early church fought hard against progressive religion and perversion of the truth.  This article delves deep and shows the progression of how paganism and sun worship slipped into your church while no one was watching…  Could you be practicing aspects of ancient sun worship and not even know it?  Read on to find out for your own protection!  You’ll never look at church the same way, after reading this! …..

Connection Between December 25th…and the origin of Human Sacrifice

Astronomically, the winter solstice falls on or around December 21st, or 22nd, but the naked eye can’t discern the return of the sun until December 25th…. Thus, the 25th was considered the birthday of the sun to the ancients. Each year, as the sun seemingly halted in the sky, sun worshipers truly desired to entice the sun to come back. It “dismayed” them to see the sun “stall” in the sky. Human sacrifice began to be practiced with the belief that it “re-energized” the sun with life. One of the ancient European names of the December 25th holiday, we now call Christmas was Midvinterblot, meaning “midwinter blood” or “midwinter sacrifice”. In South America, “the Maya believed that the heavenly bodies needed human help, which was provided through rituals such as self-mutilation, torture, and human sacrifice. To the Maya, offering this help was simply the price to be paid for the continued survival of the universe.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.