How To Prepare For The Wave


A resonating piece.  I appreciate how she states those of us with blogs who write of The Event are finding it difficult to write about it at this point.  I feel the same.  As Michelle shares, we are feeling a sense of completion at this stage of our journey.  I can only speak for myself, but I hold the same inner experience.


New Earth News- How To Prepare For The Wave

by Michelle Walling,
New Earth News Correspondent

In5d has been sharing information through New Earth News on the waves of energy sweeping the planet and “The Event”. The time is getting closer for something to happen that will change everything, and those who wish to move forward into a New Earth reality will have a chance to remember and to finalize what they came here to do. Today we will address how will the physical body handle “the wave” as it washes over the planet.

You may recall Allison Coe sharing that there will be a rainbow cloud or wave of iridescent light come over the planet. Her clients stated that they will feel it tingling as it gets closer, like electrical, and they will actually see it as it comes in the sky. It may look similar to the shimmering wall in the movie Annihilation.


A few nights ago I had a dream about that wave of energy. In my dream it looked similar to this but there was an underlying (kind of dark) grayness to the clouds. When I told Gregg about this, I described it as if it were the darkest thunderstorm coupled with the most beautiful colors like the pic above.

Then Gregg posted about FleurBrun’s experience here, where she was trying to explain that she had just experienced the wave. At the time she didn’t realize that very few had experienced it and I think what happened is that a few people were shown what it would be like so that they could help prepare people. She posted a follow up video explaining that it is coming and she feels like she needed to get out the information so that people could be prepared.

Reducing fear is the main goal and a part of allowing the physical body to withstand the energy. She also said something very profound that went along with my dream.

Continue reading here. 


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.